Showing posts with label Journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journal. Show all posts

Friday, March 4, 2016

Older Wiser Better

Finally a day off work to play in my craft room. A journal page to get in the groove.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Quirky Journal Page

I've been unwell for a few days, but continued to work until today. I stayed home to recover properly and felt up to some art play by mid afternoon.  Something fun and Zanny would pick me up, so feeling inspired by Kate Crane, came up with this journal page.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Latest Art Journal

This journal was my husband's idea in that he suggested i put one cover upside down to the other so I could flip it depending on what art style I intend to do. One side could be say painting and drawing while the other using images, washi tape etc. I used Coptic binding stitch to secure.

Melbourne Art Retreat

I was fortunate to attend DJ Petitt's "capture Your Vision" 4 Day Retreat. Here is my book completed on the outside at least. I just have some pages inside to finish applying some interest too with paint, stencils, images, stamping, stitching etc.

Journal Pages

I've decided to start a journal, but just doing pages at this stage and will bind later. These are a couple I have completed.