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Monday, September 22, 2008

McCain Liars Cry Wolf!

The only thing worse than being caught in a lie is being caught in a multitude of lies. And now the McCain campaign is complaining that all of the press is “In the Tank” against them. How dare the legitimate press that can in fact be “Sued for Defamation” check the facts coming out of not just John McCain's mouth but Sarah Palin's? How dare Fox News and Karl Rove turn against John McCain?

To top it off they call a press conference to confront the lies and then end up telling the same lies if not more? Did Pinocchio’s evil twin brother sign up to run the John McCain campaign for President? Hold off buying that extra couple of cord’s of wood to heat the house this winter, it appears the McCain camp has plenty to spare! It's pretty damn clear to me that nobody knows how to check facts in the McCain campaign now. Just make stuff up and throw it out there to grab a days worth of press coverage. Worry about the details later. Only the mud and crap hitting the fan really counts?

I first spotted this story over at the Gun Toting Liberal, then I ran into it again on Memeorandum. I’ve called the McCain for President campaign liars so many times based on facts that can be checked everywhere that it is almost like breathing. Apparently, nobody at McCain and company ever heard of Google or! Politico has this to say on the latest outrage from the McCain campaign for declaring bloggers and MSM in the tank for Obama because facts don't own up to the McCain version of the truth…

McCain camp criticism rife with errors
By BEN SMITH 9/22/08 3:58 PM EDT

Sen. John McCain’s top campaign aides convened a conference call today to complain of being called “liars.” They pressed the media to scrutinize specific elements of Sen. Barack Obama’s record.

But the call was so rife with simple, often inexplicable misstatements of fact that it may have had the opposite effect: to deepen the perception, dangerous to McCain, that he and his aides have little regard for factual accuracy.

The errors in McCain strategist Steve Schmidt’s charges against Obama and Sen. Joe Biden were particularly notable because they seemed unnecessary. Schmidt repeatedly gilded the lily: He exaggerated the Biden family's already problematic ties to the credit card industry; Obama’s embarrassing relationship with a 1960s radical; and an Obama supporter’s over-the-top attack on Sarah Palin when — in each case — the truth would have been damaging enough.


Asked about the series of errors, McCain aides could not provide evidence to back up Schmidt’s assertions.

One McCain aide, Michael Goldfarb, said Politico was “quibbling with ridiculously small details when the basic things are completely right.”

Another, Brian Rogers, responded more directly:

“You are in the tank,” he e-mailed.
- Politico

Count me as in the tank! I hate a liar, I don’t tolerate it from my kids so why would I tolerate it from someone wanting my vote to be President? Common sense is not to be found at the McCain headquarters and for that matter with the candidate.

It has become more and more apparent that John McCain thinks that American’s are just stupid and will believe whatever he tells them. Unlike John McCain, most American’s live in the real world and can easily see how very different they are from him and the words that just spew out of his mouth. His reputation as the Maverick has melted down to the point of a used Ford Pinto salesman. It won’t blow up in your face if you don’t drive the car!

Speaking of cars, did you know John McCain and the wife own 13 cars? Barack and his wife only own one. Hmmm, who lives more like you do? Then we have one more lie to add to the McCain tote board of lies from Newsweek…

When you have seven homes, that's a lot of garages to fill. After the fuss over the number of residences owned by the two presidential nominees, NEWSWEEK looked into the candidates' cars. And based on public vehicle-registration records, here's the score. John and Cindy McCain: 13. Barack and Michelle Obama: one.

One vehicle in the McCain fleet has caused a small flap. United Auto Workers president Ron Gettelfinger, an Obama backer, accused McCain this month of "flip-flopping" on who bought daughter Meghan's foreign-made Toyota Prius. McCain said last year that he bought it, but then told a Detroit TV station on Sept. 7 that Meghan "bought it, I believe, herself." (The McCain campaign did not respond to multiple requests for comment.)
- Newsweek

John McCain is proving that he is only a Maverick against the truth. He should be ashamed of himself for loosing all the credibility he once had. He isn’t a Republican anymore, he is just an out right liar. We don’t need that in the White House.


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*****Memeorandum has linked back to us... Thank you!

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Monday, September 15, 2008

McCain Negative Push Polling Floridian’s

It was only a matter of time before the same tactics that Karl Rove used against John McCain back in 2000 in the Bush campaign would be dusted off and used against Barack Obama. Push polling is back and it has been reanimated to negatively influence Florida voters with out right lies and misdirection against Obama.

If you are wondering what a Push Poll is let me try to explain. You ask a question loaded with false accusations that you know the person on the other end of the phone will have to agree with your false statements against your political opponent. Over at No Blood for Hubris they have this to say on the topic…

It is deja vu all over again, again.

PT Key West resident Joelna Marcus received a phone call today. She was asked if she is Jewish, and she replied in the affirmative.

She was asked if she was religious.

She was then asked if her opinion of Barack Obama would change if she knew that Obama had given lots and lots of money to the PLO.
- No Blood for Hubris

Isn’t it sort of ironic that the McCain campaign is backing off its negative costly television advertisements to go super negative in the call banks to the people of Florida? I’m sure that they are not limiting this practice to the nice people of Florida alone. What also intrigues me is what other questions they might be asking the people on the other end of the phone?

I’m sure there is a list of negative push poll questions to fit any religion, race, sex, sexual orientation and fear tactic that the Bush administration has been selling for years.


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Saturday, September 13, 2008

McCain's Commercial Lies Exposed

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how to search You Tube, Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine to find the truth behind the lies McSame is spewing about Obama. At the time of this posting, almost 600,000 people have researched the subject of McCain Lies and commercials and viewed the following video posted on 9/11/2008 pointing out the truth as opposed to the lies coming from the McCain campaign for President. It makes me wonder if people really want to hear the truth or just listen to the mud hitting the wall every single day from the McCain campaign.

Video Link

How many ways do you have to point out the lies before people really get it. John McCain is willing to say and do anything to get the keys to the oval office and if lying is part of it, then so be it. If your ten year old lied or hid the truth as much as John McCain has these past few weeks you would ground them, take away the television, and every other privilege to show them that lying for any reason will never get you ahead. Apparently, in politics, the more you lie the better off you do. Sad. For the record, when my children lie to me, they are called to task for it. When a friend lies to me, a coworker, or whoever lies to me, I look at it as that they don't trust me to accept the truth and think that I am ignorant and unable to handle the truth. When someone running for President lies to me on any subject, they lose my vote. It's the only punishment I can give for such an act.

Say what you want about Barack Obama but you will not find double digit lies from his mouth every single week.

As the video says... Psssst... Do something. Email a link to this post and the video to 10 friends and let the truth be heard. Do you want another four years of lies and deception from your President? Psssst... Do something!


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Friday, September 05, 2008

McCain and Palin Lies

By now, everyone that reads an online blog knows that the Sarah Palin RNC speech was full of lies. The bridge to nowhere that she was all for before she was against it was her John Kerry moment in political history. Her statement that Barack Obama has never passed any legislation in the U.S. Senate (129 in fact). That she sold the Governors jet on Ebay but actually only listed it on Ebay, twice. She actually sold it eventually through a broker for a loss of close to $750,000 that the people of Alaska took the hit for. Hint, hint to real reporters, who bought the jet from the Governor of Alaska? Follow the money! She claims to have cut spending in her home town but put them into debt for generations under her leadership. Zero budget deficit before Palin (BP), After Palin (AP) $29,000,000. How does a population of 9,000 people pay off that kind of debt?

Then you have Senator (Maverick) McCain repeating the same lies from Palin as if she is his savior in this political race. During his acceptance speech he offered no plans to change the status quo other than he is a Maverick? He will bring change, but it’s a secret as to how and when? Where was the health care issue, where was the veterans issues, no wait, he covered veterans issues with a back drop picture of Walter Reed School in California. A MAJOR BLUNDER! Somebody didn't "vette" the search engine picture that was plastered behind McCain on the monster video green screen behind McCain during his acceptance speech for the Repulican Nomination for President. Nobody from the McCain campaign has said to date that it was supposed to be Walter Reed Hospital for wounded veterans but the opinions and context of his speech dictate that it was supposed to be. We are supposed to assume it was a mistake but if you look at John McCain’s record on voting for veteran benefits and funding it was a slap in the face to all veterans. Over at the Gun Toting Liberal he has this to say…

"So, here is the guy who wants to play “tough guy” with Iran. If the man and his oh-so-competent staff can’t find Walter Reed Army Medical Center on the Internets, how in the HELL can we be certain they’re going to be able to locate Iran?" - Gun Toting Liberal (My Brother from another mother on the blogosphere)

John McCain is running his campaign as an outside observer and I honestly believe that his own campaign staff is incompetent. Which then begs the question of who he will pull into his confidence as cabinet members? America has had enough of Bush incompetence, misdirection, lies, and out right avoidance of the truth and issues facing our nation. If John McCain had vetted his choice for Vice President as he and his staff should have then he would have known all of these bombshells existed, they didn’t. Nobody did their homework in the McCain camp and it shows. Now they are crying that the Mains Stream Media (MSM) is being unfair in asking his Vice President choice hard questions? Two words, Hillary Clinton!

McCain in his choice for VP assumed that simply because Sarah Palin is a woman she would automatically draw a large portion of the Hillary Clinton supporters that just happen to have a uterus. That is so far from the truth and John McCain made a huge mistake. Then again, the truth is something his anti-veteran based voting record proves out.

So the question is right in front of us about selecting our next President of the United States, more lies or the truth? Someone offering hope, real change, a better tomorrow, or someone that has no clue as to whom his Vice President pick actually is. McCain’s picking Governor Sarah Palin is very much similar to sexually transmitted diseases, he may be in bed with her now politically but who has she been in bed with politically before he picked her for his Vice President?

Those are legitimate questions to be asked by the MSM! And then some…


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Monday, August 18, 2008

McCain Deception at Saddleback Church

Rick Warren holds in his hands and his church the thoughts of many Evangelical voters. The people following his church, Saddleback Faith, his reputation as a leader in that faith is now in question if the responses to a closed question and answer session of both Presidential candidates is ever proven out that John McCain was prompted on any of the answers to the questions. Devout honesty is paramount in this type of question and answer session. Cone of silence aside, as Rick Warren promised had been compromised and the MSM press is all over it like a fire ants nest disturbed. Obama was set up and Rick Warren is hiding something. That something is the truth and the fact that he wanted Obama to look like a near do well, and his prefered candidate a star.

Evangelicals should be very wary of a man like John McCain that declares his faith is in the same corner as their belief, but when an opportunity to lie and deceive people presents itself he grasps it as if it were gold. Lies, deception, and anything you want to hear is in the McCain campaign mantra that if an edge presents itself that it can somehow be garnished by answering questions that Senator McCain was not supposed to hear, then John McCain will take it. Answers that Senator Obama gave to the same questions honestly and thoughtfully were allegedly prepared for Senator McCain and this is outrageous! Over at the Huffington Post they are questioning McCain’s responses…

I must admit that listening to McCain answer Pastor Rick Warren's questions so quickly and glibly last night at the Saddleback Faith Forum made me wonder if he somehow knew them in advance. He was so confident, so concise. But I put the thought aside as unduly paranoid -- that is until a few minutes ago. I was routinely checking my favorite election website and the webmaster, Nate Silver, referred to a piece in Daily Kos about the whereabouts of John McCain for the first thirty minutes of Senator Obama's interview with Rick Warren. Was he in a cone of silence? Perhaps not. - Huffington Post

Andrea Mitchell of MSNBC raised this ruckus and I happen to think that she is right. John McCain never does well on off the wall comments and usually stumbles in all of his replies. Yes, both of the candidates were given a heads up by Rick Warren on what the subjects were going to be about but there was no knowledge of the exact questions before the event at Saddleback. Somebody is lying and this You Tube video slams the door shut. John McCain was fully aware of the questions to be asked, most likely prompted on the responses to give, and his opponent Barack Obama was totally in the dark.

How did John McCain with his upfront personality answer the questions that were supposed to be asked answer them so quickly on education? He couldn't have unless he knew ahead of time what they were going to be. Tell me I’m wrong! Tell me that you would vote for a person that would rather lie, deceive, cheat, steal, and rather lose his own soul just to win an office job in the White House. Power is a strong motive and motivation based on shadows of the truth is not and can not be the American way. Never!

We can look back on our own American history and be proud of George Washington our first President, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan all as Presidents that contributed so much to what it means to be an American today. You may or may not agree to any of their politics but shame or regret was never in their minds while President. Their work as President was not about them at all, it was about building America to be a better nation.

Can we honestly look at John McCain as a Presidential contender that has morphed himself into George W. Bush, one of the least popular Presidents in American history? An administration of the White House where lies have superseded the truth more times than not? You decide, it’s your vote!


Cross posted at Bring It ON!

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Thursday, July 31, 2008

McCain Campaign Imploding

Over at the McCain campaign for President they are running amok with nobody really in charge including John McCain. Reports are coming from all directions that the one direction they are all heading is one that nobody really believes in. As Senator McCain flips and flops on issues all over the spectrum politically, his campaign can not keep the message straight. The John McCain Straight Talk Express has apparently gone off the road and is lost in the woods.

One of the sites that I contribute to has a very well written piece on the lies that McCain finds himself embracing just to hold on to the Bush dynasty of voters. The language is graphic but the point is made that John McCain has morphed into someone that was never John McCain for the sake of running for President. And worse off, if he can’t sell his side of the aisle on the politics of life then he and his political campaign have no problem making stuff up as fast as they can. If his campaign needs money then he flips his opinion on drilling for oil off the Atlantic coast and raises more money from oil executives and the oil industry in one month than he has in the past eighteen months. This post by Cranky Liberal is a must read over at Bring It On!

From now on I don’t care what McCain promises. I don’t care what he says. He’s a lying dirtbag. Shout it from the hills people and don’t be afraid. They have no problems making shit up, so we shouldn’t have a problem telling the truth. Afterall, we aren’t Republicans. - Bring It On!

Over at YouTube they have this great piece on many of the flips and flops that McCain has “Evolved” his opinion on. Many of which don’t even come close to why John the “Maverick” McCain was even in the spotlight for President just eight short years ago. (Video Link)

One of the things that caught my thought process to write this post was the way that McCain has really changed in the last eight years. He went from being a moderate Republican in the congress to an extremist mirroring all of the idiocy of Bush. The only way to explain this transformation is the fact that he would sell his own soul to be President.

One of the things I admire about Obama in all of this election campaign of he said this and then they said that is that Obama still stands for Universal Health Care, he still stands for the middle and lower classes when it comes to our political issues. Obama and his decision on Choice is still clear and not up for approval or disapproval and easily changed by special interest groups. Obama’s voice is his own and his campaign does not have to run shotgun over his comments and make numerous corrections to the press on a daily basis.

It is pretty clear in all the press reports that there are too many people trying to drive the bus over at the McCain campaign and the only one not able to actually drive the bus is the candidate for President.


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Monday, July 07, 2008

McCain Balanced Budget… Bull Expletive!

John McCain is going around the nation telling people that he will balance the federal budget by 2013 but there seems to be a little problem with his calculator. I’m thinking that Senator McCain has been drinking to much of the Bush BS juice and probably should cut back on the 80 proof that keeps falling into his coffee cup. Maybe he borrowed the shiny object from the Karl Rove playbook and thinks it will distract the nation while he keeps the nation building plan of W going in the Middle East?

Over at Politico they have this observation and I happen to think they are right…

“The McCain administration would reserve all savings from victory in the Iraq and Afghanistan operations in the fight against Islamic extremists for reducing the deficit. Since all their costs were financed with deficit spending, all their savings must go to deficit reduction.”

The pledge is a return to an earlier position he'd later backed away from. On April 15, McCain backed off a February pledge to balance the budget in his first term when asked about it by Michael Cooper of The New York Times, who reported that McCain said “at a news conference … that ‘economic conditions are reversed’ and that he would have a balanced budget within eight years.”

McCain advisers admit that the document is a repackaging of previous policies, without dramatic new initiatives. Some Democratic officials had thought McCain might try to make a splash by proposing a bold middle-class tax cut.

Jason Furman, Obama's economic policy director, called McCain's pledge “preposterous." Furman pointed out that the Congressional Budget Office now estimates a 2013 deficit of $443 billion, assuming the Bush tax cuts are extended. And he estimated that McCain would have to cut discretionary spending—including defense—by roughly one-third to bring the budget into the black by then.

"McCain would have to pay for all of his new tax cuts and other proposals and then, on top of that, cut an additional $443 billion from the budget—which is 81 percent of Medicare spending or 78 percent of all discretionary spending outside of defense," Furman said.
- Politico

By all of the savings in the Iraq/Afghanistan war does McCain mean to pay off the debt with the $100’s of billions per quarter he is also going to spend on keeping our military in the region for the next one hundred years? Maybe he has an in at KBR for services rendered in the region, or over at Bush and company a connection to a buy one get one free coupon? Then again, Bush and company is not giving up its secret recipe for denial to protect themselves from all those subpoenas building up on the front lawn of the White House as if they are on vacation from the real America.

Will McCain cut Social Security? He would have to actually gut Social Security to the bone if his plan to balance the budget could even remotely come close to reality. How about Medicaid? Same scenario just a different hunting knife. Then again cutting all them pesky programs that clutter the government might be a good thing if you just say to hell with the National Institute for Health, Center for Disease Control, and of course the Veterans Administration and all them wasteful military hospitals they run. Mind you, he wants to keep our troops in harms way for one hundred years, he just doesn’t want to pay for the wounded.

Maybe we should all just listen to Senator McCain when he says he knows nothing about economics. I sure as hell would not want him balancing my household checking account with all the made up numbers he has in his head when it comes to the federal governments budget. He’s spending dollars that his mouth can not pay for but then again this is politics where dollars grow on trees or should I say the backs of the middle and lower classes. Something John and Cindy McCain have no experience with.

If you follow the Maverick’s vote in the Senate then there has never been a spending bill for the VA that he has ever liked and yet he claims to be a hero for Veterans in the Senate. Feel free to research his votes and every single time a VA funding plan or expanse of funding came up, John McCain voted against the majority of them. Just more bull from the Maverick and with that being said, I need to borrow a shovel to clean up all the McCain bovine by product this post has left on this site.


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Saturday, April 26, 2008

McCain Respectful Politics, Wink, Wink

Democrat’s should all be thankful to Senator McCain for wanting to run a clean Republican campaign without all the negativity and nastiness aimed at Senator’s Obama and Clinton. Not that Senator Obama does not have a few skeletons in his closet but it will be nice to see a Presidential campaign based on the issues instead of accusation of who stuck a wad of gum under which lunch table in high school.

Now that the North Carolina campaign is in full swing the television ads from all camps will be flying on the airwaves and we all know about those pesky privately funded advertisements. We all know that the candidates technically can not be held responsible for the actions of any politically active groups supporting their election bid for the White House. Wink, wink, wink!

We can’t hold John McCain liable for below the fray politics if it didn’t come from his campaign war chest or even his lips. Wink, wink, wink! Over at CNN they have this piece on John McCain and his very respectful campaign strategy and we should be truly thankful for his personal integrity on running an issue based election…

After McCain effectively clinched the Republican nomination, he called on his party to run a respectful, above-the-fray campaign.

But the ad, conceived by North Carolina Republicans, appears to defy that call.
"For 20 years, Barack Obama sat in his pew listening to his pastor," the TV ad says.

The ad then airs comments from Obama's pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who says: "And then wants us to sing 'God Bless America?' No, no, no. Not 'God Bless America,' God [expletive] America."

McCain's campaign released an e-mail he sent North Carolina GOP Chairwoman Linda Daves that asked her not to run the ad.

"In the strongest terms, I implore you to not run this advertisement," he wrote. "This ad does not live up to the very high standards we should hold ourselves to in this campaign."
North Carolina Republicans refused to pull the ad.

"I can't dictate to them. But I want to be the candidate of everybody. I want to be the candidate of Republicans and Democrats and independents," he said Wednesday.

During one New Orleans appearance, an audience member questioned McCain about an endorsement he received from controversial Pastor John Hagee, who once said on a radio show that "what happened in New Orleans looks like the curse of God."

"When someone endorses me, [it] does not mean I embrace their views," he responded. Later on his bus, McCain elaborated, "I didn't attend pastor Hagee's church for 20 years."

Wink, wink, wink. Key phase from McCain himself is; "I didn't attend pastor Hagee's church for 20 years."

Maybe the press should ask Senator McCain what the definition of the phase “Above the fray” means in relation to respectful campaigning? Get the old Maverick in the hot seat like they had Bill Clinton when he had to define the word “It” during one of his “Personal” indiscretions.

One can picture John McCain reviewing the television advertisement being very disgruntled about the negative content and yet nodding his head and winking in full approval while Karl Rove okayed the ads to run all over North Carolina. Technically, McCain did not approve it but maybe his consultant did? This is of course all speculation but the only speculation that makes sense for McCain to utter the phrase in defense of his association and endorsement with and by Reverend John Hagee.

I think if I had the lesser of two evils and associations that I would prefer Reverend Wright’s every single time. McCain with this remark has proven the fact that he has no intention to run a clean fight against Obama for the White House.


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