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Showing posts with label Honey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honey. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

TWD: Honey-Wheat Cookies

Tuesdays with Dorie this week is hosted by Michelle at Flourchild. She chose the Honey-Wheat Cookies and I couldn't have been happier. These little gems have long been overlooked. They are sweet and lemony and tender with just a little bit of nutty flavor and texture from the wheat. They are all around surprisingly delicious. In fact, my boys snarf these down faster than chocolate chip cookies. Seriously.

As you probably already guessed, I made these a few weeks ago, before Miss K. arrived on the scene. I hope to get back in the kitchen at some point soon, but in the mean time I'm glad I tried to do my baking ahead of time!

Be sure to check out what the other TWD Bakers thought of these delicious little cookies!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My First TV Experience and a GIVEAWAY!!!


This is me. This is actually me posing for my bloggy friends photo shoot in the Good Things Utah kitchen. You really have to love bloggers. It is so great being in a group of people that think alike. Lindsey, Becky and I all showed up with our cameras and both gals took shots of me in the kitchen, which I couldn't have done for myself, so I am so grateful! The pictures here are from Lindsey since she had a great pro camera. I hope they got some pictures of them too because I was pretty out of it trying to get ready to cook on live TV and was kept pretty busy with that too.

Let me warn you right now that there are a lot of links you are going to want to check out in this post, so if you didn't already know, ctrl click is your friend and will leave this post open and let you choose to open the link in another window so you can enjoy all the good stuff!

The TV segment yesterday was awesome. I was completely nervous, but I think I hid it pretty well. I am told by my immediate family that unless you knew me well you might not catch my tells (the shaky voice and hands at times). You know I am all about full disclosure and honesty here, so now when you watch the video you can see if you catch me shaking in my boots! Well, my ballet flats anyway. If you want to miss all the rest of the fun and jump down to the video link toward the middle of the post, you can, but there is lots of fun stuff to tell, so you may want to stick around.


That is the demo plate of the Honey Lime Chicken Enchiladas I made for the show. I have mentioned it a couple of times before, and I got to mention on air that the original recipe for these came from a couple of other bloggers, but I just wanted to reiterate here how grateful I am to Melanie at My Kitchen Cafe for turning me on to this recipe in the first place.

The really fun thing (I think) about this original recipe is that it has been through at least three or four sets of adaptations. That probably isn't even the whole story. In my enchiladas, I increased the honey and lime a bit and took the amount of chili powder down a bit. I also use fresh garlic because that is what I always have on hand and like that more than the powder for something like this. I also decreased the amount of cream a little bit and I like to play with the types of cheese I use for topping - mostly depending on what I have on hand. The other change I made was that I really love using the corn tortillas for this now. I can't tell you enough how ridiculously easy and delicious these enchiladas are.

I first saw this recipe made by Melanie (who made some changes to it), Melanie at My Kitchen Cafe got it from Brittany (The Sister's Cafe which is a GREAT blog by the way), and Brittany got a version of it from a friend who brought it to her after she had her baby. Now, I give you my Good Things Utah version, as well as the links to all the others (just click on the various blogger in this paragraph to find the recipe versions.

That is really the great thing about this recipe. It is so flexible to change and still turns out such fantastic results! Confusing? My point is that you can adapt this and have a great time doing it and still have great results. Don't believe me? Well...


Imagine my surprise and thrill when I tuned in for GTU this morning and Nicea mentioned that she made these enchiladas for her family last night and that she adapated the recipe for them a bit too (she subbed the heavy cream with some half-and-half to make it a little less decadent) and that they still turned out great.

I had someone in the studio audience ask me what else you could substitute to make them healthier and I had to chuckle at myself a little bit when after she asked me, and I paused and said, "well, just leave the cream out altogether." I chuckled because I didn't remember at first, but, I believe Melanie made the addition of the cream in the first place. This is one chameleon of a recipe!

We got to talk with Nicea and Reagan on the show and they were both amazing! I have to tell you, these gals look great on TV, but even better in person! I was in awe of how put together and awesome they were! Thanks again to both Nicea and Reagan for having us and for making us feel so comfortable!

In my humble opinion, the best compliment you can get on a recipe is when someone actually makes it! I am so glad that the ladies at GTU loved it as much as I do!

One thing I didn't get to mention on air either was the fact that the substitution of using corn tortillas for the enchiladas instead of flour actually came from my sister, Michelle. The first time I ever made these enchiladas was with my neices, Miranda and Brit, when they were visiting here. Those are the original "Rock Your World" version already here on my blog. We all loved them and were floored by how good they are. I told my neices I would try to give them a shout out on the show if I could, but frankly, I was so discombobulated just trying to remember what I was supposed to be doing that I didn't get to. Therefore, I told them they would get the shout out here in writing instead! Hi girls! Love ya!

My Good Things Utah experience was not only a good thing (see how I did that... I'm just so clever - snerk) - it was a GREAT thing!

The producers, staff, cameramen, and especially the hostesses at Good Things Utah are simply wonderful. There really isn't another word to describe them. Even though I was nervous just by the new experience of being on live TV (or any TV for that matter) they made me feel so comfortable that it went a whole lot better than I hoped it would.

HUGE Thanks go out to all the crew and hostesses over at Good Things Utah for having us on the show and for just being so wonderful! Thank you, thank you, thank you! (And for all my foodie friends, did you know that they make a recipe on there pretty much EVERY DAY and there are video links and recipe links to them on their site? Yeah, I thought that might get your attention!)

The only problem was that there just wasn't enough time to talk about all the things I wanted to. We talked about food blogging in general and about the recipe and a bit about what we do on a food blog, but we just ran out of time before we could get into all the things I hoped too.

They showed the front page of my blog several times though which had a great link to The Hive and I have already had several requests to join The Hive blog as well as the group on Facebook. So, even though we didn't get to spend time talking about The Hive once we cleared up the issue of what this food blogging thing is all about, we certainly seem to have succeeded in getting the word out about our little group!


I also gave away a copy of my favorite baking book of all time - Baking From My Home To Yours (I talked about Tuesdays with Dorie too - it was great!) to a great lady in the studio audience who had to answer a food related trivia question that Reagan, one of the hostesses, had to come up with since yours truly was in such a dither still that I couldn't come up with jack!

SO. After all those fun pictures. Now you can even watch us on Good Things Utah (and please do because poor Becky was blocked in the picture to the right from this angle and she looked great too, so you really need to see!) - HERE IS THE VIDEO LINK TO THE INTERVIEW! Here is a little link to the story.

By the way, the videos are kind of small but when I did a right-click I was able to go full screen.

AND. Here is the recipe link for my take on the Honey Lime Chicken Enchiladas that I made on the show - which you can watch THE VIDEO LINK TO THE COOKING SEGMENT HERE.

BUT. Before you run off and check it out, make sure you come back, because you see those seriously cute aprons we were wearing? Yeah. I thought you did. Well... drum roll......

My good friends over at
have decided to throw down some fantastic deals for my readers and Good Things Utah viewers.......

They are going to giveaway an apron. Not just any apron though. Whichever one the winner chooses from their website. That's right. You get to pick.

Here is the thing about this fantastic company. These aprons are all unique because they are made with care and love, one by one. No manufacturing here. You see that pretty fringe-y stuff on Reagan's apron? Yeah. It is delicate stuff. The heart pockets are stitched on with skill and care. They use only the highest quality materials and fabrics and have so many seriously fun varieties.

So, do you want to know how you can win? Of course you do!


You've got up to five chances to enter here! Good luck! Mr. will be doing the drawing - you've got until midnight (MST) on March 18, 2009 to enter!

1. Go to Bloom-n-Blush ( ), and sign up for their newsletter. Then look around their website and come back here and tell me you are going to get the newsletter and tell me what item on their website you would most want to win.

2. Subscribe to PheMOMenon via email or reader (links in the left bar), then tell me you did. If you already do, well, great, that counts so let me know.

3. Follow PheMOMenon on Twitter. Link is right over there on the side bar. If you already do, that counts so leave me a comment.

4. Twitter about the giveaway and leave me a comment that you did.

5. Blog about the giveaway - please include a link to both PheMOMenon ( ) Bloom-n-Blush ( ) ! (I am even posting a picture of one of their darling aprons below that you can use on your post - yes, it happens to be my personal favorite!)
Now, as if all those chances weren't enough, we all realize that a lot of you are going to want one of these spectacular aprons (did I tell you they have bags too? Yeah. I know!) the ladies over at Bloom-n-Blush want to make it even easier for you to get an apron for you, your mom, your grandma, your daughter, your sister, your best friend, or whoever - so here is some more good news:

For the same time as the contest, if you make a purchase from Bloom-n-Blush you get free shipping in the Continental U.S. and Canada - so get your order in before midnight (MST) on March 18th!

That's not all though - you can also use the discount code: GTU (as in Good Things Utah) as an extra thank you (and if you don't already watch the show, then you should) to get an extra $10 off your purchase now through midnight (MST), April 30, 2009!

Good luck! I can't wait to hear what you all pick out from their site!


On a related note, I have had a few requests on how to find the other recipes I mentioned on the show. Here are links to both the Jicama & Black Bean Salad Lindsey made and the Gooey Coconut Dream Bars I made a while ago and mentioned during the show. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Rock Your World: Honey Lime Chicken Enchiladas


Well, it is late, life is crazy and the pictures of these enchiladas I bring you just really don't do them justice. Melanie at My Kitchen Cafe always has the most wonderful dinner recipe ideas that are right in line with the way I like to eat. Before I even had a chance to make these I knew they would be good.

What I didn't know was that they were going to be The Best Enchiladas Ever. Seriously. I have made several different versions before, but these now go down in history for me as the best. It was like all the planets aligned.

They were super easy to make, didn't require a lot of ingredients and were ridiculously delicious. I hardly made any real changes to the recipe, mainly just switched it up a tiny bit because of what I had on hand. I never seem to have tortillas on hand so I had to make homemade flour tortillas (which is what I generally prefer to do anyway). I served the enchiladas with "Spanish" Rice and black beans. Seriously, you HAVE to make these as soon as possible.

A huge thanks to Melanie and Brittany for sharing the recipe!


Honey Lime Chicken Enchiladas
(From Brittany at The Sisters' Cafe via Melanie at My Kitchen Cafe)

6 tablespoons honey
5 tablespoons lime juice (approx. 1 large lime)
1 tablespoon chili powder (use a little less for a milder version)
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder (I used 3 cloves fresh garlic, crushed)
1 pound chicken, cooked and shredded (I used 2 large chicken breasts)
8-10 flour tortillas (I made 12 smaller ones)
1 pound monterey jack cheese, shredded (I used cheddar and monterey jack)
16 ounces green enchilada sauce
1 cup heavy cream (I only used about 1/2 cup)

Mix the honey, lime juice, chili powder and garlic together and toss with the shredded chicken. Let it marinate for at least 1/2 hour (or toss together in a ziploc bag and let it sit in the fridge for a few hours).

Pour about 1/2 cup enchilada sauce on the bottom of a 9X13 baking pan. Fill flour tortillas with chicken and shredded cheese, saving about 1 cup of cheese to sprinkle on top of enchiladas. Mix the remaining enchilada sauce with the cream and leftover marinade. Pour sauce on top of the enchiladas and sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes until brown and crispy on top.

Serve with sour cream, rice and black beans.

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