Saturday, December 31, 2022

So Long 2022



In may take more time...there will be more added.


I watched this episode...go


After watching the last segment, which starts at 17:47...I went here, to her space as I was so in awe of how she captures light. I scrolled through both her "birds and animals" and "landscapes" galleries and was even more impressed. I thought of many of you when I looked at her crows, other birds or animals and hill-building landscapes. You may enjoy too.



I think of many of you so often as I go about my day-to-day. As I see beautiful skies, participate in making something, learn/read/grow. I think of you as I consider the state of the world or hide from I attempt to employ a practice of being smarter (ha), kinder, more open. I think of you in the cloth, in the weave, in the birds or animals. In the considering...of new words, specific words, ideas, practices ~ ways of being...I think of you.


Gray and rainy here today. A day for one errand and time spent watching a lovely bird through the rain-dropped windshield.


May you all have a fine close to this year and much joy in the next

May the things that matter to you, be ever-present in your life

May you love, live, laugh and thrive


Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2022

Thursday, December 29, 2022

A Day in Winter

In the news...a curious story...


While over at Dee's place, she posted a quote from this book that really hit home today (Pop over there for a read). That had me thinking about this book again and how I enjoyed it when my Magic Book Friend (and then another friend too!!) sent it to me in December 2021. I enjoyed gifting it to others as well.

As I wrote to Dee, "We do keep getting back up and going on, don't we...even if we are not sure where the path will lead or even if there is a path at all. Just call me the Wandering Weeble!

Here are a few more magical pages:


Still waiting for the story of this photo, but I can only hope that this lil guy and his daddy (and mommy too of course) get to share the deep love of Baseball that my son has had since age 5! He was all about baseball through his childhood ๐Ÿงข ⚾️

May you find, hold and share all the magic you can


Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2022

Friday, December 23, 2022

Weavers, a Painter and a Band...and more


Something to watch...

Oregon Art Beat 

You can learn more about the Bautista family HERE.

I looked into some of the other videos on the Oregon Art Beat website too.

Good stuff.



May your days be filled with artful beauty, learning and so much peace.

May you journey well into 2023...


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

December 21, 2022



Today is a good day to Solstice, to feel the light...

to pause in gratitude


* tonight would have held a Circle of Friends candle photo and the lit Menorah in the same photographic frame. But, alas, we were too tired to light either, so we rest in the memory of that light and look towards tomorrow. Perhaps a silly post for this day, but a marker post felt needed.


May we hold the light, together

May we move through the darkness, together

May we be together


Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2022

Sunday, December 18, 2022

December Heads to a Close

Here we are, now, heading to the close of December and the year of 2022.
Hard to believe.

I start with the unfortunate passing of SoCal's beloved P-22. After the many news reports the last week or so, one could only guess that something was not right with this big cat. While, I may fear meeting one on a hike around here, P-22 has been loved from a distance. An old man of 10. You can read more HERE.
Goodnight P-22, rest well.


This bare-bones tree, near our local community college, is a favorite of mine. Every time I go past, I look for the resident Hawk. He was there on this day, so I stopped for some photos.

One of those moments when I wish for a really good camera!

I've been out and about at different times and places recently, which allows me new looking in different light and time to pull over for photos. Can't complain about that! This is why after so many years, I could finally capture the Hawk (above). Or this 'cowboy' - which I pass every commute day. I can't tell you how many double takes I've done at 40MPH, thinking he was real! haha


The morning light continues to hold my heart and my imagination.

Driving towards the light

Yesterday there were watercolor clouds


12/13/2022: In the First Two Hours

Out front: Hawk calling, evades being spotted
Murder of crows circle in ring-around-the-rosies nearby
Agitated by the Hawk? Perhaps
Few miles away, another Hawk sits motionless, for an extended period
Walking out of building, flock of ducks flew low overhead, quacking, stripes on necks clearly visible
Man in waiting area wore sad clown face mask, red nose included
Blood pressure, fine

12/13/2022: Next
Questions come
Answers will come soon enough
I will "live the questions"


Dear Friend of the Perfect Books, also sent a perfect sticker.
I placed it on my computer to see it daily.
I like how 'Hope' is held in light in this photo.
Thanks friend


12/15: Trust Time Thursday
Focus would not come
Mind in circles
Thought: Is trust circular in nature?
Conclude: Isn't everything a circle?

Watched leaves fall through an oversized window
Looked at lines, reflections, patterns...
Forgot to consider 'Faith'.

Later I heard this song, actually an even faster version, which I can't seem to find. Anyway, an old song, more religious than I, but with lines that still speak to all. There are many versions, even acoustic. But, that super fast part I'd hear had me wondering what it would be like if auctioneers sang!

I bought myself a treat yesterday. I spiral datebook for 2023 and a two section spiral notebook.
They will be good companions to my free Hallmark calendar, which I've already picked up of course.

I like that it looks like cloth Glennis would make ๐Ÿ™‚
I also like that it has big boxes for the dates and also big spaces for the weekly days pages and then room for 'notes' too. Lots of space to write, draw and keep information all in one place. Now I have to remember to use it and not scraps of paper or the backs of envelopes!! haha
Today the treat will be new pajamas of some sort. It's been years! lol

I already did some doodling yesterday...


Today we look at our 'jungle' noticing how huge the plants have become. We joke that they'll find us one day in here, suffocated - strangled by houseplants!! haha

May you have what you need or the ability to get it
May you enjoy what you have
May your needs be simple and good

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2022

Monday, December 12, 2022



I loved Jude's post today. I could relate. Some edges get softer, blur a bit more as we age. I appreciate that.

There are things we lean into, or away from...depending.

There are times when we stand tall and the sky's the limit, which then means, there are no limits!

It seems there are so many layers lately. Cloud layers, one behind the other. Tree layers, one behind the other and only seen if you change position, Layers within the trees: hidden pinecones, birds that land and then cannot be seen. I wonder what else is there, that I can't see?

Birds seen and unseen...

...and pinecone surprises!

Cloud stories

Trust Time Thursday: Scattered like the clouds in the sky
12/1: Trust on the wind
Can one be tapped out on Trust? Tired of trying? Yet, just keep showing up, keep trying...can one, can I trust in that? Loyal to self, to Trust...
12/9: (Not Thursday, but fine with that). Trust is like a prayer. Trust and identity. When an identity changes, what happens? What happens to that related Trust? Trust as an act of Bravery. Trust as an element of resiliency.


~~~ Marking Time with The Grandsons ~~~

Over at Grace's...the idea of "Faith Friday" came up. Part of my comment read: "It's funny, this week...Trust...I thought how well this would work with many other words. It sure gives a different feel to my commute! 

So, this could be considered then? 'Faith' would be an interesting word for me to consider as I am not a "religious" person in any organized sense of the word. So, to consider this word, would be to reframe how I have always looked at it, understood it. All of that could be interesting. Grace mentioned Trust as a 'practice'...for me (again perhaps because of the commute) it has been more of a consideration, very verbal in nature. I reflect in words. Perhaps one day, someday I'll practice differently? Right now the wordy considering works well for me. I still am enthralled with how the words, questions or phrases pop into my head, fully formed and ready to be examined. That is really something to me.

May you keep traveling, in one way or another
May you enjoy the views along the way
May you send off goodness, to travel on its own

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2022

Monday, December 5, 2022

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Today: Home


I was home today. Doctor appointments. A tune up...more scheduled.

A physical, a covid booster, pre-op...mammogram...You know, the regular.

Anyway, being home allows me to post here. I've posted a lot recently.

I will not stop to consider why or if it will continue. For now, it just is.

I chuckled at "Are you human?" Sometime one can wonder!

Anyway, funny they use snarky humor to get folks to care for themselves.

It was hard to capture the depth of the sky the other morning.

I commented on this over at Jude' the clouds parted, sharing a bluer sky with Magritte like white puffy clouds peeking out! It was really cool!

We may get a bit of rain in the next few days. I never count on it until it is happening, but I plan my driving for it, just in case.

Also mentioned at Jude's - this book and newspaper clipping, still tucked inside since 1974! That was so my mom. J. and I both re-read them. This time around I really noticed the language in the book and how it was so 'of its time' and the illustrations/ideas...same thing, so 1963 when this book was written.

I've pulled out these two, with an idea percolating. The weaving was made as a 'coaster' for my mom, to match her tan and white living room colors (and then some). I plan to repurpose it with this leather (deerskin from our local Pow Wow years ago). I have a few ideas already, plus another today...should I add some other colors into the weaving? Give it a less mono-color look? Maybe some green, blue? It is complete as it is, but who says you can't had more?


May you look beyond the clouds

May you embrace the old, as new again

May you do things your way


Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2022

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Fall Adventure

More trees, different day...a view over the back fence. The Ash trees in full golden glory!

A quick jaunt out to the grocery store ended up to be one of beauty!

A favorite nearby street celebrates season. Each year, the leaves are glorious. A recent day had the sun shining through these leaves. Now they look almost spent. It won't be long before these trees will be skeletons in the sky.

The variety of trees catches my eyes.

Once in the parking lot, we hear the call of many, many crows!
We love watching them play.
This group was very loud!

Then on the way home...Fall - Fell!

We sat at a red light, leaves swirling, hitting the car windshield like hail!

What a splendid Autumn Day!
Before we turn towards home, I spy a Hawk soaring near the far off pine trees behind the local hospital. Turkey Vultures often circle in groups above the hills behind the hospital. But, today it was a hawk. ๐Ÿ™‚
That is the hillside I've mentioned to grace in the past. I'm known to count the Turkey Vultures as I sit at the red light!

We watched a bit of the 'dog show' on Saturday. I am not, nor have I ever been a purebred dog kind of gal. There have been years and years where this whole scene has disgusted me. So elite, so much money involved, so not me. And why do the women Have to wear dresses? Ugly conservative outfits worn to run around a ring...why? No one wears a artsy-fartsy flowing outfit that would move in the breeze as an Afghan's fur does or the ears of a Basset Hound. Humph. It is like the Hallmark world, for dogs. But, every now and then, I get a kick out of seeing the breeds, the antics of their prescribed, mandated run around the ring and forced posing. Seeing breeds I've never seen before adds to the quirky fun. As an added bonus, I often think of my mom and how she laughed at, got a kick out of the movie "Best in Show" (which I still have not seen). However, yesterday's surprise (to me) visit by Steve Kornacki really cracked me up. Do people take it THIS seriously? Why yes, yes they do!

You can watch his brief gig HERE

Here are three breeds that caught my eye.

The Bergamasco ...just look at that coat!!

The Neapolitan-Mastiff huge, so much extra skin!!

The Pumi ...look at those ears! A look of "Whimsy" is a required trait for this one!


Today, I awoke to the news that J. had recorded one of my all time favorite movies:


Yay! We plan to watch it tonight, together.

I am looking forward to this, especially considering our local Pow Wow has been cancelled once again this year. So, I'll get my Fry Bread movie version this time!! Not as tasty, but it will have to do. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I've put all of this here before, so you can just bear witness to my excitement at being able to watch this one again! You are welcome to watch too!

Last night we watched:

These 30 minute episodes are just right for wetting your whistle on some really beautiful spots. We've been to Alabama Hills (Lone Pine, HWY 395 etc.) in the past, so it was fun to see a locale we know well. In this episode, they talked about photography in The Blue Hour. We plan to look for that effect in the near future and I've been wondering if I accidently captured some of that magic already!

I have two things to read soon. One is a book, written by an elder friend. She is the one who passed recently, the last one in a group of 4 Ladies, my mom and her friends.

The other is an article in a recent Smithsonian Magazine
It is about Indigo.
*I'd be happy to mail that article off to one of you*

May you keep learning
May you see things as interesting
May you soar
Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2022