Showing posts with label Fried Indian bread. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fried Indian bread. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Mangalore Buns

I was introduced to Mangalore buns by one of my colleagues. It seemed like she just had one breakfast option and that being Mangalore buns. She would always and always order Mangalore buns for breakfast. Back then I had no idea what made it so special because I had never tasted them. The day when I had these, I understood why my colleague had been so hooked to these fried bread. They are yumm. Best part, you don't necessarily need a side to go with them.

To use up the over ripe bananas, this is one great option. My husband loves Mangalore and has lived there for couple of years. But for some reason he never got to hear about them or have it. So the first time while making them, he showed least interest in it. But when he got to taste it, he says he has yet another reason to love Mangalore :). Ohh and my lil one, who is otherwise a picky eater, loves it.
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