Saturday, December 20, 2008


It's a hat with owls! Yay!

This is for my brother, whose mangyle will never be done. Certainly not for christmas. He always sends me pictures of owls, so i figured he'd appreciate it. Anyway, just for PoorLuci, here's what I did:


1 ball Nashua Creative Focus (I used half)
size 6 circular needle and dpns (or however you want to do it)
stitch marker
4 small buttons for eyes (optional, you can use more, less, or none at all)

sewing needle and thread

infant (child, adult) Note about sizing: I've only tested the adult size, please let me know about any problems with the smaller size and I'll be happy to fix them.

C4F: slip two sts onto cable needle and hold in front, k2, k2 from cable neeedle
C4B: slip two sts onto cable needle and hold in back, k2, k2 from cable needle

Owl Cable pattern:
(multiple of 11 sts)
Rounds 1-3: *p3, k8, repeat from * to end
Round 4: *p3, C4B, C4f, repeat from * to end
Rounds 5-11: same as round 1
Round 12: same as round 4
Round 13: same as round 1
Rounds 14-15: *p3, k1, p2, k2, p2, k1. repeat from * to end
Round 16-17: same as round 1
Round 18: same as round 4
Round 19: same as round 1

Cast on 92 (100, 112) sts, join in round and work in 2x2 ribbing for 1 inch.
Switch to stockinette and work for 5 rounds, decreasing 4(1,2) sts evenly spaced in row 3. 88(99, 110) sts.

Work 19 rows of owl cable pattern over all sts.
Knit 1 or more rows and increase 0(5,2) sts. 88 (104, 112) sts.

Continue in stockinette stitch until work measures 4.5 (5, 6) inches including ribbing or to desired length.

Decrease as follows: (nothing mysterious here, just like a regular hat)
*K 9(11, 12) k2tog, repeat from * to end.
K1 round plain.
K 8(10, 11), k2tog.
K1 plain.
Continue decreasing in this manner until 40 (56, 64) sts remain.
Then decrease every round (no plain rounds) until 8 sts remain. Cut yarn and pass through remaining sts to fasten off.

Weave in all ends and block.

Sew buttons over the purl sections within the cable pattern that form the owl's eyes. I only did 2 owls, but you could do as many as you want. To be sure that the thread doesn't pull through, tie a nice big knot.

Pattern and photos © Sara Amoroso, 2008-2009. Permission is given for personal use only. This pattern or items made from it may not be sold.


Bethany said...

I am making this as soon as I make through Xmas. With Knitpicks yarn! Knitpicks, I say!

Tazja said...

But then you can't make Scottish owls!

This is just an amazing pattern and owls are teh awesome!

Gina said...

SO awesome! On my short list of things to knit! Thanks so much for sharing it with the knitting masses for free! eudyptula FTW!

ZantiMissKnit said...

I *need* to make that hat, stat! I'm printing out your pattern today, and I may have to cast on this weekend.

I think this is my first time to your blog as well. What a douche I am!

Claire said...

I have an owl joke.

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Who who?
Are you an owl?

To the best of my knowledge I made that joke up. My brother thinks it's the worst joke EVER.

Great hat by the way!

TracyF said...

Love this hat. Thanks for the pattern.

Unknown said...

Can't wait to make this hat!!! Found it by total accident-- looking for something to do with this Rowan felted tweed yarn. Thanks for sharing it-- there's a place in Knitters Heaven for you!

Miranne said...

Thank you !!
Have seen many versions, and loved every one of them.
Now I can make my own ;o)

Unknown said...

I love owl cables. Love love love. I'm making this hat in Berroco Softwist in brown, and I plan to add yellow button eyes when I'm done. It should look super awesome!

Aubrey said...

This is an AWESOME pattern! Thanks so much for making it available to the rest of us. It's definitely on my knit list.

esp said...

I just finished this, in Peace Fleece. It was my very first hat. Thank you so much for posting the pattern!

Melody Beus said...

I made the hat and it is AWESOME! I got the big yellow eyes that you use on stuffed animals or dolls. Turned out wonderful. I wish I could post a pic on here!

Melody Beus said...
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Tanja Cederholm / Kritter said...

Hi :)

We are some Danish knitters who also would like to make this lovely hat for our children.

I hope it is okay that I have translatet it into Danish (not all of them know how to follow a recepie in english)

regards, Tanja

Sally said...

I have almost finished knitting the adult size for my daughter's 9 year birthday, because of her newfound love of the Guardians fo Ga'Hoole books. This pattern was my first foray into cabling and it was great! I love the design, the look, and WILL be knitting it up for others! I hope to blog about it when I am done and get pictures up!

Thank you for posting and so freely sharing this fantastic pattern!

antonella said...

ciao,potrei avere le spiegazioni di questo simpaticissimo cappellino in italiano?

Nancy Clark said...

Can't wait to make this for my new grandson. I also have a sweater pattern with the owls, so it should be really cute.

antonella said...

l'ho fatto anche io,simpaticissimo.Ciao,Antonella

Mabiana said...

Thank you very much for this pattern, I just finished knitting it. :-)

sarah said...

I just came from Mackvilleroad blog and am so happy to have found this pattern! Thank you thank you thank you for sharing.



Denise | Chez Danisse said...

Originally saw this over at Bee House Hives and loved it! I've never knit cables, so I'm a little intimidated, but it's so cute I feel I want to give it a go.

Anonymous said...

I saw a model of this at my LYS last winter. I am finally ready to start it--I have (maybe) mastered DPNs.

Unknown said...

Great pattern- thank you!!!

Daimeinette said...

I love this pattern, I'm going to make this hat right now!!!

redspool said...

So cute - can't wait to make it! Thanks for sharing!

T. Palmo said...

I love the pattern, but was thinking of using a lighter yarn. What is the 'stitch-per-inch' measurement?

dor said...

i love your pattern! going to start making it this weekend :D

could you clarify the needle size and the weight of the yarn you used?

did you use size 6 needles (4mm) or 6mm needles (size 10)?

whitelilycat said...

Thanks for posting the owl pattern and instructions. I want to venture beyond "mistake stitch" scarves since that's about all I'm brave enough to knit. Just got back into knitting this summer. Great blog.

Kirsty said...

I knit this last night and it's adorable! I knit the infant size, and it turned out perfectly :)

Biddly said...

I wasn't going to knit any gifts this christmas (everyone is getting jams and chutneys instead), but I can't resist this for my owl-obsessed friend! If I start tonight hopefully can be done by Thursday!

Bärbls-Handarbeiten said...

Dea Eudyptula,
This hat is so nice, I knitted it for my nephew at last x-mas.
First I translated your instruction in German language.
Do you allow me to publish this instruction? Can I publish this English/German pattern in a German Internet knitter forum?
So more knitters can use your pattern.
Thank you for answering.
For more information, please contact me.
Many Greetings

eudyptula said...

Send me a link to the German version and I will add it to the pattern and on Ravelry!


AmericanMaid said...

Love owls!.... and Claire, I used that knock knock when I was a kid and thought I made it up :)

Jennifer said...

This is too cute! Thank you for sharing it!

Kelly said...

Love this pattern. What is the gauge? I don't have the yarn that you used, so I want to substitute. Thanks so much.

Fifa said...

Don't you think you should credit Kate Davies of needled/textisles here, seeing as she is the designer of the owls pattern.

eudyptula said...

Kate Davies did not invent the stitch pattern, nor are stitch patterns subject to copyright. i have known about it for at least 5 years before her pattern came out.

HeatherBee said...

Hello! Love the pattern and can't wait to get started! What wieght yarn did you use for your hat?

evulekotule said...

Thank you for a great pattenr. I made two little hats for my daughers.

I translated the pattern into Czech a published it here
I hope it is OK.

landyevelia said...

Hola quisiera saber si este tutorial lo tienen traducido en español. muchas gracias

landyevelia said...

Hola, me gustaria saber si este tutorial lo tienen con traduccion al español, muchas gracias

Claudia said...

Thank you so much for sharing the Owlie-Pattern - I knitted a hat for my daughter - she loves it!
Best regards Claudia

Skippy said...

I just finished this as a treat for myself. I've been knitting for other people for so long I figured I deserved it! Really cute pattern and quick too. Only started it yesterday!! Thank you for publishing it for free!

Unknown said...

Now I can fulfill my youngest grandson's request, he wants a hat with owls on it to match his mittens I made last year.Thank you so much!

Otthon Művek said...

I just finished the hat, it'll be my daughter's Christmas present. Thank you for sharing! :)

Loretta said...

I like this hoot hoot hat. I have already many several of them and I'm just a beginner!

Myrte ♥ said...

Thank you for sharing this lovely pattern :) A lot of norwegian girls got a Who? under the christmast-tree this year :)

Crofty ^^ said...

Such a cute hat!!! Trying my luck converting the pattern to straight needles. So far so good, hopefully there will be one of these flying around Australia soon. :)

merae said...

great pattern! the owls are so cute!

scientician said...

Any tips on making the hat for a friend with a small head. She says it is a size 54. I'm knitting it for her to warm her head this winter while she goes through chemotherapy. Cheers. Probably the child size, yeah?

Unknown said...

This really makes me wish I could knit!

Sunimrette said...

Made this hat for my 4 year old daughter in pink. It was my first time using dpns and it took me only about 3 days, much faster than I expected! I made the child size and it is a little big (in fact, it fit my head perfectly!), but she loves it and doesn't mind that she has plenty of room to grow into it. Thank you so much for posting this pattern!

RitzCutie said...

This hat is so cute! Quick question, is this pattern for an adult size?

Unknown said...

I made mine with a creamy white worsted and am calling it my snowey owl winter hat. Love this!!

Elza Guerra said...

Eu adoro corujas!! Amei este gorro!! Muito obrigada por ensinar!! <3 <3

Yesterday's Tomorrow said...

Just wondered what length of circular to buy?
Thanks :)

Unknown said...
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JamieT said...

I am a long time crocheter... but this pattern is so cute i think i might need to learn to knit.... absolutely adorable!!

Peggy J Armstrong said...

Made the infant size. Pattern worked perfectly. Thank you!

Deedee said...

This is an adorable pattern but I made the adult size tuque and it is very large! I used size 4.5mm needles (slightly larger than recommended by the pattern) but am still shocked at how big the tuque came out. It doesn't even fit my boyfriend's head. I will be pulling it apart and retrying the "infant size" pattern for myself.

Anonymous said...

This hat is amazing! As a beginner I am confident with cables and straight needles. Can you advise me on how I could transfer this pattern to straight needles? I would really appreciate your feedback. Many thanks.

Unknown said...

How big does each of the sizes end up being in circumference?
I want to make one for my son, but don't know if the infant one will be too small, or if i should make the child size instead.

Rosa katten Ă…land said...
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Gill said...

Thank you for posting this pattern. My daughter was given a baby cardigan with owls across the yoke and the tiniest button eyes sewn on (tightly) and she was so sweet in it (14 years ago! ) so I shall enjoy making her this for Christmas.

sjeanine said...

What is the yarn gauge for this hat? What size head does it fit for adult and child? Thanks.

loobylou said...

Hi lovely pattern . Really enjoyed making it . Mine turned out like a beret though and I have no idea why??
Looks good though !

Anonymous said...

I had so much fun knitting this to go with mittens I already knit as a gift. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I had so much fun knitting this to go with mittens I already knit as a gift. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I had so much fun knitting this to go with mittens I already knit as a gift. Thank you!

croandknitaholic said...

Can't seem to print this pattern.......Have printed others!!!!!!

insaneelf said...
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knitter said...

Hi I would love to make this for an infant. If anyone has made this for infant, what size needles and yarn was used. Thanks so much. Our new addition is coming in couple weeks!!

Unknown said...

Big thanks for sharing your pattern ,
I used your owl pattern from the instructions
to make my son a version on a hat for him ,
he loves it and I do too xx

Missy said...

I just finished knitting one of these cute hats and wrote a review of the pattern on my blog!

Francesca said...

Per cortesia potrei avere le istruzioni in italiano grazie infinite

birdsbirdsbirds said...

Made this last year for a friends little girl. Great instructions and beautiful pattern. Making one this year for myself.

Silvertip said...

Working on one for a friend who loves owls. Thank you for sharing the pattern.

Bridgetknott said...

Thank you so much for this pattern, I think....( will explain in a bit.) My daughter in law loves owls so I made this one for her and she adored it! BUT then, my other daughter in law saw it and asked if I could do a "favor." My eyes grew wider as she began counting on her fingers, but stopped at FIVE! Seems they have a ham radio club called the Screech Owls and she wanted matching hats. She got them and all were pleased. Thank you again for taking the time to publish this!
Bridget Merz

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Unknown said...

I have made this beautiful hat before and the owls are a perfect beginner cable pattern. I'm going to be making it again for a friend of mine. I also add a cable brim and it comes out stunning!