Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Rebel in Me ...

Hello friends!  Hope you are all doing well!

Yesterday, I wanted to take a picture of Max to show you how he's grown.  He's getting to be a big boy!

Well, the little "photo session" of mine turned Max into a bit of a confused Rebel for a bit.  LOL.

First up:
My request, "Max, come here boy!"
Response to owner:  SIT & STAY PUT no matter how many times she asks me to come over.

Max finnnnnallly decides to mosey on over into the room.
My next request, "SIT"
Response to Owner:   I was JUST sitting for her by the door when she kept calling me to come over .. and now she wants me to sit AGAIN?!  Puh-lease!  I'll just do "BANG" instead.

Kay so I FINALLY get Max to "sit" on request to take a quick pic, and he's sloOoOwly making his way back to laying down .. Max's thoughts, "I'm so tired of playing this game ..."

Now my request which always gains him a treat for sure, "BANG!"
Response to Owner, "Whhaaat?  Are you SERIOUS?!!!  I am always ONE STEP AHEAD OF YOU WOMAN!  I already did that like 10 minutes ago!!  Remember when you kept asking me to SIT?!!  Now stop playin' and gimme my treat!!!"

Well ... honestly ... Max WAS right.  lol!  He did do everything one step ahead of me, must've been reading the signs flashing in my brain.  Don't you love the way pets always know what you want?  hehe!  Needless to say, Max got his Pumpkin Apple treat and loved it.  :)

Thanks so much for stopping by and I'll see ya again soon!


Carol Willis said...

Ah bless, he's gorgeous and he's really grown.
Caz x

Squirrel x said...

Elise, hunny, I am so impressed - I've never known a sheep to behave so well. What, he's not a sheep? Really? But he's all white and soft and fluffy! Gotta be a sheep. ROFL!! What a gorgeous mutt hun, love him to bits. Hugs Sxx

Lotta said...

Oh he is soo cute! hugs Lotta

Vicky said...

Oh sweetie Max is gorgeous I bet you have to bath him often to keep him white lol, my dogs are always in the shower they are terrible & they are not white lol. He is such a lush dog sweetie & he so deserves his treat bless him lol.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Karina said...

Awww... Max is such a cutie!! Love those pics you share with us. Thank you so much for. And I had a big laugh reading your post... soooo sweet!!
Have a wonderful day, Elise!
Hugs, Karina

Dena said...

Love it hahahahahaha! That big squishy little bear!!!!!! Shoot, my Rambo doesn't follow instructions for anything, he is ALL for looks hahahaha! Max is a big, CUTE, ball of white!!!
Thanks for the laugh!
Hugs, Dena

Danielle Champagne said...

I loooooooove this story Elise! made me laugh this morning, and I was in great need of that today LOL he is sooo cute, rebel? well the way I see it is that we don't always understand each other that great! I have a tendancy to put to much words into my "conversation" with my dog, so he finds me soooooooooo boring LOL however, when I just say goodie? that he knows LOL
Hugs and have a nice day.

Lau W said...

haha ! excellent !
Max is so cuuuuute ! Lovely shots !
Have a great day !

thecraftycavalier said...

See, now I'm in love! How ridiculously gorgeous is this boy? He just looks soooooooooo soft and scrummy and . . .erm Sheep-like really! He is just too gorgeous and clever for words. My fur baby is too lazy to move so I could take pics of him all day!!!! Loved the pics and the story - they've made me smile for the first time today!!!! Hugs, Jayne x

Annette said...


stephanne said...

Hehehehe, awwwwwwwwwww. Doesn't he have you well trained!!! What a big bushel of love this one!!! Look at those locks!!! So many different shades there, I see browns and blondes and grey!!! Ha!! He's precious Elise!!!
hugs stephanne

Christina C. said...

Hahahahaha....too funny!!!! OMG.....I think I'm in love!!!!!!
He is so darn cute...look at that face.....what a gorgeous boy!!!!
Thanks for the pics, Sweetie!

Tracy said...

He is the cutest thing, thanks for sharing funny story. Give him many more treats, just because he is great!

Anne-Elise said...

Awww... Max is so cute! Love the photos!