Showing posts with label home stager syracuse ny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home stager syracuse ny. Show all posts

Why you should stage your home

I was recently a guest blogger at Your CNY Home Blog, an informative real estate blog produced by The Pei Lin Team in Syracuse, NY.

I have had the pleasure of working with The Pei Lin Team for several years and have seen first hand the lengths they go to provide top notch service. They know what it takes to get homes in and out of the market quickly and they know the value of home staging.

Check out their very insightful blog and my article on Why You Should Stage Your Home.

Green Tip(s) of the Weeks

To get started going green, check out these 5 easy first steps. Bring your own bag, turn off the lights, keep your car tires inflated to the right pressure, shop at farmers' markets and skip bottled water.