Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Ice Cream Sunday

I made some homemade hot fudge and caramel sauce for our treat. The kids decided they wanted theirs in cones with m&ms. I had mine with strawberries, fudge, and caramel. So good.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Sunday Morning

Will asks at least 50x a day to hold Luke. Unfortunately he doesn't get to hold him that much. He is gone at school or Luke is eating or fussy, so he doesn't get near the amount of snuggling that he would like. He asked this morning and it worked out just right.

This is what Sunday morning looks like at our house right now; Little boys in underwear, cuddled under blankets, and watching veggie tales. I couldn't resist taking a picture. I wanted to remember this moment so badly. All of my boys. In one spot. Happy to be together. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Luke+Great Grandma+Great Aunt

Aunt Marsha was taking Grandma back to the eye doctor after her cornea replacement and they stopped by to meet Luke. Love these special moments and memories.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday

We hosted Easter dinner at our house today. Patrick took Will & Jack to church and Sam, Luke, and I stayed home. Blake and Lauren arrived first, and then Brett. We got the last minute things ready for lunch. Mom and Joe and Holly's family came a little later. Bryce's family stopped by for an egg hunt after lunch. It was so nice having everyone here. I loved it.

I love Easter and the many things it reminds me of. This was the first Easter without Grandma Miller. I thought a lot about her. A lot of my Easter memories are connected to her. I missed her a lot today. I made her ham, and even used her roasting pan. I'm so thankful for my Savior and what he has done for me that gives me the hope that one day I will see not only my Grandma again, but be with all those I love and who are so important to me.

I was really wanting a picture of me with all 4 boys today, but could never find the right time. This so did not turn out the way I had been imagining it. Me with my four boys, but this is I'm sure a much more accurate depiction of each of their personalties when it comes to picture making...Love 'em anyway!

 ALSO! Today was Luke's due date. So happy he's already here!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Will's Baptism Day

Will had been waiting patiently for his baptism day. We had postponed it from November when my Grandma Miller had started to really decline. He had been looking forward to this day, and we had spent a lot of time at home talking about baptism and the covenants we make with our Heavenly Father. Will had some very special people come to his baptism, and some of them traveled pretty far just to be there. His Great Grandma Mary Hitchcock, Two of his Great Aunts, Terry and his cousin Mariah, and Great Aunt Marsha and Uncle Mike. His Aunt Julee and Uncle Dan drove all the way from VA to be there, and they brought two of his favorite cousin friends Ceseley and Natalie.

 A couple weeks before his special day, Will decided who he would like to speak and what music he would like to sing. I made a program in photoshop (I had never done that before, big learning curve for me!) and he approved it. :) He also asked me to make a few of his favorite cookies to share with everyone for after the baptism, devils food cookies, lemon chunk, and chocolate chip. 

It was a simple and beautiful service. Will's feet popped up and he had to be immersed twice--something he had said he hoped wouldn't happen. His Nonna spoke on why it's important to be baptized and that when are we are promising to do our best to be like Jesus and help others. And his Pa talked about how it feels when the Holy Ghost talks to us and how we can recognize those good feelings and warnings and know who those promptings are coming from. When the Primary President gave Will a chocolate bar with a red pencil scripture marking pencil. She asked if he knew why we marked our scriptures. Jack raised his hand and he said, "So you know which ones you've read, and you never read them again."  It was pretty cute and funny. 

 We are so proud of him and the good young boy that he is. I know the Lord is proud of him too. Will is very caring and wants everyone to be happy and safe. He is almost always smiling and he really does try very hard to do his best and make good choices. Love him to pieces!

 Love these two best of friends

This one just makes me smile. I love how Will is holding Sam's face to look at the camera.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

My Favorite Boys

The boys were very helpful with cutting down some small trees and cedars, while I helped Patrick with putting up the fence. They did a great job of helping us start a fire to stay warm and clear out brush. They paused to take a little break and snuggle up with there favorite big pup.

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Will has been playing basketball since October. He was so nervous and didn't want to do it. But good Ol' Mom to the rescue--I made him. :) Will is like me in a lot of ways and one of those is not trying things because of fear. I've learned to take more chances, but know I missed out on so many things because I let my fear get in the way. Anyway ever since his first practice, he's been hooked! He absolutely loves it! His team however isn't the best. But they play hard every game and don't give up.

During this game, Will scored his first goal!! So exciting to watch him! I feel so fortunate to get to see him learn and grow in different ways. Dad and Silvana came up and watched Will and made it an extra special game.

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Wish Grandma could have been in the picture with us! Love these people.

Family Pictures

I had asked my dad to take our family pictures while he was visiting from CA. The best time to do that looked like it would be on Thanksgiving at Grandma and Papa's. Mandy and Bryce's family thought that was a good idea too.

Since we were shooting with a fallen sun and so many people who wanted their picture made, we had to move quick and there wasn't much time to take many of any one family. Luckily we got 2 good ones. Love this little family of mine!

Here is one I took of Bryce's beautiful family

And the ones I took of Dad and Silvana

Friday, November 20, 2015

Till We Meet Again