Showing posts with label Internet millionaires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet millionaires. Show all posts

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Rabbit and The Turtle Race


Remember the famous Rabbit-Turtle race (Tortoise and the Hare)? We all know that at the end of the story the Rabbit was not able to win the race against the Turtle.

Well, this is actually not the end of the story. After a disgraceful loss to the Turtle, the Rabbit decided to have a race again. This time, he decided, he would not take a nap.

The race started & soon the Rabbit was far away from the sight of the Turtle & all the spectators. This time he didn't stop & defeated the Turtle by a big margin.

The Turtle lost the race this time; however, he didn't give up. He challenged the Rabbit again on a different racetrack. The Rabbit, full of confidence, accepted it. He knew the reason he lost earlier: his laziness during the first race. He was able to win the second race because he was able to work on it.

The Third Race started. The Rabbit, like always, soon disappeared. Everyone was laughing at the Turtle but the Rabbit didn't want to stop to see why & kept on running as fast as he could. He wanted to defeat the Turtle by a much bigger margin than the earlier race. Suddenly, he came to a river. He was not able to make out how to cross it & was forced to stop.

After some time the Turtle reached the river & very confidently stepped into it. He swam much faster than he could ever run. Within no time he crossed the river & moved towards the finishing point while the Rabbit helplessly looked on as the Turtle won the race.

The story does not end here.

After the first race, the Rabbit learned that he lost it because of his laziness.

After second race, the Turtle learned that he lost the race because his opponent was actually good at running.

After the third race, the Rabbit learned that being faster is not enough; one should have brains as well to complete the task.

The Rabbit & the Turtle decided to run again. This time it was just running & not a race.

While running, until they reached the river, the Rabbit put the Turtle on his back. Once they needed to cross the river, the Turtle put the Rabbit on his back. After crossing the river, the Rabbit again put the Turtle on his back & both of them reached the finishing point in less time than ever.

What did they learn?

They both learned that with teamwork they can finish the same task quicker & both of them can enjoy the reward. During the time they were competing against one another, just one of them was able to win after wasting a lot of time & energy.

TEAM, Together Everyone Achieve More

"Look at your past. Your past has determined where you are at this moment. What you do today will determine where you are tomorrow. Are you moving forward or standing still?" --Tom Hopkins

Remember we control our Destiny.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

30 Blog’s That Make A Lot Of Money Online


To my readers, as I made a lot of data gathering on the web for Internet Millionaires, the challenge of presenting it to you is my difficulty. But don’t worry, I’m trying to construct a good story soon that will continue to inspire you. For now, I will give you a list of 30 Blog’s that really make big money in the Internet Industry. This is a research of Michael Dunlop who I’m a fan of also.

Feast this and enjoy. There are maybe 1000 more of this which needs proof. Anyway, please leave a comment if you know some sites and or love this post. Thank much!

Rank Website Owner Monthly Earnings Main Income
1 Techcrunch Michael Arrington $200,000 Advertising Banners
2 Mashable Pete Cashmore $180,000 Advertising Banners
3 Perez Hilton Mario Lavandeira $140,000 Advertising Banners
4 Gothamist Jake Dobkin $80,000 Pay Per Click
5 Timothy Sykes Timothy Sykes $80,000 Affiliate Sales
Venture Beat Matt Marshall $62,000 Pay Per Click
Life Hacker Nick Denton $60,000 Advertising Banners
Tuts Plus Collis Taeed $55,000 Advertising Banners
Smashing Magazine Vitaly Friedman $50,000 Advertising Banners
Steve Pavlina Steve Pavlina $45,000 Pay Per Click
TPM Josh Marshall $45,000 Pay Per Click
Car Advice Alborz Fallah $42,000 Advertising Banners
JohnChow John Chow $35,000 Affiliate Sales
Kotaku Nick Denton $32,000 Advertising Banners
Coolest Gadgets Allan Carlton $30,000 Advertising Banners
Problogger Darren Rowse $25,000 Advertising Banners
Joystiq AOL $18,000 CPM Advertising
PC Mech David Risley $16,000 Affiliate Sales
Shoemoney Jeremy Schoemaker $12,000 Private Advertising
Informasi Dan Tips Mustofa Alaydrus $9,500 Pay Per Click
Sizlopedia Saad Hamid $9,000 Pay Per Click
Retire at 21 Michael Dunlop $5,000 Affiliate Sales
Noupe Noupe $4,930 Advertising Banners
Uber Affiliate Paul Bourque $4,500 Second Tear Affiliates
Abduzeedo Fabio Sasso $3,920 Advertising Banners
Click For Nick Nick Skeba $3,900 Pay Per Click
Tyler Cruz Tyler Cruz $3,200 Advertising Banners
Just Creative Design Jacob Cass $3,000 Services
Sizzled Core Haris Nadeem $3,000 Pay Per Click
Filmonic Liam Goodwin $2,200 CPM Advertising

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Asian-Filipino Millionaire: Ian Del Carmen


Rags to Riches internet business success story.

The internet has spawned its fair share of millionaires, and Ian Del Carmen, CEO of Fireball Planet ( can count himself amongst the rank of success stories. Ian learnt early on how to make money online and work from home and is now a bona fide internet business success!

From a broken family, Ian’s mother had to work as a street vendor just to buy him milk while they lived with his grandparents – moving on one occasion to avoid a typhoon! Ian was a dedicated student and studied hard to make the honor rolls, as he knew the value a good education would bring him later in life.

Ian’s first brush with a computer had him in awe as he asked a good friend “how the texts on the monitor got printed” as he thought bond paper had been held so close to a screen until the words got transferred there. This still embarrasses Ian until this day.

Ian worked hard to pay his own way through college, starting out at the local McDonalds restaurant, then branching out on his own into network marketing. Building up his skills and confidence, he had a limited success at starting his own line of clothing, however that was short lived due to a lack of working capital. Ian even worked as an actor for $4 per hour, which sparked his enthusiasm for writing for which he was paid handsomely at the time.

Life was progressing for Ian, and he was soon married to his lively wife Iza, and they had a baby boy Ruiz Christian together. After selling Caesar’s pizza coupons to supplement his scriptwriting wage, Ian landed one of only 40 spots in a nation-wide search for new TV writers. After training in the US, and being signed up by one of the networks, Ian’s biggest break came when he was asked to write, direct, and produce different segments for the local version of the reality show ’Big Brother’ where he was paid more than $600 a month as a writer-slash-segment director. At that time, $600 a month was enough for him and his family and he could afford to buy a big can of milk for his kid.

It was during his spare time when not writing for the networks that Ian would surf the net in the local internet café and discovered the ebook phenomenon. He realized he could package his own writing digitally and sell it online for a profit. Ian soon fell in love with Adobe.

With a new found enthusiasm, Ian bought a second-hand PC and started investing all his spare funds into duplicating his ebooks onto CDs for distribution in stores all around Manila. However, they were not the best sellers he had hoped for. The problem was the cost of duplication and distribution, and the fact that his market was limited. Ian applied himself to studying how the American’s distributed their ebooks, and soon realized that digital delivery was the way to go. So once an affordable internet connection became available, Ian signed up, got a free hosting account and listed his ebooks online.

It was around this time that Ian found out about resell rights, so he got an ebook package and used this to build his first email list. Once Paypal became available in the Philippines, Ian repackaged all his ebooks and priced them at $27 and made his first sale! With the future in sight and his aim to sell one $27 product a day, Ian registered to start branding himself online and stand out from the crowd.

Ian also learnt about affiliate marketing and membership sites. With his passion for mobile technology, he created his very first membership site supplying ebooks that are read on mobile devices. was born. Subsequently, Ian launched over 20 membership sites and was then able to afford his very own laptop worth nearly $3000!

With his workload increasing at a greater rate than ever, Ian decided to hire a virtual assistant to help out. One night, a huge idea hit him. He thought of packaging all his 20+ membership sites to sell with resell rights. Merging two profitable business models, Ian had a feeling it would be a blast! This could be his first big ticket venture. Ian planned to sell the package for $197 to $297 per license.

The next day, he followed his gut feeling. He thought the big idea should be released as soon as possible. He started setting up everything that he would need and got the domain name which was luckily available. There was no one doing what Ian had in mind at that time! Wholesaling membership sites were not yet saturated in the marketplace!

Being online for less than a year, Ian had managed to gain friends from the Internet business industry. So when he launched, he had some affiliates who helped in getting the word out to the online buyers for 50% commissions.

In less than a week after the launch, the project was approaching the five figure mark. Ian had earned about $20,000! That’s ONE MILLION in Philippine pesos!

In less than a year, Ian had become an Internet millionaire!
Being sick and tired of forking out for cab fares all the time, Ian inquired from his bank how he could get an auto loan. There were a lot of requirements. So he decided to just get a Toyota Forunner and paid P1.4 Million or about $22,000.

Indeed… life is now good for Ian!

As Ian continued running his virtual empire, he thought he should formalize the business as a separate entity. Together with some friends and his wife, Ian established Fireball Planet Corporation and it was incorporated in May 2007.

As of this time of writing, Ian has lost count of how many websites he is running. The main site became and some of his major sites include,,, and his flagship membership sites and With almost 20 employees and more than 50,000 regular clients worldwide, branches out in Singapore and China in April 2008 and has immediate plans to open in India, Canada, Australia, and Indonesia. Fireball planet is a true internet business success. Ian has also started venturing into outsourcing services to give jobs to talented Filipinos so they can make money online and work from home. Brace yourself for some more success stories and home business stories.

And this… is only the beginning…

Quoted from Ian Del Carmen;

“Most people think that the Philippines is a place where a lot of scams take place online, so I had to overcome that by building good relationships with my clients.”

“People go to the net to surf for whatever information they may need or look for certain talent or skills that they can use. If you can offer that, why not sell it online?”

Good advise from a man who struck gold in the virtual landscape.

Sources: WiredNews

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Millionaire Blogger: John Chow


“My World! My Rules!”

About John Chow

A little somethinig about me. My name is John Chow (as you no doubt notice from the domain name). I also go by the nick name “Moto”, named after the old video game Moto Racer. I live in Vancouver, Canada pretty much all my life. Before discovering the internet, I was a partner in a local Richmond printing company. After over a decade of running a print shop, I decided it was time for a change, and the internet was where I was going to stake my claim.

On April 1999, I started a little technology site call The TechZone. That site has risen to become one of the largest hardware tech sites on the net. Currently the site has over 10,000 pages and gets over 200,000 page views per day.

Besides taking care of the day to day business at The Tech Zone, I can be seen riding my bike around Vancouver, working out at Fitness World or climbing Grouse Mountain. I am best known for his famous quote “My World! My Rules!” and “Oh well.”

Online ventures:

John Chow started with TheTechZone, in 1999 —”a major resource for hardware news and reviews.” Later on, he created TTZ Media Network, which provides a shopping and price comparison engine for technology-focused web publishers, with over 250,000 page views per month. It’s his main source of income.

Make Money Online: At, John Chow dot Com, he writes articles on how to make money online, along with variety of content on food, travel, and cars. His website is full of articles of “how you can monetize your website, increase traffic, and build an online business.”

John Chow dot Com is currently PR6 with Google, and receives 300,000 page views/month. Back in December, 2006 —John Chow started a very aggressive link back campaign, in which he would give a link back for every review of his blog when the text anchor ‘make money online‘ was used. Which proved to be a huge success, John now has over 870 links from various sites as a direct result of this campaign.

This has proved to be very successful for John not only his getting huge link, but also, since the inception of link campaign his blog income has grown from $2790.05 in December, 2006 to $12,569.61 in June, 2007, an increase in revenue of $9,779.56.

Link campaigns haven’t attributed completely to the growth in links, and revenue, but in advertising also. In the below image, you can see the difference.

Source of income: While many bloggers generate most of the income from Google AdSense. John Chow dot Com, get only about 6% (about $800) of the total income of from AdSense. The largest increase came from ReviewMe ($3,800 for June), because the cost for a review from John has gone up from $100 to $400.

John Chow dot Com has has about 10 income sources. Some of these sources are Text-Link-Ads, Kontera, ReviewMe!, AdSense, and affiliate sales. So, you see, diversification is an important concept on his blog.

The aggressive tactics which have resulted in such high links, and revenue growth have come to him at a high price. It seems that Google is punishing John down and has dropped him to the 51st result for the term “John Chow”. Technorati has listed John as number 55 of the top 100 blogs indexed, if you look at the top 100 page there is no mention of him at all.

More importantly, John Chow is very generous with his readers. For e.g., he set up a deal with Kontera to allow small-time publishers into their advertising program, which normally has a high traffic requirements. He frequently gives away stuff he gets for free, like video cards, Zunes etc. in exchange for links to him.

John Chow dot Com is a must-read for anyone interested in monetizing a blog or other website, or just generally interested in how SEO techniques work. While many SEO e-books require you to pay, his is totally free.

John Chow is Now a Multi-Millionaire

So, John Chow is on his permanent vacation. I just hope that it’s not an RIP vacation (just kidding).

This vacation is actually the result when John Chow finally sold his “TTZ” company. He didn’t disclosed the amount of sale but I think it’s multi-million, if not billions based on his statement:

Sarah and I plan to spend the next year traveling the world. This is the final realization of a dream. Truth of the matter is, I never expected this day would come so soon. I remember the first time I received a multi-million dollar offer for TTZ. It was during the Dot Com boom days and I said no. Six months later, the Internet crashed. Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat them. I do not intend to repeat the same mistake by saying no this time around. (emphasis mine)

That multi-million offer was actually happened before which according to him he’s carrying his regret after rejecting the offer. So since he bit the offer for his TTZ now, it obviously means it’s again another multi-million offer if not billions.

Additional: (As of May 2008 Data)
John Chow dot Com now makes over $30k / month on the blog alone!


Monday, March 2, 2009

Meebo Millionaires: Seth Sternberg, Sandy Jen, and Elaine Wherry


Meebo an Internet Millionaire Story Networth: $3.5 Million
Founders: Seth Sternberg, Sandy Jen, and Elaine Wherry
30,29 and 27

"When we put it out we did not know if anyone would like it; we just knew that it solved our problem," explains Seth Sternberg, 28, chief executive and co-founder of

The "it" in question is Meebo, a web-based instant messaging (IM) system which lets users send and receive messages from a number of different IM services, such as AOL, MSN, Yahoo and Jabber.

It is an elegant solution to the problem of having multiple accounts - many of which are not interoperable - and requiring different software downloads.

Community built

Mr Sternberg is not concerned that Meebo could be rendered obsolete if the big IM firms decided to work together and end interoperability issues.

"Yahoo and Microsoft have already made their IM network interoperable - we saw no impact.

"Meebo is a service but it has a community built around it. It is available in 59 different languages and our users did all that translating. The users felt so passionately about the product."

While he jokes about one day setting up a Meebo airline, Mr Sternberg says the priority remains to roll out essential features and to take advantage of the growing power and flexibility of the web to deliver new services.

"There are very, very few limitations to the types of software that can be run as web applications.

"Microsoft and Adobe are working on technology that will completely blur the line between whether an application comes over the web or is on the desktop."

But does he ever wish he was sitting in a cubicle at IBM, worrying about other people's budgets?

"Definitely not. When it's your own project, you are passionate about it all the time."

Sources: BBC News,

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Top 20 Young Entrepreneurs Under 30


Mark Zuckerberg

Do you know that the internet is the greatest monetary equalizer? You don’t have to be an old tech savvy, computer geek, seo specialist, first-world-straight-As genius just to be rich online. As long as you have a reliable computer, internet connection and a brilliant idea; even young kids can retire young and rich!

Check out this list of young internet millionaires under 30.

1. Mark Zuckerberg [ Facebook ] 23 years old | $700M
2. Andrew Gower [ Runescape ] 28 years old | $650M
3. Blake Ross and David Hyatt [ Mozilla ] 22 years old | $120M
4. Chad Hurley [ Youtube ] 30 years old | $85M
5. Angelo Sotira [ Deviant ART ] 26 years old | $75M
6. John Vechey [ PopCap Games ] 28 years old | $60M
7. Alexander Levin [ WordPress ] 23 years old | $57M
8. Jake Nickell [ Threadless ] 28 years old | $50M
9. Sean Belnick [ Biz Chair ] 20 years old | $42M
10. Kevin Rose [ Digg ] 30 years old | $31M
11. Ryan Block [ Engadget ] 25 years old | $20M
12. Aodhan Cullen [ Stat Counter ] 24 years old | $18M
13. Tom Fulp [ Newgrounds ] 29 years old | $15M
14. Rishi Kacker and Matt Pauker [ Voltage ] 24 years old | $12M
15. Markus Frind [ Plenty of Fish ] 29 years old | $10M
16. Catherine and David Cook [ My Year Book ] 17 & 19 years old | $10M
17. Fredrik Neij [ The Pirate Bay ] 28 years old | $10M
18. David Hauser & Siamak Taghaddos [ GotvMail ] 24 years old | $8M
19. Jermaine Griggs [ Hear and Play ] 23 years old | $5M
20. Jay Westerdal [ Domain Tools ] 29 years old | $5M

Their each stories soon shall be featured in our blog. For now, just a list. Enjoy and have fun with this young and rich internet millionaires.



Pink Net Money Blog