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Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Thursday 12 June 2008

Unemployed people forced to take training or lose benefits

Will this scheme be applied fairly - i.e. will disabled people have the proper safeguards in place to protect them?

Jobless people will be forced to take training or face benefit cuts, the government will announce today.

Those with gaps in skills like reading, writing and computer literacy will face cuts in their benefits if they turn down training courses.

With 678,000 vacancies, Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell will argue there are jobs for everyone who wants one, and it is the responsibility of the unemployed to ensure they have the skills they need to secure work.

As long as there are safeguards for the more vulnerable in society, I'm quite happy; after all, why should I have to work when others can sit on their backsides??

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Now Government admits 10,000 illegal immigrants could be in security jobs

The scale of the latest immigration shambles could be twice as bad as the Government has admitted - with almost 10,000 illegals cleared to work in security jobs.

Official figures forced out of the Government suggest that one in every four licences given to security workers from outside the EU could have gone to someone with no right to be in Britain.

Home Office officials were insisting on Monday that the figure was only 5,000.

Dragged to the Commons to explain herself, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith admitted that ministers became aware of the problem eight months ago.

What an incompetent government we have here; a pack of liars who should hang their heads in shame.

I really can't wait for the next election to come along so that we can vote this pack of lying, mediocre fools out!

Here for story.

Friday 14 September 2007

Welcome to the UK - why not come here and get everything for free.

EU chiefs want to let in an extra 20 million immigrants from Africa and Asia

Why is this country such a soft touch?

Time to stand up for ourselves and leave the EU!!!

Story here.

No doubt I will be called a racist.

I'm not, I'm just sick of my taxes going to pay for people who have never worked here in their lives.

Thursday 13 September 2007

I can't believe David Cameron would even considerf charging for parking at supermarkets!!......

.........unless he really wanted to loose the next election.

Am I being cynical, or are most politicians out of touch with the general public??? (said with rather a large does of sarcasm).

All I want is a government that doesn't waste my taxes (paying pregnant mothers £120 to buy veg springs to mind as bloody stupid), keeps control of illegal immigration (I don't mind hard workers, but not scroungers) and keeps me safe from scum (lock the buggers up)!

It's not much to ask!

Friday 29 June 2007

Another tax on the disabled!

The popular mobility scooter, which has given many elderly and disabled people a new lease of life, has fallen prey to an EU-imposed tax, The Daily Telegraph has learnt.

Here for the full story.

Two things - tell me why we should be taxed at all on scooters and what the hell is the unelected EU doing imposing such crap on a nation state???

Friday 6 April 2007

Our tight fisted government should pay for this!!!!

KIND-HEARTED fundraisers will this weekend launch a bid to buy a disabled girl a wheelchair.

Hartlepool-born youngster Shelby Grainger-Deighton suffers with cerebral palsy and epilepsy.

Her condition means she cannot walk, can only feed herself with support and sometimes struggles to make herself understood.

Every weekend the five-year-old,who lives in Stockton,comes to stay at the home of Hartlepool mum Sharon Llewellyn and her family.

And on Monday Sharon and her friends will launch a drive to raise enough cash to get Shelby a new wheelchair..........


It's a local story for me as I spent most of my life in Stockton on Tees but I dare say the same is happening all over the country.

Note to Tony Blair - stop spending millions on missiles - reallocate it instead to disabled youngsters!!!