Thursday, March 22, 2018
Memorable People
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Cutting Off One's Nose......
Most of these "partnerships" were marketing schemes where the listed companies offered discounts to NRA Members. Obviously, they recognized that the NRA members could be a pool of money if they were marketed to correctly. So, what they are doing is giving the finger to the entire membership or the NRA and telling them that they will no longer get discounts for flying Delta, renting from Hertz, or using Symantic.
I predict that the companies severing ties with the NRA will themselves experience a backlash as NRA supporters decide to boycott them.
NRA members should each buy 1 share of stock from each of those companies and then vote against the management at the next shareholders meeting.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
9mm Therapy
I selected a 9mm Glock 26 from the rental display, bought two boxes of ammo and three targets and went to the range where I was the sole occupant. I set the targets at 9 yards and went to work.
The results from shooting the first box revealed an occasional flinch but mostly a trigger control issue. Things improved on the second box. On aimed slow fire, I put 17 out of 25 in the 10 ring. And all shots were within the 8 ring. In rapid fire, I put 5 out of 25 in the 10 ring and another 16 in the 9 and 8 ring. Its a good way to relieve office induced stress.
Next time, I'll use the snubbie on double action.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Engineer Shooters Wanted
Ya gotta love the oil field!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Shooting Skeet
I received this note in response to the video:
"In my Alabama National Guard days I trained as a gunner on M-42 tanks. Target practice was shooting at metal sleeves pulled by remote controlled aircraft. We had a ball. One day there were 30 tanks lined up on the firing line but only one battery (5 tanks) firing at a time. Range control knew those farm boys in my battery were good so didn't give us permission to fire until the other batteries had two firing sessions each. None of them touched the target. When they finally gave our battery fire permission the first tank took out the target sleeve immediately after it came in range. One of the other 4 tank crews being pissed at not getting even one shot took out the plane. It crashed into the woods starting a fire and we had to fight fire the rest of the day. The next day we didn't get to fire at all for punishment for taking out the drone."
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Petit Fours and the Four Rules
“Of course, honey, we live in a right to own state. Anyone who is not a criminal can buy petit fours.” I replied.
The Three Amigos caught on right away that I was talking about the 2nd Amendment and offered their encouragement by agreeing with me “Yeah, Grandma, we have the right to own petit fours.”
“And if you don’t exercise those rights, you can lose them.” I continued.
The next thing we knew we were on the way to the petit four shop for 2 dozen of the sweet little morsels.
After making the purchase, I schooled the Three Amigos on the 4 Rules:
1) All petit fours are assumed to be loaded
2) Always point your petit four in a safe direction
3) Know the target for your petit four
4) Keep your fingers off the petit four until ready