
Showing posts with label trades. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trades. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2012

~Mermaid Swap Goodies Show and Tell~

Hello my wonderful and fabulous Bloggy Friends!!

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while!  Though I was warned against it, I started a studio re-organize thinking it couldn't possibly take so long....well....2 weeks and a few projects behind, I finally have a clean space to create in.  I now have a dedicated shipping area so I don't have to move what I'm working on aside to package up orders!  Loving it so far!

Anyways...on to why we are really here. To see some Mermaids!!
This proved to be an awesome swap, and though I am still waiting on one last Mermie girl from Heidi (she was sick, so I gave her an extension.....that's the nice thing about making up your own can bend the rules, too...haha!) I knew this was going to be a photo and link heavy post. 

I'll be sure to show you what Heidi sends on my next post.

You might want to go get something to drink...and maybe a notebook to jot down some newfound blogs.  I know I not only got to swap with some of my favorite artists and friends here in Blogland....but, I got the pleasure of meeting some new ones, as well :)

...Oh, and before I get started, I wanted to thank everyone for all the extras that were included in my packages!  I loved recieving each and every piece of mail and am just tickled that you all wanted to participate to begin with!
But, in the interest of keeping the pictures to a minimum, I am just showing the main/mermaid related art/goody for each participant :)

Okay....these are posted in no particular order....get your diving caps on...and let's go swimming!

Art by Marfi of Incipient Wings
Art by Sherry Gadel
Art by Debi at Puddleduck Grange

My first Mer-Crow art by Stacy at Magic Love Crow
Embroidered pillowcases by Heather at Ramblings from the Animal House
Art by Lynn at Sunny Room Art
Art by Lisa at The Wright Stuff
Art by Manon at Manon Popjes Art
Siren Paper Doll by Erin at The Mucha Cafe
Digital Art by Wini at Art, Love & Joy
Art by Joyce at Joyce's Art Blog
Painted Rock by Andrea at Falling Ladies
She said she tried to think of what a painted rock for a mermaid would look like :)
Art by Pen at Rosa Lily
Art by Frances at We Three 3
Art by Kristin at Twinkle, Twinkle
Art by Heather at Little Red Henry
Zippered Pouch by Amy at Salamander Dreams
Mermaid Paper Doll by Rachel at Wonderings
Art by Devon at Monkeying Around
Art by Natasha May at Natasha May Art World
Art by Trish Lovato
Art by Micki at The Secret Hermit
Great stuff, huh?!
I am one lucky mermaid lovin' lady right now...heehee!
Thanks, again to everyone who created a little mermie something for me!
And to you all for stopping by for a visit!  I just adore it when you do :)
Saltwater kisses and sandy hugs,

Monday, September 17, 2012

Jump in, the Water's Fine!

This week is the last call for all Mermaid Swappers!
If you have already emailed me, keep in mind that the last day to have your envie postmarked is Friday, Sept. 21st.  It can arrive anytime after that.

I've had people ask me if it's too late to join....Nope.
You can email me on Friday and say, " I'm running to the post office, I want to send you a mermaid, what's your address?'
Well, you probably won't, but you could :)

When a mermaid comes in, one of these new girlies might go out in it's place....

Sea of Stars
Little Star
Ancient Symbols
Narwhal Love
I've painted 18 mermiads so far....and still have 6 more to have enough for all who are participating.  If you did intend to join in, but Life has gotten too hectic, please just let me know.....
If I'm able to paint a few extra, I'll list them in my Etsy store :)
Well, I gotta run!

Give your family, friends, narwhals, etc a big hug today!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

More Mermaidens

Here's what I've been working on lately.  More art for the swap....

What swap, you say?
Well, now....please click on the button to the right.  I'm hosting a Swap of the Scaly variety :)

If you already signed up....then one of these girls could end up in your mailbox....heehee....but which one, I wonder?

Isn't that part of the fun?!  You just won't know until you open the package :)

I'm having so much fun!  I've been cutting up every spare box I can find to use for these ladies.  I have 9 of you signed up so far....and there is still over a month to sign up and send your Mermaids to me!  Hope you'll join in :)

Also, I wanted to mention that Amalia at Pencils and Fireflies is spreading some Sponsor love today and included me in such a nice little feature!  I'm over the moon happy :D

You can also visit her wonderful Shop....she is an amazing artist!

Hope to "sea" your name on my swap list :P
Love ya guys,

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Mermaid Art Swap!!

Hello my pretties!

I can't express how happy I am to write this post!  You see, earlier this year my good friend, Micki at The Secret Hermit did a mail art was fantastic....her art is awesome...and I knew it was an idea I would steal, er...I mean borrow for my own little swappy poo!!

The difference is that this will be a swap of Mermaid Art!
Now, I'm not talking monumental masterpieces here...unless, of course, that's what you love to make and want to send...
But, as far as I'm concerned, if you created it, it made you happy to do so and it has a mermaid on it....please send it!  Can be any medium. :)

As for what I'm offering, I took a huge piece of currogated cardboard and cut it into rectangles approximately 5 x 7 inches in size.  Some are larger, some are smaller.
I simply sketched right on them with pencil and started painting them, coloring with colored pencils and detailing with black ink...

Here's what I've made to swap so far...

This swap will be active from Monday, August 27th to Friday, September 21st 2012.

Here's how it will work (again, thanks to Micki for figuring all this out and letting me mooch the parameters off her....heehee) :

If you would like to participate in this swap, please email me and let me know.  Send me a link to your blog (I want to share what I get from everyone and have a linky for you) and include your address, please....  I am so bad at reading return addresses on mail.
My email address is : paintmyselfpretty(at)yahoo(dot)com

I will confirm your email and send you my address, too....and we can virtually hold hands and jump up and down with anticipation of doing such a fun swap together :D

Then, just send in your mermaid art within the designated dates.  Postmarks must be between those dates.  I'm giving everyone 2 1/2 weeks to prepare and 4 whole weeks to get their art here.  Don't worry my International Friends, as long as your art is postmarked by Sept. 21st, it can take as long as it wants to get here.  I will mail your art out to you after yours is received :)

I will be prepackaging these sirens up ahead of time, so I won't know who will be getting what...adds an element of surprise to the whole thing!!

Did I cover everything?
If I have left out any details, please feel free to ask away!

Hope to "sea" your name in my inbox....corny, yes....but I'm just so excited...heehee!!


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Christmas in July!

Well, more like Halloween in May!

I've been working on a Halloween trade with Richelle of Rinni's Playground.  We are supposed to sculpt something for the idea, but then things got crazy around here and I was having trouble fitting in some clay time...

I finally managed to make this little Creepsake Box for her :)
This is Midnight.

Made with Paperclay, a styrofoam ball skull and paper mache box.

His eyes are filled with moonbeams in a sea of blue.

Under his box is a quick verse that says,
"The witch flies high
black cat by her side...
Spreading magic into the starry sky."

...and inside...

...the Magic Sprinkler, herself with Midnight in tow.

I hope Rinni likes him :)

In keeping with the whole Christmas in July title, I'm offering a pre-vacation Sale in my humble shop.
Just use coupon code THANKS2U for 20% off everything in the store!

We are getting ready to take our annual camping vacation.  We leave June 4th, so get your favorites now!
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Up to Speed

How the heck are ya?!!!

*Hugs you*
I've missed you guys!!

Let's catch up a bit, shall we?
Where to start? Hmmm.....let's see.....
Our Easter was great :)

This is Maggie with my Brother's son visiting the Easter Bunny.

The weather has been on and off rain with the most beautiful clouds!  I love clouds!

Maggie moved up from an Orange Belt to a Purple in Karate....

....and tied her own belt during her promotion.  Which is a big deal for a not-quite-6 year old  :)

Sally has been growing and doing a lot of, well, what cats do best....haha!

....and yesterday just happened to be my Birthday :)

I spent it having a Garage Sale.  It was a neighborhood Garage Sale.  I spent Friday night and Early Sat getting everything ready...stayed up til 4am not even sure if it was going to rain or not...slept for 2 hours and got up at 6am to put everything out in time for the 7am start time.  It ended up being a beautiful day!  I tell ya....despite the lack of sleep....I might just have to make this a birthday tradition....cuz Momma's going shopping tomorrow...haha!

While I was outside wheeling and dealing, my Hubby put these beautiful bouquets and chocolate covered strawberries out to surprise me!  
...and a big thank you to Daniele for sending me a little special something in the mail :)

Because sweet gestures can never be overdone, I am extending a coupon code to you all for my Birthday to use in my Etsy Shop.   This will be good to the end of April. 
 Just enter BdayWishes  to enjoy a 15% discount...
...and thank you all so much for your support and friendship! 

And, as if that's not enough, I've got some new art to show you.
Really, I do!

This is, "Raindrops"
in the beginning...

...and completed...

The quote reads, "Tomorrow's flowers are the raindrops of today"
8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches

She's in the shop waiting to brighten someone's rainy day ;)

One of the covers of an old children's book.  Here's what I did with the other.
"No Love Like Mine" in the early stages....

...and after...

"In all the world, there's no love for you like mine"

She was made with the before mentioned Daniele in mind.  Do you see the 3 kites behind the house?  She has 3 girls...and loves to sport gorgeous, bright red hair at times.  We are doing a I painted this for her.   I just love trades....heehee! that I've got you all caught up with the haps around here, I need to go make my rounds and get caught up with all of you!  I really have missed you *another hug....cuz I'm a huggy kinda girl*

I promise not to be away so long!
My best,
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