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lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride Pamplona 2014

The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride Pamplona 2014 

El pasado 5 de Octubre Pamplona celebró el DGR 2014, Distinguished Gentleman`s Ride, una convocatoria surgida en Sydney (Australia) en el año 2012 como un divertimento y un ejercicio de estilo, aunque desde 2013 el evento es una cita destinada a recaudar fondos para la investigación contra la lucha del cáncer de próstata. Su éxito es tal que se ha extendido a mas de 250 ciudades de todo el mundo con una participación de 20.000 “riders” vestidos elegantemente para la ocasión, recuperando clásicos trajes de tweed, monóculos, pipas, bigotes (...a menudo “de pega”), chalecos, etc. La ocasión es idónea para desempolvar las motos clásicas, ya sean scooters, cafe-racers, o bobbers.
La edición del 2014 ha contado con Triumph como principal patrocinador.


On October 5th 2014 Pamplona welcomed the DGR , Distinguished Gentleman`s Ride, it was founded in 2012 in Sydney (Australia) The main goal was to influence positively the way motorcyclists are perceived and since 2013, the aim is to raise awareness and money for the research of prostate cancer . The DGR2014 has reached 20.000 riders in more than 250 cities around the world.It's about dressing up in fine clothes and the style of classic custom motorcycles. Participants wear monocles, moustaches (mostly fake), silk vests, tweed suits or costumes and are supposed to behave in an affable manner. The motorcycles are Classic bikes, Café Racers or Bobbers.
The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride was supported by Triumph Motorcycles


The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride Pamplona 2014

The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride Pamplona 2014

domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012


Film by Tim Buys
Text from  CRMB (Clas­sic Racing Motor­cycles Bel­gium):

"Gedinne, a char­ming lit­tle vil­lage at the bor­ders of a nice pad­dock. On the edge of that pas­to­ral pad­dock a beau­ti­ful road that climbs and des­cends, tur­ning left and right, and which, for­ced by the logics of ben­ding and swee­ping in all kinds of direc­tions, ends up where it first star­ted. Which turns out to be very prac­ti­cal when you want to lap that road on your motor­cycle. Lap­ping this road seve­ral conse­cu­tive times you end up having a race, a beau­ti­ful race, a hot race! As eve­ry­body wants the che­que­red flag first all ends up in the heat of the fight. And because of that heat they get thirsty, so some of them decide to mount a tent, put some tables and chairs in it, and a bar, of course. Need­less to say that those guys were Bel­gian adepts of clas­sic racing motor­cycles. So they foun­ded a club they named CRMB (Clas­sic Racing Motor­cycles Bel­gium). An English name yes, because as good Bel­gians they thought it sounds bet­ter that way. We’d like you to know that the races are open to all pre 1972 motor­cycles and that you can take a one-off licence for this event, so there’s no excuse not to come and join us in the most beau­ti­ful race of the year at the most beau­ti­ful Bel­gian race­track . Pass the mes­sage and see you all in Gedinne! "

"Gedine, es un encantador pueblecito Belga donde cada año se juntan los miembros del CRMB (Clas­sic Racing Motor­cycles Bel­gium) para poner competir en este espectacular circuito "campestre". La carrera esta abierta a todos aquellos que poseann una motocicleta anterior a 1972, asi que si ese es tu caso tan solo te queda sacar la licencia para este evento y corer en el!!
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