Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Welcome August

 In 2022, August came in sleepy, lazy, homebound for a bit again.

That's been okay.

August, my mom's birth month.


August is remembered as The Summer Month in my teen-me brain

Nowadays, the months blur together in heatwaves that never end

That's okay too

I didn't have to put these here, but I had so much fun putting together these four gifts while home.

That really is part of the creative joy for me in the making & giving...pulling all of the pieces together into something possibly lovely.

This is the one (above) for the one who likes Mustard, Tan and Pink

The tree on the card is from work. I like how the flowers are sort of heart shaped, which I didn't even see until I developed the photo.

This is for the one who likes Purple.

The flowers are from work and the TAG has a close up of some 'car painting' our class did. I love using photos of children's art for other purposes (like this one). There is always so much depth to these paintings.

And of course, this is the for the one who likes Yellow, which began way back HERE.

The one who likes: Purple/Amethyst but she also likes jewel type tones like Sapphire, Teal, Magenta will receive the above gift. Both flower photos were taken at work as well. I love the shadow on the wall on the TAG photo.

They are all wrapped and ready, each in its own zip-loc bag, just in (covid) case.

Cards are written, envelopes are decorated.

I had so much fun pulling each person's colors together, as a whole package and drawing on their envelopes, writing their names 'fancy' (which I've burred for public viewing)...really, all of it a gift to myself it seems.

I've never considered myself someone who could draw, but coming up with doodles and ways to write the names was satisfying.

Also satisfying, was the fact that, as I have been finishing this, two someones sent me a gift too!

How's that for full circle?!

Marti was kind enough to send us a story in the mail. I read it aloud to J. and we were both entertained!

Thank you Marti!

My friend in OR sent this book: The Path to Kindness

She had sent me How to Love the World... a while back and I love it.

I can think of some of you who would enjoy these books too.

After opening this new one, I opened it randomly and landed on this poem:

Ode by Zoe Higgins

Here’s to everything undone today:
laundry left damp in the machine,
the relatives unrung, the kitchen
drawer not sorted; here’s to jeans
unpatched and buttons missing,
the dirty dishes, the novel
not yet started. To Christmas
cards unsent in March, to emails
marked unread. To friends unmet
and deadlines unaddressed;
to every item not crossed off the list;
to everything still left, ignored, put off:
it is enough.

It felt like a good landing spot for covid times, even if I did complete the tasks (above) I had set for myself.

This kind of made me chuckle. Either way, completing or not, is Enough. However it lands, is Enough.

May you see the value in gifts given and received

May you throw a shadow, in beautiful ways

May you always land with Enough


Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2022