Showing posts with label rehab project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rehab project. Show all posts

Sunday, August 08, 2010

This is Chaps

This memorial portrait was painted for a wonderful animal loving couple who've commissioned several other pieces from me and other artists.

Chaps, 12 x 12 acrylic on canvas (commission)

Though Chaps is no longer with us, he had, for a brief time, the best home a rescued weimeraner could hope for. We'll miss you, Chaps...

I finished Chaps portrait a few days ago, and had to take some time off from painting to work on getting the shop/studio going. My artist friend Carol and I slaved all weekend (and Friday, too) schlepping furniture, wood and lumber, tons of boxes, trash, collections and assorted crap/junque just to make room to work.

We've a long way to go (as is obvious from this "before" photograph) but the plan is to be open sometime in September. By utilizing a building right here on the property, we can save enough to afford some advertising.
The first load of trash and recyclables went off this morning! That big tangle of vines on the electric pole is yellow jasmine - I hate to do it, but I'll have to cut it back. I'll keep posting our progress.

Jeepers creepers, where'd she get those peepers? Yes - once again h-e-e-e-r-e 's Molly! I just love this photo of her sweet tabby face. Molly has the biggest eyes of any cat I've ever seen. And if you think is something, you should see her impression of Yoda (coming soon in a future blogpost...)