Original story written by Daradie, 6 years old. No help on spelling or punctuation. Impressed. It's not the first...or the last of these stories, I'm sure.
Koen's list of things he's thankful for, age 4. He did have help with spelling. This was actually part of his talk he gave in sacrament meeting. Yep, correct. He talked about Nephi's "boat" (we valiantly practiced saying "bow" but failed) and brought his bow and arrow and held it up. He explained that Nephi's family gave a prayer of "thank yous" for the food. Koen concluded with his own list of "thank yous." Koen is thankful for: Koen (duh), primary, preschool (he's anxious to attend in the fall), temples, Koen, Daradie, Dad, Mom (family), toys, couch, porch, table (and a few other things he randomly saw while writing this list) and his new house. During his talk he added the priesthood, just like his dad. Precious, I know. Daradie gave a talk about prayer and Daniel and the lion's den. She did a beautiful watercolor work of a lion in a dark, purplish cave. It was quite inspiring.
Wow! Daradie's a really good little artist! Impressive!
Your kids quotes on the sidebar make me laugh out loud every time you add a new one.
Ben thinks it's possible you are making these things up. :)
You are a great artist Daradie, some day you will write a story book for children. Koen good talk in Sacrament meeting. Luv ya G/G W
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