It was the day we laughed so hard
we made the irises bloom
I was five
it was cool
we were running like cats
a game of hide and seek
happiness all balled up in our hands
shooting out of us in shrieks and bellows
I'm a tiger
she declared
and I decided I was too
a fearless tiger
with nothing to do
but chase the wind
they say it whips you in the face
but this isn't how it works
if you run hard enough
the wind bores right into you
I don't remember anything else
except the smell of the ocean
sweet as ice cream
the wind carried the rest away.
Instapoem by bentlilly.
I have two versions of this painting. The original is posted below. I like this version (with a digital filter added) better. It's still a work in progress. I've started this painting and gesso'd over it three times now so it may end up back in the gesso pile. ;-) Here it is in the raw state (no filters):
The poem was my inspiration, though. If you've been following my site at all you know how much poetry and music inspire my art. I stumbled upon the bentlily site through Susannah Conway's website. She's awesome in her own right as inspiration through her photography, courses, etc. She mentioned the bentlily site on one of her posts so I had to check it out. You create your own instant poems by filling in some prompts. This was the poem from the introductory prompts. Check out the site; it's pretty cool. I've also signed up to receive the daily poem. ;-)
I'm offering this for Paint Party Friday. Have a great weekend everybody!