Showing posts with label painted furniture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painted furniture. Show all posts

Friday 27 December 2013

A look back at 2013...

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. I'd show you my gifts but I doubt you'd be impressed by my Poundland mug from my seven year old or the tyre pressure gauge from my dad.  My husband and I don't really bother with gifts for each other but he did pay for me to have a real proper haircut by a real proper hairdresser so that was very nice. Actually I hate going because making small talk over loud music, running water and hairdryers stresses me out. I can't hear anything. But my hair is much better for having a skilled snipper let loose on it rather than my usual untrained girl who thinks she can do anything because she has the proper scissors. (That would be me.)

The family lunch at the weekend went really well. The food all turned out fine and everyone really enjoyed squeezing past the half painted wardrobe that still inhabits the kitchen.

We had a stormy trip into Londons West End to see Stickman the day after. It was fabulous, really cleverly done. The book is one of my favourites, written by the Gruffalo lady, Julia Donaldson.

                  And our Christmas and Boxing day were calm,quiet and chilled. Perfect.

I've been looking back at the years posts and I'm really surprised how much I have done. I always feel slightly idle if there's not some massive chaos creating project going on and I guess I focus on the mountain of jobs that need to be started rather than the ones I've completed.

Halfway through the year I decided to focus much more on painting our own furniture and working on home improvements rather than furniture for other people. What brought this about was the realisation that we were coming up to the five year anniversary of living here and I felt a sense of panic at how much there was still to do.
Also, what's the point of being a painter and never finding the time to tackle our own shoddy furniture?

So the first project was this Edwardian Dressing Table table that belonged to a friend...

With new drawer bottoms, a refinished top and a bit of milk paint it became this...

Next a teensy little old Sewing Table got the milk paint treatment and a new upholstery job for the interior...


I added some much needed curb appeal with a french enamel house number inspired planter.

I altered a small wooden wine table, trying to achieve the look of a Swedish Gustavian antique.

The Painted Stairs! 
A monster of a job!
I thought I did this last year! No wonder you all thought I was bonkers when I repainted the walls before Christmas! I have dreadful memory problems. 

I turned a coffee table into a bedroom bench...

And I FINALLY painted the double Chest of Drawers in my bedroom... it waited four years.

Next it was a return to my love affair with milk paint on this Dressing table...

And luckily it fit into the living room and with the removal of the mirror, it's now my desk!

Sadly, it's not ever this tidy.

Then onto the dining room. EVERYTHING in here was overhauled.

The Pine dresser...

I learned how to paint on an old window frame...

and even the chandelier was painted...

I painted a marble topped table

My favourite makeover has to be the cupboard doors in my daughters room! By a long shot. The thrill I get from them still hasn't worn off.

I shudder to think that we were going to get them custom built!

I sincerely thank you for reading and commenting over the last year. The positivity that comes from blogging is incredibly uplifting and it's wonderful to share with like minded people. I've reached 100,000 page hits in a year which is wonderful.

I hope that 2014 will mean more completed projects and home improvements. I have a VERY long list! I'm hoping we can tackle our original 1960 bathroom which is GRIM! I'd like to attempt to improve our eighties kitchen on the cheap. I've got furniture galore to get cracking with, a TV stand, an armoire, two bedside tables, two chests of drawers, a headboard to make from a door, curtains to alter and customise, a vintage wallpaper wall to start and a walk in wardrobe and garage window frames to build. Now I've got my lovely electric saw there'll be no stopping me!

I wish all my lovely readers a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2014.

My daughter and I are heading up to York in the morning to stay with my dad for the rest of the school holidays. I  cannot wait. I'm hoping to catch up with some friends and do very little else. 

Funky Junk

Knick of Time

Elizabeth and Co.

Furniture Feature Fridays

Sunday 13 October 2013

Success at last...

No, not the lamp...yet. It is looking better though. I've ordered something from America which hopefully will mean I can embellish it. Watch this space. I have spent a great many hours online looking for direction!

But what I have finished is this marble topped table.

I removed the odd wooden phallus from the cross brace. What's all that about?!

I sugar soaped all the wood and filled the hole left by dismembering the cross brace.

I didn't prime as I wanted to see if the paint would all peel off. Well, it did a little.

This was just emulsion tester pots from my beloved Wilkinsons paint range and Antique pine wax by Liberon.

Bad Bobby strikes again...

Sorry if the photos are a little fuzzy. I really need to learn how to use the camera.

It's been a girls only weekend as my husband is in Manchester.
My daughter and I had some great plans including baking...

My effort...

And my daughters...

Hers were far nicer than mine which failed to rise for some reason.
This morning she's unwell so that and the rain put paid to the boot sale.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Back soon with that lamp makeover come hell or high water.

Don't forget the competition! Bahaha!