PhilSox Blog


Risking a Jinx?

Monday, August 27, 2007
I was reading a thread on SOSH and was smiling a bit at the discussions of who we (Sox fans) would rather the team have to meet in the post season. Some feel that the Indians would be the best option for the ALDS, then an Angel team that has knocked out the Yankers. (According to SOSH, if the Yankers get the WC and the rest of things stay as is, this would be possible.) Others stipulate that they will enjoy the playoffs much more if even the most remote chance of a Yankee WS win is removed by their lack of a post season berth, period. Some fans say that Seattle is the better choice for an opponent in the ALDS. The theories abound.

Me? I have not processed quite that far, yet. I'm still trying to fight off the feeling that all of this talk is dangerous since the Sox have not clinched anything, yet. I hate to be a pessimist, but I'd feel safer if we simply focus our collective energies on kicking the snot out of NY in their house, then just plain having fun when they come to the Fens. I hate to look too far forward, but should that surprise anyone, given the name of this blog?

I did have hopes of that rarest of happenings, a Philly/Boston World Series. I suppose that is as forward thinking and silly optimistic as I could be. The thought of having started this blog in a season where both of my teams made the big show was just too delicious to ignore. Can you imagine the mileage I'd get out of that one? It would almost be wonderful enough to counter act the internal turmoil I'd feel watching the games.

Now, with Philly 3 games out of a Wild Card spot, a series with the Mets beginning, and the Padres looking tough, my hopes of this unbelievable turn of events, aligning of planets, and convergences of fortune, are all but dashed. Still, the hated Braves are sinking ever lower, even with the stellar performance of Mark Teixeira, RBI robot. That always brings a dry smile to even the darkest Phillies face.

I'm not a particularly superstitious person, but I know that it is a ruling force in the realm of baseball. So, maybe we should stop being quite so sure of things just yet.


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