Jeg har laget en tag!
I've made a tag!
Mønsterark / Designpaper - Kort & Godt
Tekst / Sentiment
Motiv / Image - High Tea Design
Blonde / Lace - LLC
Bånd / Ribbon - Prairie Bird Boutique ( Etsy)
Roser / Roses - Woc
Perler / Pearls - Panduro
Fugl / Bird - Marianne Design
Spellbinder die
I'm entering these challenges:
Card and Scrap # 89 - Bruk Blonder
Crafting From The Heart # 43 - Anything Goes
Crafty Creations #281 - Something Old, Something New (sentiment is new and the rest is old)
Kort o Mania # 122 - Anything Goes
Takk for besøket!
Thanks for visiting!
Hugs, Heidi:)