Jeg har laget et posekort:)
Motiv fra Whiff of Joy.
I've made a paperbag card:)
With an image from Whiff of Joy.
Mønsterark / Design paper - Design House Digital
Motiv / Image - Whiff of Joy
Tekst / Sentiment - Iralamija
Blonder / Lace - Kid
Bånd / Ribbon - Panduro
Roser / Roses - Woc
Perler / Pearls - Panduro
Spellbinder dies
MS punch
I'm entering these challenges:
613 Avenue Create # 89 - Anything Goes
A Creative Romance - Anything Goes
Card and Crap # 82 - Alt er tilatt
Charisma Cardz Challenge # 20 - Lace and Pearls
LTSCB #37 - Lets Fly Away
Sister Act Card Challenge # 74 - Anything Goes
Whiff of Joy # 185 - Vintage
Takk for besøket!
Thanks for visiting!
Hugs, Heidi:)