Showing posts with label smoochies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smoochies. Show all posts

April 1, 2017

Our Little April Fool - Happy 19th Birthday Powder

Guess Who is 19 Today?

This Girl!

We feel blessed to still have this little creature in our lives. Powder has been a part of our lives since Mommy and Daddy were married  - Powder was just a wee sprig back then. And to tell the truth, she never got much bigger. She's always weighed between 5 and 6 pounds. Such a little girl. Such a big mouth...she has the loudest meower out of all of us. As you can see, Powder thinks that she is large and in charge. Mommy says she's almost totally deaf, but she says the same thing about me - what??? Anyway - today we celebrate our littlest kitty, Mommy's heart and our darling Puff's littermate. Powder may be slowing down, but she still enjoys life and thinks that Mommy's lap is the best place in all of the world. 

Happy Birthday Powder!

Love from your brother - 

Rudy Toots - 
  Hi There Ladies - I know - I still got it!

November 11, 2012

What We Are Up To

Mommy here - We've had a roller coaster of emotions for the last six months. The loss of Parker has no words to describe the sadness of her passing on her Daddy and me. The other "kids" felt the loss as well. Little Ricky Tiki Tavi has made her loss a little less painful. He's fit so well into our little family unit. He's sunshine and happiness and laughter. Anyone who doubts that Parker sent him to us has no idea how wrong that they are.
The truth is that I have had a total of 5 stray cats show up in our yard since Parker's death. I've taken all of them in to the Vet's to have them tested and vaccinated and spayed or neutered - then straight to the shelter for adoption. Of the five, one of the was FIV + and we humanely euthanized him, which killed my heart. But the reality of living in a nation that treats animals as poorly as we do, you have to make some very difficult choices. Action Jackson was his name and it's going to take a long time for me to forgive myself for making that choice. He was a good boy, but in our little corner of O Hi O he had zero chance of being adopted and we could not have him at our little shelter. He faced a future of no home, no love and no where to go to. He now lives in my heart and his remains are next to a beautiful Hydrangia plant where he used to gratefully eat his meals from us. Little Ricky was different in that something spoke to our hearts that he was sent to us straight from Parker - he has many of her ways, right down to her meow and her mannerisms. There was no doubt that she sent him to us.
I'm lucky in a weird sort of way - being on the board of our humane society allows me to rescue the strays that find their way to my yard. Not every animal lover has that option. Don't get me wrong. my strays are fully vetted, spayed or neutered and vaccinated before they go to the shelter. The only cost to the shelter is the boarding until they get adopted. And I am happy to report that every one has found their forever homes. The county that I live in has an estimated 90,000 stray cats. My rescues are a drop in the bucket of all the kitties that have no where to turn. It's heart breaking. Our shelter is operating on the thinnest of shoestrings and we face the very real possibility of having to reduce our services or even closing our doors if things don't improve next year.
I tell you this for a few reasons. I know I do not blog as much as I did in the past. It's because I spend all of my "free time" at the shelter helping kitties (and doggies too), getting forever homes. And then there is my real job which is both important to me and something I am equally as passionate about. It leaves very little time for much else.
Parker's blog will remain and I will try to update as much as I can.
And if you can, instead of buying something that you can live without, consider donating to a shelter. The animals that live there need your help and your support. Very often, their little lives depend upon it. We work very hard to find them their forever homes. Every dollar makes a difference.
Smoochies from angel Parker Pie and hugs from her Mommy who misses her so very, very much.

May 4, 2012

A Little Parker Pie Update

Hi Kitties! Here I am in my Daddy-Crafted blankie enjoying some whiffs from the open door. I wanted to let all of you know how I am doing. It's all OK for now. The 'rents are still astounded at my appetite, I eat like a little piggy and love it when I get special evening treats. In the days before this rotten cancer, treat were fair game for all four of us. If treats were out we'd try to outsmart each other to get more than our fair share. Now my brother Rudy and Puff and Powder don't even try to horn in. It's as if they know I am sick and they let me have as much as I want. They don't even beg for evening treats when I'm sitting next to Mommy. I think my sibs are pretty awesome.
I am so very tired now. I have no pain. I sleep almost all of the time and I struggle to walk to the kitchen to get noms. Every once in a while I miss the box. It's embarrassing, but the 'rents are so cool about it.  I can't lie kitties, I dream a little more about the Bridge every day. I hope I rally for the sake of my 'rents...but I just don't know. I think I might be ready to meet TOWCB*, I hear they are awesome. I send all of you smoochies, I am never too tired to do that! We just take it one day at a time.
*The Ones Who Came Before

April 7, 2012

An oldie but a goodie, one of our favorite cartoons - all of us at casa de Perfectly Parker wish you a Happy Easter. We will be celebrating with Parker and she'll be getting her fill of HAM!!!HAM!!!HAM!!!
Smoochies to all of our friends!