Showing posts with label background. Show all posts
Showing posts with label background. Show all posts

Monday, July 20, 2009

Why adopt two kittens instead of one?

1. You're saving two lives instead of one.
2. One kitten can become lonely
3. One kitten can just drive an older cat nuts.
4. Two kittens will "self-train." and they can be happily kept in a small safe room ( bathroom) while learning good litter box skills and general keeping safe and out of stuff things.
5. They help each other burn off energy.
6. Fewer behavior problems with two kittens.
7. Curiosity overcomes "food finickyness."
8. They act as pillows for one another.
9. Having two kittens is insanely fun.
10. They will each have a friend for life.

PFA has countless wonderful kittens for adoption, all rescued from a sad ending on the street. Please consider adopting a pair!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Don't forget the AGM!

People for Animals of Saskatchewan Inc.
Annual General Meeting
Sat. March 14th 2009 at 1:30pm
Neil Balkwill Civic Arts Centre, Elphinstone St.

All members and interested friends are invited to attend.

New board members! Donuts!

Monday, October 13, 2008


We are excited to present another forum for sharing the work that People for Animals of Saskatchewan Inc. is doing every day.
This blog is meant to be a way for the front line volunteers to share stories and photos about their experiences, so that our members and friends can participate more fully and be better informed.
We will have members of our Feral Cat Team blogging, along with members of the Pet Rescue side of things. We hope to be able to share not only stories that will tug at your heartstrings, but also offer an educational perspective about companion animals.
Read on!