Showing posts with label Friday Smile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friday Smile. Show all posts

Saturday, 23 August 2014

On the way to a paperless society

I defy you not to laugh at this,  but put that coffee cup down  before clicking on the link!

Told you! Sorry this is just a link peeps, I tried to embed the video but it wasn't playing ball - unless I was doing summick wrong - which is more than likely :(

SQUEAL - at midnight we just saw TWO baby hedgehogs at the feeding station! They're healthy and very hungry - Mum and Dad were there earlier so we were right that there were previously those two adult hedgies cosying up now they brought their new little Prickles :)) Hopefully the little ones will fatten up nicely in time for their hibernation - there's still time before late Autumn we hope.

So funny - Len just scampered out to the garden to refill the feeding bowl (and I suspect put a second bowl out 'cos I can hear chinking outside) - he's like a proud Grandad :)


Saturday, 23 November 2013

When the boat comes in

One of my favourite little songs as a child is from my beloved Northumberland:

Dance ti' thy daddy, sing ti' thy mammy,
Dance ti' thy daddy, ti' thy mammy sing;
Thou shall hev a fishy on a little dishy,
Thou shall hev a fishy when the boat comes in.


This leads nicely into a little incident which happened yesterday morning. I'm still not driving while this back keeps seizing up - I dread to think what would happen if I was tootling along the road and it happened, screeeeeeech, crunch - but we need to eat of course. So, off trotted Len with a list of fresh meat, vegetables, fruit and fish to the supermarket - covering things which I don't trust unless I (or Len in this case) get to choose them myself. And I sat here doing an online order for the rest to be delivered today.

When Len came home he was still red-faced. He'd gone to the fish counter as I wanted 300 grammes or so of smoked haddock to add to other white fish and prawns we already have here in the freezer for our favourite fish pie.  The fact I'm thinking about proper cooking is a step forward - yay!

Only, he asked for 300 kilo grammes!! Without even cracking a slight smile the fishmonger said 'Are you sure Sir?'. Quick as a flash Len said 'Ooops, wrong amount, should be 300 grammes - I don't really need a boat load'. And you know what, still not the whisper of a smile from the guy behind the counter as he solemnly weighed out the correct quantity! But it gave us both a good laugh anyhow :)

Never send a man to do a woman's work eh?

Annie might like this tale for her Friday Smiles.

Snippets write-up day today as well as the launch of our 100th Week celebrations tomorrow :) See you then!


Saturday, 3 August 2013

Friday Smile - on a Saturday

On a cooler day earlier this week I went into a cleaning frenzy. Not just the flick of a duster either, oh no, it was 'full ferret mode' - in which no cranny is left unscrubbed and explored.

Whilst blitzing our shower room I turned to some industrial strength limescale remover - it's really lethal stuff and not for sale in your normal supermarket either. We live in a very chalky area here in Hampshire and limescale drives me crazy.

Seeing me waving the bottle of lethal chemical, Len warned me to be careful - but he'd never seen me in full cleaning garb when using that stuff. Later on, hearing the sound of a toothbrush frantically scrubbing in a particularly hidden part of porcelain ware, he stuck his head round the door to be greeted by yours truly attired as follows:

1. Elbow length rubber gloves - check

2. Huge protective apron - check

3. A protective pair of goggles - check

4. Toothbrush in hand - I buy cheap ones in packs of four from the supermarket as they're great for getting into tricky little places when house cleaning - check

As I turned round Len almost collapsed laughing and snorted 'Good God, The Graduate strikes again. Shall I go up into the loft for your flippers and snorkel?'


This is for Annie's 'Friday Smile' - go on, take a peek, it's all good fun!


Thursday, 20 June 2013

One for Annie's Friday Smile

A wife, being the romantic sort, sent her husband a text: "If you are sleeping, send me your dreams. If you are laughing, send me your smile. If you are eating, send me a bite. If you are drinking send me a sip. If you are crying, send me your tears. I love you!"

The husband, typically non romantic, replied, "I am on the toilet. Please advise."

Adding this to Annie's Friday Smile for this week - it amused me anyhow :)


Friday, 3 May 2013

A Friday Smile for Annie

Another true tale from me - for Annie's Friday Smile. The image below is taken from a very precious little book of mine called 'The Story of Mr Korah' - written by Christabel Aberconway and illustrated by Rex Whistler:
And it reminds me of a chap I used to work with many years ago, called Ray who was a real practical joker and always cooking up mischief.

He lived in County Durham and told this tale about his 'courting days' with great relish on numerous occasions.

He and his 'bride to be, Celia' had been out for the evening - to the local 'hop', way back in the late 50's or early 60's. As was the custom, he escorted Celia home - and, as was also the custom, they entered her parents house in a small pit village by the back door.

She trotted up the back garden path with Ray following behind and all of a sudden - WHOOOOSH! The next thing Ray knew, a paving stone on the path tilted at 90 degrees and he disappeared from view.

What had happened was that an old mine shaft had given way and Ray just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time :( BUT, as luck would have it, he landed on water pipes that were lain about five foot or so underneath the path - otherwise goodness knows what would have been his fate.

So, there was Ray - head and shoulders sticking above ground level, shaking like a leaf with his life passing before his eyes and what did Celia do?

She only turned round, took one look at him and said 'Oh come on Ray, stop mucking about!'.

Thankfully he survived with no real injuries - except for his pride!


Saturday, 30 March 2013

The best laugh for ages

On WOYWW (on 20th March) Annie posted that she had some Scrabble tiles on offer - and you just had to leave a comment saying what was the strangest thing you kept 'just in case it could come in handy'.

This was my comment:

Number one is my lovely Len :))

And next is an indication of my kleptomania - if EVER there's a free ballpoint pen going then it's into my handbag and then stored in a mahoosive poly bag in a drawer here. No hotel, conference centre etc. is safe. Think I'm covered if there's ever a world shortage of biros! The sad thing is that every now and then I have to go through and dump those that are so old they've dried up! Sigh, keep saying I ought to get out more!

I left old pairs of pants and knickers as cleaning cloths off the list :) Err, or did I 'cos I just told you?

On Thursday this week a package arrived in the post - and when I opened it, these were inside. Oh my gosh, I'd only gone and won those Scrabble tiles! There was a lovely card plus the much longed for tiles, in what I thought was the way Scrabble tiles come these days, in a nice drawstring bag:
When I read the card it did make me smile but in the excitement my brain wasn't fully in gear.
 And THEN, I opened up the bag to peek inside at the tiles!
Bwahahahahahah - Len came running to see why I was hopping round with my legs crossed in tears of laughter. Soooo funny, the bag is only a pair of panties made from a duster - so in return, I'm linking this into Annie's Friday Smile for this week. The girls, Annie and Jo, were giggling so much making this package up they only posted it and forgot to take a photo :) They truly didn't ought to be allowed to play together :))

So, from me it's a very BIG:
There's only one letter X of course in a set of tiles - otherwise there'd be a LOT more!!

It's a new week in the Snippets Playground on Sunday of course - you might just want to hop by and see what's been going on, but I won't be modelling the panties - not even as a jaunty little hat:)


Saturday, 23 March 2013

Nuts about Nutella?

I know someone who is a Nutella (chocolate and hazelnut spread) fan - in fact more than one person :) Tried it for myself last week and hated it - way too sickly and had to run and brush my teeth twice to get rid of the taste. But, Grand daughter Livi in Germany adores it:
Trust me, I felt just like she looks after my tasting but without the smile :( ACK!

But there again, I love Marmite and that's a love or hate thing - this is one for Annie's Friday Smile!


Friday, 1 February 2013

A Friday Smile for Annie and almost missed the deadline......

....for Crafty Hazelnut's Christmas Challenge 109 where the theme is 'Nativity', just squeezed in on the last day:
I used:

- A5 gold edged cream card stock

- 'up-cycled' image, chopped from a 2012 Christmas card 

- gold mirri card to back the image and the backing paper (which was a freebie not so long ago)

- a vertical strip of gold mirri card so the deep purple/aubergine ribbon stands out

- gold Card Candi

And it's a new month over at Hazel's monthly Christmas Extra Challenge, where it's always 'Anything goes' so I could even be first to play this month.

A special friend called Helena emailed me this and am still giggling here:
??? AJ ???
It's the caption that sets me off every time I look at it :) So, it's for Annie's Friday Smile.

Being of a curious nature and wanting answers to everything, I Googled to see which was faster - and found that the cheetah can run at 70mph and an ostrich at 40mph :( Then, I spotted the story behind the photo itself.

It's genuine (the caption was added by some wag later) but in fact the cheetah was chasing a hare which is out of the shit shot. The ostrich of course didn't know this and legged it - well, would you have waited to be introduced? Apparently, when it began to tire, the ostrich turned on the cheetah - who then promptly also legged it, back the way it came :) Result, cheetah belting in the opposite direction (probably muttering 'sh*tsh*tsh*tsh*t' to itself), one very bemused and weary ostrich left standing......................and the hare got away. I love a happy ending!!

This will post at midnight Thursday/Friday but am off to bed right now (8:30 pm for goodness sakes!!) as I have a wounded soldier here, needing some TLC after a nasty tooth extraction with some embroidery work by the dentist thrown in just to complicate it - so I'll do the links once we're up and about on Friday morning. Sigh, how many ways can you scramble eggs?

Have a super weekend, whatever you have planned :)
