Showing posts with label Poppyseed cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poppyseed cake. Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2018

Lemon Poppyseed Cake

How many of you associate lemon with summer? For me, I have some wonderful memories associated with, being served with lemon juice during my summer vacations. Well, who can forget the chilled lemon juice served to the very thirsty and tired kids after having run and play in the sun. Somedays we were given the task to make it by ourselves. It was so funny to see the younger ones wait for the elder ones to make the lemon juice. We, the elder ones would be stirring it for some time to get the sugar dissolved and younger ones would get impatient while waiting for the juice with the empty glasses in hand :).

Well, this summer we wanted to bake something with lemon and we chose to bake this Lemon PoppySeed and I am so glad we chose it. And my kido did most part of it. He thoroughly enjoyed making and eating it as well. And when Big J got back from work, little J with great enthusiasm served it to him saying he made it :). We would be cooking together as one of the activities for this summer. And by the way, I must share it here. For moms of picky eater, engage them in the cooking process of the the food that they hate. In our case, it has really helped us in bringing about a liking towards food that he used to hate.

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