Showing posts with label 16ième. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 16ième. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Carrousel de la Tour Eiffel

Carrousel de la Tour Eiffel

...and I thought he might
jump off the carrousel and 
run away with me

Carrousel de la Tour Eiffel
Place de Varsovie
75016, Paris

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

La tristesse

Cimetière de Passy
One of thousands of statues
in Paris cemeteries,
this one resonated with me.
Cimetière de Passy
2, rue de Comandant-Schloesing
75116, Paris

Il me manque énormément

Monday, April 4, 2016

Jardin de l'Acclimatation

This pigeon house (pigeonnier) in Jardin de l'Acclimatation
was used during the siege of Paris in 1870
to send messages by carrier pigeon.

I do not know if pigeons are in
residence there today

Jardin de l'Acclimatation
Bois de Boulogne
75116, Paris

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Fondation Louis-Vuitton

Fondation Louis-Vuitton

What genius to have designed this intriguing structure at
the edge of Bois de Boulogne.  One has a feeling of 
riding an enormous ship high above the Bois de Boulogne 
with a view of the Paris skyline in the distance.

Fondation Louis-Vuitton
8, avenue Mahatma Ghandi
Bois de Boulogne 75116, Paris
Métro Sablons

Friday, February 12, 2016

Fondation Louis-Vuitton - un reflet

Louis Vuitton Foundation

Catching our reflections in 
the massive mirrors....

bon weekend

Fondation Louis-Vuitton
8, avenue Mahatma Ghandi
Bois de Boulogne 75116, Paris
Métro Sablons

I am joining other bloggers in
James' Weekend Reflections here.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Marché Couvert Passy

Covered Market in Passy

Taking his job quite seriously,
he is opening fresh oysters at a small bar
in the back of the market

You can enjoy them at the small counter with
only three or four chairs, but if you 
love oysters he has some of the finest


Marché Couvert Passy
1, rue Bois le Vent
75016, Paris

Friday, January 22, 2016

Fondation Louis-Vuitton II

Louis Vuitton Foundation
(Frank Gehry, architect)

As I posted yesterday, the museum appears as a ship,
white and translucent with billowing sails.

Here at the very base of the "hull" 
you can see the body of water in which it sits.

Today I am joining James' Weekend Reflections

Fondation Louis-Vuitton
8, avenue Mahatma Ghandi
Bois de Boulogne
75116, Paris
Métro Sablons

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Aux Merveilleux de Fred

et voila!
Aux Merveilleux de Fred

"Fred" is Frédérick Vaucamps and his pastry shops are described as
"A visual and olfactory experience, the Merveilleux are made in
front of the customer in each of the stores."

So what is this Merveilleux? In a variety of versions
the core is a feather-light meringue coated in chocolate whipped cream with 
shavings of dark chocolate.  Miam-miam!

He has given each of the varieties fanciful names:
The Incroyable, the Impensable, the Magnifique, the Excentrique,
 and the Sans-Culotte.  Read more about these shops here

Aux Merveilleux de Fred
29, rue de l'Annonciation
75016, Paris

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Un mystère

...continued from yesterday's post

She has rolled the creamy substance from the 
bowl into balls.  Wonder if she feels the pressure
creating this "marvelous" concoction in the viewing window?

75017, Paris

Monday, December 14, 2015

Une confiserie ou une pâtisserie?

Working in a shop window
as the world looks on...

What is being created here?
Cakes, macarons, elcairs, quoi?

75017, Paris

Monday, November 30, 2015

Pont de Bir-Hakeim

Pont de Bir-Hakeim

Built between 1903 and 1905 this steel bridge has two levels,
 the lower one for vehicles and pedestrians, 
and the upper level (the viaduct) supports Métro Line 6.

The iron sculpture framed by the yellow poplar leaves
is one of four on the main arches of the bridge.  
This one was designed by Jules-Felix Coutan and represents Labor.

This was my first visit to Pont de Bir-Hakeim,
and I will share more photos with you soon.

(Joyeux Anniversaire, Renée!)

Pont de Bir-Hakeim
entre 75016 et 75015, Paris

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cimetière de Passy

The door swings open
to reveal the neglected plants
and the eternal beauty 
of a Russian Orthodox mosaic.

Cimetière de Passy
(just across from Place du Trocadero)
75016, Paris

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Le Cycliste

The Bicyclist

Pedaling easily up the narrow brick-paved alley,
this mature gentleman quickly passed through my camera's focus.

Always be ready for the unexpected....

75016, Paris

Friday, June 5, 2015

Café Antoine

Café Antoine

Sadly, this charming little cafe 
with its red facade
and zinc bar is closed.

Happy to say that before it closed
 I enjoyed lunch with a friend as we sat 
in this front window and chatted with the regulars.

Café Antoine
17, rue Jean de la Fontaine
75016, Paris

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Roi Charles épagneul

King Charles Spaniel

The Parisians dote on their dogs, no matter the size.
This King Charles was outfitted with a fleece lined rain-cape 
for the intermittent showers of spring.

I have seen small dogs and large, 
the biggest... a Great Dane on rue de Richelieu!

48, rue d'Auteuil
75016, Paris

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Rue Raynouard - Passy

Just above the wall-lined street you can see
this wonderful collection of windows, roofs, balconies,
and chimneys all washed in the glow of a winter afternoon's sunliight.

The architecture and textures
have interesting details.

Rue Raynouard
75016, Paris

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Ombre d'arbre

Mona Bismark American Center

The autumn sun softly outlines the leafless tree.  
The lady graciously demurs

Mona Bismark American Center
34, avenue de New York
75016, Paris

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Un lion en automne

A Lion in Winter Autumn

Looking up at the sculpted balcony with its ironwork balustrade 
one sees the trellis of red and graceful curtains.  

Do not miss the guardian of it all, 
le lion.

Avenue d'Ilena
75016, Paris