Showing posts with label Hartsel Colorado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hartsel Colorado. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October on the South Platte River

6" x 6" oil on panel

This piece is from last week, before the 4 inches of snow froze the leaves in South Park. I know, those of you who live elsewhere have bigger rivers, but the South Platte is a typical Colorado River.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Light and Shadow

6" x 8" oil on panel

It was very windy when I went out to paint this morning. We often have high winds in Colorado, and it can be even windier in Hartsel, up in the mountains. So, my choices were to stand in the wind or go down into the woods. As you can see, I chose the woods. I thought I'd do another shadow and light study (like I mentioned in the last post) painting this piece w/ more light than shadow. But, I was drawn to these two trees, and so ended up w/ more shadow than light. That's ok, one day I'll do a study with more light than shadow.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Spinney Mist

8" x 10" oil on panel
$100.00 + $10. s/h
contact me if interested

We spent the last several days up in the mountains. The weather was beautiful this weekend; last weeks cold and snow disappeared. Once again we were at Spinney Reservoir. While my husband was out fishing, I was painting. Because of the mist over the peaks, this was a fun piece to paint. Like often happens when plein-aire painting, the late afternoon light changed so quickly.

This photo was taken when I was finished painting. At this point the light had changed dramatically. The reservoir was much lighter, the mist had increased and the mountains in the background had completely disappeared. The challenge is always sticking with the light as it was at the start, or changing the values in the piece. I think I do both, depending on my mood at the time and how the color and value look to me.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Spinney Wind

6" x 8" oil on panel
$75.00 + $10. s/h

My husband and I have been up in the mountains for the last few days. I painted this yesterday on the banks of Spinney reservoir while he was out fishing. As often happens in the mountains, (Spinney is at about 8,000 feet)the weather was strange and quickly changing. The clouds were blowing in over the mountains, making them very gray. The clouds hadn't gotten to Spinney yet, so I was standing in the sun. But, the wind was blowing, making the water greener than normal and covered w/ small whitecaps. All part of why I like plein-aire painting. It makes me think quickly.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hartsel Herd

11" x 14" oil on stretched canvas
$195.00 + $10. s/h
contact me if interested

I did the previous buffalo as a study for this larger piece. I loved the way all the calves were following and staying so close to their mothers. Now I'm wondering about even a larger painting with dozens of animals. After all, the animals in the far background are just color notes. Well, all of them are really. We'll see.

Yesterday afternoon I saw a great show on tv, on PBS or NBS, called Passport and Palette. It's produced by Wanda Macpherson, Kevin's wife. It showed Kevin painting in the Loire Valley, he was giving a demo and talk. Apparently, each week different artists are shown painting around the world. It was really interesting.

Speaking of Kevin Macpherson, he is going to be part of the Weekend with the Masters that is here in Colorado Springs next week. I've heard from a couple of people in the blogging community who will be here, just wondering if anyone else is coming. If so, let me know. Should be a great weekend.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hartsel Herd Study

6" x 8" oil on panel
$75.00 + $10. s/h
contact me if interested

This is my color study for a larger piece that I'm working on. There are several buffalo herds around Hartsel, Colorado and if we're lucky, when we're up there the buffalo might be standing right by the road. Sometimes I can see a herd off in the distance silhouetted against the mountains. This day, we were lucky and a herd was right by the road, as if wainting for us! Special buffalo fences have to be built around these ranches/pastures, as buffalo can plow right through a normal barbed wire cow fence.
I think I'll enter this in Michelle Burnett's Following the Master's blog which focuses on western art this month.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Morning Shadows

6" x 8" oil on panel
$75.00 + $10. s/h

We've spent the last several days in the mountains, fishing, hiking, reading, relaxing and painting. We spend a lot of time near Hartsel, in South Park, a little more than an hour west of here.

School started here last week, and of course, I can't help but remember all the years that was me. Now, I just continue to enjoy, and appreciate, all the time I have for myself, to do whatever my husband and I want to do, when we want to do it!

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Great Afternoon

8" x 10" oil on clayboard
$75.00 + $10. s/h
contact me if interested

Colorado has vast, open skies and mile after mile of spectacular scenery. One has only to turn around and there's another painting.