Showing posts with label Easy recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easy recipe. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Peanut Butter Cookies (3 Ingredient Cookie)

One of the simplest cookies ever, with minimal ingredients, super addictive etc. are some of the characteristics of these cookies. They are so easy to make that you could even chose to involve your kids in making it. When we have the urge to make something sweet and have, this is one go to option. In minutes you have warm cookies, to calm down your cravings.

Now that kids are home, it is the best recipe to go with, for cooking with kids. It is hardly a recipe but hey correct measures are a must to make the cookies stay in shape. So why don't you grab the measures and make some cookies for your family.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Egg Roast with milk - Easy recipe

There are somethings that just stays in your memory forever. Just like this curry being served to us when we would get back home from school. This was a quick fix mummy used to make during lent to feed us. I used to love it.

Not very long back, I asked mummy how she used to make it and she was like, that is something that she made up to prepare quickly and that could be served hot to us and of course it was meant to be eggs in another form, so that it would be easy to feed us.
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