Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nature. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2012

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Itty Bits -Macro/Mellow Yellow Monday

Click on the pic to enlarge

So...I really want a macro lens! But I can't afford one right now (it's on my Christmas list). I thought I would try a magnifying filter. I didn't have much hope really, but I was pleasantly surprised with the results of my first try with the Raynox DCR-250 Super Macro Conversion Lens. The Raynox DCR-250 is not a dedicated lens…meaning you can’t attach it directly to your camera. It clips on to a lens with a filter size between 52mm to 67mm. The clips grab on to the internal ring on the front lens element.

The snail shell and feather above are teeny teeny tiny? Well the shell is about 1/4 of an inch...

Size comparison

So...what do you think? Was it worth the 80 bucks I paid for it?

See more great Macro shots from around the world HERE @ Lisa's Chaos
See more Mellow Yellow shots HERE @ Mellow Yellow Monday

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cottage Sunset Series #5

Kennisis Lake, Haliburton, Ontario

View more gorgeous skies from around the world HERE @SKYWATCH FRIDAY
Look at what's reflecting around the world HERE @WEEKEND REFLECTIONS
Lots of scenery from around the world can be seen HERE @SCENIC SUNDAY

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Touch Of Autumn

The Ausable River, Pinery Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada
Click the pic to enlarge
The world turns softly Not to spill its lakes and rivers,
The water is held in its arms And the sky is held in the water.
What is water, That pours silver, And can hold the sky?
~Hilda Conkling 

Click over to Nature Footstep new WATERS meme HERE for more watery views.
Take a look at the great outdoors HERE at OUTDOOR WEDNESDAY
Get your eyes wet @ WATERY WEDNESDAY HERE

Friday, October 21, 2011

Forest Floor - The Weekend In Black and White

Click the pic to enlarge

Find inspiration in small brilliant bursts right at your feet.

See more great monochrome shots HERE @ The Weekend In Black And White

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Doll's Eyes

For Macro Monday/Ruby Tuesday

Click the pic to enlarge
Beneath the early autumn canopy of turning trees, the doll's eye plant stands out on the forest floor, with striking white berries, each centred with a black dot, on a thick, deep red stalk. Named for the resemblance to the eyes of old fashioned porcelin dolls, this plant is pure poison. Also known as baneberry, all parts of this plant can cause ill effects in humans if ingested. This is one plant that does not follow the old folk adage that any berries eaten by birds are okay for humans. Ruffled grouse, robins, wood thrushes and other songbirds eat these berries with no consequences.

Visit Lisa's Chaos to see more great MACRO shots from around the world HERE
Check out the many shades of red over at Ruby Tuesday HERE

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Beauty- Sky Watch Friday

The Pinery Provincial Park, Lake Huron, Ontario
Beauty is whatever gives joy.
Edna St. Vincent Millay

See more gorgeous sky scapes from around the world HERE @ SKYWATCH FRIDAY
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy Ribbit

Cute enough to kiss! Maybe it is a prince!

Prince Froggy was in the top 5 winners @  FAVORITE PHOTO OF THE WEEK  contest.

See more great Macro shots from around the world HERE @ Lisa's Chaos
Take a look at lots more Critters HERE @ Camera Critters
Lovely shades of yellow to be seen HERE @ Mellow Yellow Monday
View the many wonders of the world HERE @ Our World Tuesday

Monday, September 26, 2011

Wolves - Our World Tuesday/Outdoor Wednesday

We spend our summer vacation time up in the Haliburton Highlands in Ontario. It's a beautiful thickly forested area in the province that has over 600 lakes and heaps of wildlife roaming around.

It's not unusual to see bears, moose, beavers, woverines, deer etc. Sometimes the sightings are a little too close for when a woverine shows up on your cottage property, or you barely miss hitting a black bear as it lumbers across the road a few feet from your car.

One of the most elusive creatures in the Canadian bush is the wolf (grey timber wolf). They are often heard howling at night, but rarely seen.

Luckily for us, the Haliburton Forest and Wildlife Reserve's Wolf Centre, is just up the road from the cottage. I love spending an afternoon there, watching and photographing these beautiful creatures.

Click on the pics to enlarge


Being lazy in the sun

Pup #1

Just like dad

Pup #2

Just like mom
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"We have doomed the Wolf not for what it is, but for what we have deliberately and mistakenly perceived it to be..the mythologized epitome of a savage, ruthless killer..which is, in reality no more than a reflected image of ourself."
-Farley Mowat

View the many wonders of the world HERE @ Our World Tuesday
Take a look at the great outdoors around the world HERE @ Outdoor Wednesday
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Alien Has Landed

Another example of the weird and wonderful fungi found in the forests up at the cottage, in the Haliburton Highlands of Ontario.
Click the pic to enlarge

This is a Rosy Russula, most often found in mixed wood forests of Red Maple, Balsm Fir, and spruce trees. This mushroom is a favorite food for Red squirrels. They carry them up trees, and hang them from branch forks, or stuff them in cracks in the bark. There, the mushrooms will dry out, and be preserved for eating later in the winter.

You can see more great MACRO shots from around the world HERE @ Lisa's Chaos.

Click on over to RUBY TUESDAY to see more shades of red from around the world.

Check out this week's theme (macros) @  PIC STORY
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Friday, September 9, 2011

In The Woods - Weekend Reflections

Click on the pic to enlarge

Hemlocks reflected on the outside of the window of the summer cottage.
The pleated blind was down inside, creating a rippled effect.

Slow-growing and long-lived, Canadian hemlock trees in the wild may reach 80 feet tall or higher, with a spread of 25' to 30' .These fragrant trees are pyramidal or conical in shape, and their small needles give them a fine texture. The needles are dark green on top and light green underneath. The bark of Canadian hemlock trees at maturity may be cinnamon-red or reddish brown.

See what's reflecting around the world HERE @ Weekend Reflections

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Pond Hike - Our World Tuesday/ABC Wednesday (H)

We live in an urban setting, a city of about 360,000. Luckily we live in Pond Mills, a suburb that includes the Westminister/ Pond Mills Environmentally Significant Area, which is  also a class 1 Provincially Significant Wetland (no one can bulldoze it and build houses). The ESA is significant for its size and for its great variety of natural habitats. There are six major ponds and a number of smaller ones scattered throughout the forests, wetlands and marsh.

My daughter, granddaughter and I often hike there. It's all about 2 blocks from our house.

Click the pics to enlarge
The boardwalk through the marshy area

Through the forest

Spettigue Pond

Lots of frogs

The frog whisperer

This post is my first to the new meme OUR WORLD TUESDAY

This meme is the second generation of My World Tuesday, which was founded by Klaus Peter of Florida three years ago and which published faithfully every Monday until Klaus's passing.he We honor his memory and each other by continuing this meme.

ABC Wednesday Check out the letter H at ABC Wednesday

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hanging On - Macro/Mellow Yellow Monday

Click the pic to enlarge
Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain.
~Henry David Thoreau

For more great Macro shots from around the world visit Lisa's Chaos HERE
Visions of Yellow from around the world can be seen HERE @ Mellow Yellow Monday

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Spettigue Pond

A post for SkyWatch Friday, Weekend Reflections, Scenic Sunday

Spettigue Pond

In memory of Klaus Peter, may he rest in peace.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

See more terrific Sky shots from around the world,

See more great Reflection shots from around the world,

Take a look at beautiful scenery from around the world,

Friday, August 12, 2011

Thistle Down - Black and White Weekend

Click the pic to enlarge
Beauty doesn't need ornaments. Softness can't bear the weight of ornaments.
See more terrific monochrome shots from around the world

~Munshi Premchand

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Down By The River - Watery/Outdoor Wednesday

Click the pic to enlarge

How could drops of water know themselves to be a river? Yet the river flows on.
~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

See more Watery shots from around the world HERE
See more Oudoor shots from around the world HERE

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Home Of The Winds - SkyWatch Friday/Scenic Sunday

Click the pic to enlarge
Waitpinga Beach, South Australia, a place I called home for a while.

See more great skies from around the world at Skywaych Friday HERE
See more great Scenic Sunday shots from around the world HERE

A Sacred Heart - Guest Heart Thursday

In the centre of Australia lies a huge monolith know as Uluru (Ayers Rock). It is a large sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory, central Australia.

Uluru is a huge tourist attraction, and many people climb it. Uluru is sacred to the Aṉangu, the Aboriginal people of the area. The local Aṉangu do not climb Uluru because of its great spiritual significance, and they request that visitors do not climb the rock. 

The Aṉangu lead walking tours around the base of the rock, and visitors are free to explore most areas on their own. They request that visitors do not photograph certain sections of Uluru, for reasons related to traditional Tjukurpa beliefs. The areas prohibited from photography are well marked.

Walking around the huge rock I took heaps of photos.
I was pleased to find this one with the heart. 
 And...this was not taken in a prohibited area.

Click on over to  Clytie's Blog and see lots more Random Hearts

Uluru is;
862.5 metres above sea level
348 metres (1141 feet) high
3.6 km (2.2 miles) long
1.9 km  (1.2 miles) wide
9.4 km or 5.8 miles around the base (that's walking)
covers 3.33 km (1.29 square miles)
Uluru is primarily composed of coarse-grained arkose, a type of sandstone characterized by an abundance of feldspar.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Rivflection - Weekend Reflections/Scenic Sunday

The Ausable River, Ontario, Canada
What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn't have any doubt,
it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn't want to go anywhere else. 
~Hal Boyle
Click the pic to enlarge

See more Reflection shots from around the world  HERE

See more Scenic shots HERE

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Walking By The Water

ABCWednesday-W/Watery Wednesday/Outdoor Wednesday
All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Click the pic to enlarge

See more ABC posts HERE

See more Watery shots HERE

See more Outdoor shots HERE