Showing posts with label ebay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ebay. Show all posts

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Pretty Pastels … To Give Your Poor Eyeballs A Rest!!!!

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Hi there peepsand hope you are all okayon this rather grey Tuesday.

Before we get to the card today, I must announce who the winner was from my ribbon giveaway last week, and it is ….


… you Bhawana :)

Please email me your address details chick and I'll pass them on to Mary and hugest thanks to The Ribbon Girl for their sponsorship xxx

And now it's that time of the week when we nip overand check out what's happening with the Papertake Weekly crew and this week, as it's the last challenge of the month, it’s time for a sketch and …….

sketch #67

… it's this one here.

And we are sponsored today by those fabulous people across the pond, Simon Says Stamp so if you get a chance, nip over and check it all out.

And this ……

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… is what I did.

The image is from Saturated Canary and she's called Hand Me Downs, awwww :)

I  coloured her with Copics in these colours -

Skin – E000, E00, E11, E21, R00, R20

Hair – E42, E43, E50, E81

The rest – B05, R85, RV0000, RV000, RV00, RV10, YG0000, YG00, YG03

The pretty papers are from the Perfect Pair collection by Nitwits

And talking of Nitwits, have you seen ….

… this :)

If you want the deets, nip over here and check it all out.

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I did something a bit different with this pretty Vivienne Butterfly.

I added a Wild Orchid Crafts bloom and some pearly spray things for antennae which you can only just about see!!

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The bow is made from 15mm gingham from The Ribbon Girl and I added a tiny heart button which I found in my stash.

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The inside is decorated to match the front which can only mean one thing!!

It’s looking for a new home and is now on sale on ebay – you can see it here.

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So that’s me done for today.

I’ll be back tomoz when we will be nipping back across the pond to catch up with the Simon Says girlies.

Have a fabby day and huggiest of hugs to all xxx

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Just To Let You Know ……

Hi lovely peeps and a very Happy Sunday to you xxx

This is just a quickie to let you know that I am having a humungous clear out in my craft room and have various stamps for sale on ebay – you can see them here. I’ll be adding more as I go along so it’s worth keeping an eye out in case I have something there that you want.  I’m only listing items that are in excellent condition so they are worth a check :)

Enjoy your Sunday – we are off for lunch at Emma’s today so no cooking for me, woohoooooo.

Huggiest of hugs to all xxx

PS It isn’t an April Fool :)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

So Who Won The Ribbon Then ? Ohhh And A Sneakie Peekie Too :)

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Morning sweet peeps and what fabulous weather we are having at the mo!!
It was like a summer’s day yesterday and today is looking like more of the same – wooohooooo :)

So before we do anything, I have to let you know who won my ribbon giveaway – the post is here – and that
lucky girlie is ………………………………………..


…. YOU Vicky Angel Drummer

Well done to you and if you email me your deets,  I’ll pass them on to Mary & Andrea and hugest of thanks to them for a beautisimous giveaway xxx  Thank you also to everyone who took part and there will be another one next month :)

So what do we have today then?

Well it’s  Tuesday so it’s Papertake Weekly time and as it’s the last one of the month, it’s sketchie time  as well.

And here …..

sketch #66

… is the bad boy. We’re sponsored today by Heidi over at …..

Simon Says Stamp

Simon Says Stamp so if you get a sec, nip over and have a moochio :)

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And here’s the old card and I’ll be popping it on ebay later on :)

I’ve done another sneakie peekie of one of the new release – not long now girls – and this one is called Close Your Eyes.  It’s ever so cute :)

It was coloured with Copics in these colours -

Skin -  E000, E00, E11, E21, R00, R20

Hair – E25, E35, E43, E51, E81

The rest -  E25, E29, E35, E51, G99, R85, RV0000, RV00, RV10YG0000, YG00, YG03

and of course the papers are all from Nitwits.

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I got these gems from the NEC on Saturday from The Hobby House – absolutely bargainous peeps!!!

I also thought I’d add a bit of  Magnolia Lovely Fence Die for no other reason than I just love this die. You can get it from Simon Says Stamp of course.

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I did the inside of the card to match the front.

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And there you go.

Well what a fab time we had at the NEC on Saturday. I went with my Nikkie and we had a good old bead shop :) 

All we have to do now is make something with them lol!!!

I love going  to the NEC but not for the shopping.  For me, the best bit is catching  up with lovely peeps who started out as blog buds and ended up as friends, and  we had a very nice lunch in Wetherspoons.  A highlight this year  for me was finally getting to meet Mary & Andrea from The Ribbon Girl. and they are both every bit as nice as I imagined they would be. The usual gang were there including Kim Piggott and her gorgeous daughter Claire who had a good old non crafty chat with Nikkie, my cyber twin Kath (love ya Mrs K xxx) ,  Heather (who looked fab following her illness last year) , Jo, Tab and Kim Dellow.  Thank you one and all for a super couple of hours xxx  MIA though were Mummy Fairy Jacqui and Chris Dark  but hopefully next time girlies cos I really missed you xxx  

Well did you see the final of DOI then? Not a shock that Matthew won cos he was pretty awesome.  I did feel a bit sorry for Chico when he nearly dropped Jodeyne – that could have been really nasty!!! But that’s it for another year and I do hope that for the next series they replace Christine Bleakely – talk about smug!!! It may be me but Phil doesn’t seem to have the same chemistry that he had with Fern or Holly.

So now it’s  time for BGT.

Ohh my life, what about that young lad then? It actually made me cry when he sang.

If you didn't see it peeps, here’s a little clip …..

.. is he amazing or what!!

And you just know that he’s had a hard time of it because of his weight so if he ever was bullied – and to be fair, it didn't say that he had been but I did wonder -  then it’s one in the eye for them now isn’t. I’m sure that this kid will do really well.

Right I’m off to get some work done and then later I am baby sitting Miss Kyla cos Emma has parents’ evening. She wanted to come with us on Saturday but my nerves would not have stood it – I’d have been terrified of losing her.  I had to drop her off bright and early so we missed the baking thing but I’m sure we will make up for it next week.

Have a fabulous day and see you tomoz and huggiest of hugs to all xxx

Friday, 23 March 2012

I’ve Done It At last!!!!!!!!

Hi there sweet peeps and hope you are all OK today.

Tis Friday and the weekend is almost here. Tomorrow I am off to the NEC and will no doubt be frequenting Wetherspoons for most of the day so if you are about, come and say howdy. I cannot wait to catch up with everyone again :)

I don’t have any cardage today but I just wanted to say happy weekend to y’all and also to let you know that I have joined the 21st century at long last and thanks to the loveliest of lovelies Miss Marcea, I am now officially an ebay seller!!


I am a real technical dimwit (it is sooo true) so this gorgeous girlie helped me to set it all up  - thank you sweet cheeks – you are the BEST, mmmmwaaaahhhhhh xxxxxx

I am quite chuffed to see one of my cards on there. 

Just the one mind!!!

Poor Billy No Mates it is. I do have others but I have yet to list them but they will be on there soon. There will be no stopping me now and the family better watch out or I will be selling them on there next!! Mind you, whoever got my Richard would soon send the begger back!!!

Bless him – I wouldn’t sell him really!!!!

So have the best weekend and don’t spend too much if you are going to Brum. Actually, yes, do spend loads and loads. It’s only twice a year and we so deserve a little splurge don’t we lol!!

See you soon as soon and huggiest of hugs to all xxxxx