Showing posts with label Elzybells. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elzybells. Show all posts


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Good Morning sweet peeps! :)

I was going to write this up last night, but I couldn't stay up late one more night longer, so it was lights out for me by 9pm last night.....boy did I need it! I feel soooo much better this morning. Chest cold still lingering, but I didn't really expect that gone overnight. :) I'm hoping to scoot over to my local scrapbook store this morning to stock up on cardstock and then after that, maybe some blueberry picking. Yum!

I have Jen's Saturday Sketch For You To Try to show you today and it's another one that I know is going to be a HUGE go-to favorite of mine!

I have been house (and dog) sitting all week for my in-laws since coming back from Maryland and I only brought basic supplies with me while I was there. So please forgive the lack of 'thinking outside the box' with my card this week! Being away from all those supplies I've accumulated really makes you appreciate them a whole lot more when they're not available to you! LOL

My sweet friend Kadie gave me this cutie patootie stamp while we were in Maryland together and I couldn't resist stamping it up for this card! It's by Elzybells and when I went to their website to find the link to the stamp, I was sad to find out that they're closing down! I really hate how many online stores are being affected by this recession. It's so sad! But when there's a closing, there is usually a huge sale and there are tons of stamps at 50% off going on right now (not that I'm trying to enable you girls or anything)....depending on how much I sink at my LSS, I may have to make a small purchase myself! haha

As usual, I colored in Girl In Car with my reinkers and aquapainter brush. I'm often asked how I get my colors so intense on my images, and all I can say is that there is usually very little water on my brush. There's just enough to move the ink where I need it to go and the rest is all ink. Those YUMMY papers are from My Mind's Eye Clever-Pretty Girls collection.

You DEFINITELY want to check out what the SFYTT girls created with this sketch. I love to check out their cards because I just love how they all put their own signature style on their cards!

Jen del Muro
Susan Liles
Amy Rohl
Amy Sheffer
Megan Lock
Amber Hight
Sony Christoph
Jodi Collins
Jenn Diercks
Kelly Lunceford

Thanks so much for taking a bit of time out of your Saturday to come visit my blog! :) Have a fabulous weekend my sweet friends!

'Girl In Car', sentiment by MFT 'Essential Sentiments'
Inks: StazOn 'Jet Black', Creamy Caramel, Pretty in Pink, Regal Rose, Pumpkin Pie, Really Rust, Soft Suede, Cool Caribbean, Going Gray, Sahara Sand, Distress Inks 'Antique Linen and Black Soot'
Papers: Strathmore Bristol Vellum, Georgia Pacific, Bazzil Basics, PP - My Minds Eye
'Clever-Pretty Girls' Collection
Access: Ribbon, PTI Button, PTI Rustic Button Thread, Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist - Pearl, Fiskars Decorative Scissors, Machine Stitching, Sponges, Dimensionals

A Catchy Name

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hellooooo Everyone!

If you haven't discovered already, CCEE Stampers is an group of seriously talented stampers that got together to create challenges for themselves and anyone that wished to play along. One of those challenges is what they like to call the 'Catchy Name Featured Stamper' (CNFS) challenge. This is where they pick a stamper on SCS that has a catchy name and they make cards with that theme in mind. This week's CNFS is Jessica Rone AKA Knightrone!

I don't own any knight stamps, but over the Christmas holidays I was given a card kit by my dear friend on SCS, Karen. (Thank you Karen!) The stamp is from Elzybells, which I have none of either, but they are super cute!! I used the SU cardstock, the pink Basic Grey patterned paper and the ring embellishments from Karen's kit. I added the gold patterned paper and the ribbon to pull the whole card together.

I really like how this turned out! It's not your typical wedding card, so I'd probably give it to someone who just announced their engagement instead. Unfortunately I don't know anyone who was recently engaged. I will have to sit in my box of ready-to-send cards for now...until my friend Karen has some news of her own! :D


Blog Candy Alert!

One of my favorite designers is Kim Teasdale, of Paper In The Works fame. I spend copious amounts of time drooling over her cards (no, not literally!) But shame on me because I've only just noticed that she has some INCREDIBLE blog candy up for grabs. How incredible?!? Try 13 sets of stamps kind of incredible!! Seriously! You'd better hurry if you would like to win them because Kim's drawing a winner tomorrow!

Stamps: Elzybells 'Knight & Princess', MFT 'Everyday Sentiments'
Inks: Creamy Caramel, Morning Marigold, Pretty In Pink, Pink Passion, Going Grey, Cool Caribbean, Distress Inks 'Black Soot, Tattered Rose & Vintage Photo'

Papers: Whisper White, Georgia Pacific cs, More Mustard, Pink Passion, PP - Basic Grey
Access: Ribbon, metal ring embellishments, Stickles, dimensionals, sponges

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