Am very happy with the goings-on at the potager...
We have a lot of spinach this season...
and they are flourishing... we harvest and eat them whole, roots included...
Planted this sole celery in April...
Didn't get to eat much of it...
with the cold coming in, it is growing really well...
Tried to germinate fava beans from seeds...
From eight seeds, six germinated successfully...
Our lettuce self-seeded...
We have about a dozen of them, thriving...
They are a constant part of our breakfast fare...
Bought three broccoli seedlings from the store...
All are doing well...
Sowed two types of radish seeds last September...
The round and long type...
They taste really good either fresh or cooked...
We love our carrots a lot...
Sowed the seeds in two plots...
Harvested the first carrot this morning for breakfast...
Wooh, heavenly...
Strawberries... just about everybody's favorite...
Seedlings were all sourced from the mother plants...
Looking forward to the fruits next spring...
Am growing this green just for my
suweeto haato...
ta-sai is one of her favorite leafy greens... have been harvesting them for a while now... we mostly stir-fried them with black beans...
Bought two seedlings of parsley...
Had them planted as companions to the strawberry patch... we harvest them a little at time to use as garnish for our breakfast pizza-toasts...
And finally, while still far away from harvesting, red onions, another 'must-have' order from my missus...
Sowed the seeds last October and they are still rather tiny...
Need to let the seedlings grow up to the size of chopsticks before I can transplant them for good...
Note: While this post is not really totally about harvesting, I am taking the liberty to link this post to Harvest Monday hosted by
Daphne... hope she doesn't mind...