Showing posts with label Summerland Gardens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Summerland Gardens. Show all posts

Friday, November 23, 2018

Small Business Saturday

Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday.  All paintings in the Upstairs Gallery 
will be marked down 20% for this event!  I think this is such a wonderful 
newish movement.  According to wikipedia:
"Small Business Saturday is an American shopping holiday held on the Saturday after 
US Thanksgiving during one of the busiest shopping periods of the year."
So, enjoy this "shopping holiday" here in Colorado Springs, or wherever you 
live and shop.  Funny, I thought that holidays were religious or patriotically based. I realize that they can be consumer based!  

Monday, August 6, 2018

Forever Yours, The Land

This past weekend was the Opening of "Forever Yours, The Land" which featured over 60 local artists at installations throughout Colorado Springs.  The exhibit is city-wide and showcases the beauty of our natural surroundings through a variety of art mediums to boost awareness of conservation.

Palmer Land Trust, the sponsor of the event, is a not for profit conservation organization working to protect the places we treasure.  Since 1977, they've helped individuals and communities permanently protect over 80,000 acres of public open spaces, historic farms and ranches, important wildlife habitat, and beautiful scenic vistas.

Above are two of the walls in the Summerland Gardens Upstairs Gallery that Dottie Lirette and I have as part of this event.  Hope that those of you who live in the area can stop by the Gallery from now through September 9th to see what happens when art and nature collide!  

Friday, May 20, 2016

In The Greenhouse

In The Greenhouse
plein air oil  9" x 12"

Last week my plein air group, Garden Artists, was scheduled to paint at Summerland Gardens.  It was a windy morning, so painting in the out door nursery/garden area would have been challenging.  But, the weather in the greenhouse was perfect!  What a great place to paint!  And, for those of you who live in the Colorado Springs area, be sure to stop in the Upstairs Gallery!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Gardens & More Art Show

Last summer artists from my plein air group "Garden Artists" were invited to paint in gardens in the annual Fox Garden Tour.  It was a great painting opportunity, as well as a chance to see some beautiful gardens.  Additionally, I met many new people and, as seems to happen everywhere, ran into  friends who I hadn't seen in years.

We thought it would be fun to have a show using this event as a jumping off point.  "Gardens & More"  show cases art work from some of the artists who painted that weekend.  Paintings of any thing garden related, not just from those gardens, are hanging in the gallery.  Hope those of you who live in the Colorado Springs area can stop by Summerland Gardens Upstairs Gallery for the Opening, Friday, April 29th 4 - 7 pm.  Or, visit the gallery any time during the month of May.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Relaxing and Tranquil

Relaxing and Tranquil
Oil 8" x 10"

This little river is just outside of Vail, Colorado.  And, I'm happy to say that this painting just sold at Summerland Gardens.  I'll have to run over there with a replacement!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Holiday Open House

Summerland Gardens
124 E Cheyenne Road
Colorado Springs 80906

I will be painting in the upstairs gallery during the Holiday Open House at Summerland Gardens on Friday 11/30 and Saturday 12/01.  The Open House is from 10 am - 8pm.  I'll be there painting each day from 2 - 6.  Please stop by for holiday cheer, gift ideas, unique decorations, trees, wreaths, paintings and to see me!  Hope to see you there!  

A few of these paintings are still available.  Please contact me if interested.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mild Things

Mild Things
6" x 6" Oil
$100.00 + $10. s/h

Yesterday was the Fall Art Fair at Summerland Gardens.  It was a beautiful day, partly cloudy, but luckily no rain.  Summerland Gardens has been roasting and selling chiles from Hatch, New Mexico for the last few weeks.  Regularly, a truck drives up from Hatch to deliver the chiles and everyday they sell as many as they roast.

There were bushels of chiles, mild, medium and hot, just waiting to be roasted.  I set-up and painted this one in the afternoon.

I couldn't resist!  Smelling the roasting all day, I bought half a bushel...the exact ones roasting in this photo!  I confess, I bought milds!  Which ones would you have bought?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

100 Garden & Floral Oil Paintings, Original Art Work from A Colorado Daily Painter, 6/100

6" x 8" oil on gessoed board
$100.00 + $10. s/h

Since we continue to have nights below freezing  (the weatherman says tonight is the last one!) I keep bringing my pansies in every night.  They are a hardy flower, but I don't want them to have a difficult beginning.  I'll plant them in a few days.  In the meantime, there's more for me to paint!

I've just taken several of my florals to Summerland Gardens.  They're in a new location with lots of room for more flowers as well as a great area to display and sell garden art and paintings.  I'm excited to work with them.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Spring Pansies

6" x 8" oil on panel
$100.00 + $10. s/h

Pansies are one flower that thrives in Colorado in the spring.  They survive the freezing nights, the unwanted snow,  and look happy and cheerful no matter the weather.  Another great thing about spring is that my plein air group, Garden Artists, starts up again.  Yesterday we painted at Summerland Gardens. It was a beautiful, sunny April morning.  These pansies, in their little plastic containers, caught my eye.  I loved how the shadows on the gravel complemented the flowers.