
Showing posts with label All Together Now. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All Together Now. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ball Together Now - Giveaway Winners

Hello Everyone!

Hope you're having a good week so far!
I wanted to thank everyone who visited during All Together Now and left me such sweet comments!  It's amazing how hard it is to allow ourselves to brag....but, the support and excitement I got from you all left me smiling from ear to ear!

I employed Maggie's help to choose the 2 winners for my Giveaway.
I wrote each of your names on a piece of paper.

We then balled them all up, like so...

The idea was to throw each ball at this bag until 2 went in.

See the hearts....cuz I love you guys :)

This one went in right away!

The 2nd one took a lot longer.

There were some wild throws....
....but we finally got both in!

And the Winner of this painting...


Heather Henry from Little Red Henry!

...and the Winner of the Set of 10 stickers...


Congrats, Ladies!!
Heather, I already have your address from our past I'll get your painting shipped off.  Lisa, I just need your address. Please email me at paintmyselfpretty(at)yahoo(dot)com.
Thank you!

Hope those of you who didn't win from me this time will be lucky in one of the other drawings!
So many talented people at that party!!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed, too....heehee!

All my best,

Friday, May 18, 2012

All Together Now!

I always hate showing up late to a party!

Then, again, I'm never the first and never the I guess that puts me somewhere in the chewy center of things :)

The rules of this party say we need to do a little braggin' about ourselves...not something we get told to do, I'll  do my best...teehee. It's all so exciting really, to sit down and talk about all the stuff you are proud of...and actually do right in Life.  Thanks, Amy!

So here we go!

My name is name isn't it?!  I've always liked it.

I live with the philosophy that everything will work itself out.  I go with the flow and avoid big crowds, over-packed schedules and stress by saying NO to a lot of things.  This certainly doesn't make me the most popular girl in the group, but it keeps me sane.  I still find myself running out of time as it is.
I'm a Mom to a little girl that makes my heart full and happy...and a wife to a very patient and hardworking man.

I wouldn't win any awards for my housekeeping or parenting....but, they love me anyways!
I am extremely lucky!!

I'm a pretty darn good cook, but usually opt for whatever's easiest most of the time.  Unless, I get a craving for something...then I can't rest until I make it and consume it....

I think I could eat dessert for every meal :)

I am an awesome costume designer and take pride in putting things together with bits of this and scavenged that.
A small sampling of my handiwork...

I made this dress by hot gluing fabric pieces onto a black dress from the Thrift store.  I painted the patterns and did some hand stitching to the patches.

A furry vest and some other white clothing gets the spot treatment...

...And I made my girl a bohemian Beauty at last year's Ren Faire :)

I have a great ability to just kind of throw things together and make them work.  I had never sculpted anything before, but one day, I opened a package...and made these!

Now, I'm not saying they came about easily or quickly...but, I figured things out as I played...
...and there really is nothing more satisfying than being pleased with your efforts. 
 Especially when it involves something new ;)

I dabble in felt and jewelry from time to time.

But my true passion, the one thing I can lose myself in, is painting.  I'm lucky if I can get a few hours a week in, but those hours are magical for me.... opportunity to unwind and to be alone with my thoughts. 
It's amazing to me that some colors squeezed from a tube and some bristles on a stick can be used to develop a picture formed in our souls....

I made this for one of you.
5 X 7 inches on canvas.

Dream with your eyes wide open.....

...because I don't want you to miss a moment!

I'm also giving away to another lucky All Together Now Partier, these great stickers I ordered from Moo!

There are 10 in this set.  I just love them! 
 They turned out so good, I put some in the Shop, as well.

Hope you are having a lovely time at the Party!  Please visit Amy and the other revelers to see what they have to brag about!

I must go add some ice to my Malibu Coconut and OJ.....and apply to my swelled head!

All my best!
Cameron (still a cool name, eh?) ;P
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