Friday, November 7, 2008

Creative Kid

Last night Ethan kept getting out of bed for several random reasons. At about 10pm Rob went downstairs to check on him and I heard him say, "Jenny, get the camera fast!" We both had thought he had gone to sleep so I wasn't sure what was going on. I turned to go down the hall to his room when I saw this...

We've been practicing letting the boys sleep in the same room for bedtime because when the baby comes they will be sharing a room. Last night I had to separate them for breaking the rules . When I asked him what he was doing, Ethan told me he wanted to be by Porter. He had pulled the boogie board out of the closet and made himself a nice little bed in the hallway outside of Porter's door. They really are heartbroken when they can't have their "sleepover". I wasn't too happy that he still was not asleep, but I must give him some points for creativity!!
-and yes he's wearing Santa pj's already, he's very excited for Christmas to come!!


Shannon said...

send him to my house!!! we have been drinking cocoa, cider and listening to christmas music for weeks! can't wait...sleeping child in caps, sorry

Emily said...

What a smart kid! We should get the boys together to play.

Kristin said...

Your boys are adorable! Can't wait to see ya Wednesday!

kate said...

How do kids know how to inject just enough cuteness in their naughtiness to get away with stuff? Brilliant.

kate said...

Oh and congrats on the pregnancy! Hope all is going well.

Heywood Clan said...

Smart boy. Gotta love him:) Off the subject- Is Megan Jensen having triplets? I was just being nosy :) and saw Megan and Brian's blog. Is that Megan Jensen? Call me!!!!!

Monica said...

Hey Jenny! This is Eric and Laura's sister in law. I just wanted to say hi! Your boys are adorable. Congrats on baby #3!

Erin said...

love the boogie board!!!! How cute that he wants to be by porter though. And p.s. i love the jose and magadelina names.