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Showing posts with label Cool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cool. Show all posts

Tuesday 2 October 2007

I really want one of these!!

Sony are going to release a revolutionary tv, less than the thickness of a coin - here.

Looks fantastic!

Saturday 30 June 2007

Saturday 12 May 2007

Wow - I've had 5 minutes of fame - LOL


I've just been filmed for my employers diversity dvd's which they are going to provide to prospective employees.

There were 16 of us filmed, with each of us answering about 8 questions and also showing us working around the office.

Overall they shot about 7 hours and the total length of the dvd's will be about 20 minutes. This is getting me a bit worried as I really don't all of my Oscar performances confined to the cutting room floor.

So, watch out for the future release of a classic film - diversity in the workplace.

I'll be signing autographs at the opening.

Fame's gone to my head - ROFL!!!

Wednesday 18 April 2007

Wheelchairs in cars

Got my self a Ford Cmax about 4 mionths ago. It's an automatic with a left-foot acellerator conversion.

When I drive I put my wheelchair in the boot of the car and walk to the front using crutches.

All well and good but the boot has a lip which makes putting the chair in pretty awkward.

Why didn't I check my wheelchair in the boot when I forst got the chair?? Good question which I must act on when I get my next car!!

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Mobility scooters, wheelchairs and power chairs

Don't you think they are getting more and more common nowadays?

I seem to see more wheelchairs and especially mobility scooters than I have ever done so.

Admittedly, many are used by older people who are using them, not perhaps because they are disabled, but because it makes life easier for them – and why not!!

Surely all these wheelchairs make the general public more aware and understanding of disabled people. As more and more of us wheel around the pavements people will just tend to ignore us (in a nice way) and let us get on with our daily lives.

Have you seen more wheelchairs where you live?

Monday 16 April 2007

A blog for wheelchairs

Here's a blog which promises to only cover wheelchairs -

Wheelchair Blogger

Tuesday 3 April 2007

A job for the boys

Here's a job for worth considering!

Durex has launched its first UK recruitment drive for thousands of condom testers.

The condom maker wants a panel of 5,000 people who are single, married, or in couples to report their experiences of using its condoms and lubricants.........
