
Showing posts with label a fanciful twist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label a fanciful twist. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloween Party 2012...and Giveaway!

The Lady at the end of the street
is a Witch they say....
The kind you don't want to meet.

Her gate's full of rust,
her lawn is crabgrass...
There are cats in every window clawing at the glass.

But, inside the old  house, excitement was looming.
A visitor was coming,
the cats began grooming.

"She'll soon be here," the Lady said out loud.
The cats gathered around her and began to yowl.

"Let's prepare a delicious celebration,
filled with candy, cake and all sorts of temptations!"
"Gather the balloons, the teacups and plates.
We need to hurry now, no time to waste."

She bade the spiders to spin...

and the brew to cook,
as she consulted a recipe within her book.

"Sinister Black and Ghostly White,
Combine thine colors to give us delight,
Wing of Bat
Dust of Mummy
Whisker of Cat
...and make it yummy!"
A cupcake appeared and then there were more,
a whole table was set with treats galore.
The theme was white and black
with red to contrast.
The color of blood to warm up the decor.
A Little Girl dressed up as a kitty,
approached the old house at the edge of the city.
She had tricked and treated all Halloween long,
now the sky was shifting from nighttime to dawn.
"Just one more house," she wearily said.
"My bag is not full, but I need to get to bed."
She'd heard stories of this house before,
but the sweet smell of caramel beckoned her to the door...
She reached out her hand to give the bell a ring,
but before she could push it
the door opened with a creak.
A friendly Lady appeared in the doorway,
dressed as a Witch for the Holiday.
"Hello there, my Child,
don't you look divine!"
"Do please come in, you're right on time"
"The table is ready, this chair is so soft."
The goodies are fresh and the tea is still hot."
The Lady rambled on about this and that,
and once or twice she mentioned a cat,
but the girl just wanted to take a bite.
She found it so hard to be polite.
There were  marble cakes and berries,
and caramel apples on sticks.
What harm could be done by just taking a lick?
But just one taste and her vision turned blurry,
She tried to rub them but her hands were all furry!
She started to shrink and when she opened her mouth
instead of a scream, she let out a "Meow"....
 The Lady reached down and gave her a pat.
"I'm a real Witch," she cackled,
"and now you're my cat!"
If only the girl heeded the warnings,
and went home well before morning...
She learned too late, an awful truth.
Listen to your head and not your Sweet Tooth!
Thank you so much for reading our little tale!
That sweet Kitty above is our Sally (after the character from Nightmare Before Christmas).
This year's Halloween Party was the purrrfect excuse to have an actual Birthday Party for her....(my daughter was so excited....hahaha!)
Sally turned a year old on October 25th. 
To show you our gratitude for your visit, we'd like to offer 2 little prizes to you!
Handmade Bookmarks featuring some of my art :)
A Black Cat, of course....
or a crazy, unicycle riding, tea drinking Lady :)
We'll draw 2 winners from the comments below on November 2nd....
A special thank you to Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist for bringing us all together again for some mischievious fun!  Please visit the actual post to visit other partiers HERE :)
Sandpaper kisses and caramel scented hugs,

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Apologies and Amends

Hello my wonderful Bloggy Friends!

So sorry to be absent from my Blog,

...but preparations are  being made.

...delights are being planned.

This Saturday, a party ensues!

Magical Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist is brewing up another Halloween Bash!
Please stop by here to visit our festivities...
...oh, and, we'll have a treat or two to gift away, as well ;)
...Away I must go....cauldrons to boil and all!
Can't wait to have you over for a spell....heeheeheee!!
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