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· Notre Islam (20)
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bel article mon frère, jazak allah kheiran incha allah...
Par Ahmed, le 08.10.2018
· How to Pray in Islam - How to Make Salaat !
· The secrets, Benefits and Virtues of Friday - (Jumm'ah) !
· Our countdown !
· Imam Muslim (AH 202–261) !
· Why Islam?
· Death is not a taboo subject !
· Allah sees us!
· The Great Imposture!
· The truth is in the holy Koran !
· We are all Muslims !
· The good character in islam !
· The price of loving for the sake of Allah
roman salut verite choix image message you love allah faith background islam image
The majority of sincerely believing Christians have unfortunately been deceived, indoctrinated, influenced and misled in their beliefs throughout the world. The men of the church know for most of them that they are in error and disbelief, but in the face of their stubbornness and arrogance, they preferred to deny the truth even though they knew it perfectly, confining themselves and persisting in the perdition and ways of bewilderment.
Their Universe and a false, altered and corrupted world where days are tenebrous and equivocal, even though the great sun shines on their heads. They are like Satan, knowing that he was cursed and eternally condemned, he did not hesitate to commit himself blindly, hands and fists bound in the mouth of the wolf, in the denial and blatant disobedience of God, taking with him all his followers and allies among the unconscious humans, who never cease to persecute themselves in their dark ideas and their own. Worse still, the latter aggravate their situation by dragging behind them some sincere Christians who are in need of spiritual truth, in order to follow them in the path of great human madness and make them accomplices, embellishing them with the pleasures and attractions of this mediocre life. Notably by demonizing them, stigmatizing Islam, and blackening its beautiful and noble image by some idiocy.
On the other hand, some elected officials, by the grace of God, woke up from this horrible nightmare, and came to their senses, in particular by concentrating and considering things to their true value. However, through their relentless determination, their spiritual preoccupations, their sincere and profound research and studies in the field, they finally managed to get out of the "perverse ghetto", they arrived by the grace of God to lift the veil that enveloped them throughout their lives, and thus to free themselves from the yoke of deceit, deception, the great imposture of men, to recognize the lie and get away from it. A French writer once said, this beautiful quote, which is perfectly related to our subject: "The lie to be believed must disguise itself as truth that is its limit".
Allah is He, than whom there is no other god (Exalted be He) and there is no other religion other than Islam. It is useless to look elsewhere, it would only be a waste of time and time does not belong to us!
Our only Creator is Allah (Glory to Allah, Exalted be He) and He is the One whose help and guidance we beseech. We seek refuge with Him against the wickedness of ourselves and against our evil deeds. Whosoever Allah guides, he will never go astray, and whosoever Allah misleads will never be guided. I testify that the only one who deserves worship is Allah the One and that Muhammad (sala Allah alayhi WA Salam) is His worshipper and messenger.
Dear brothers and sisters, the healthiest and most truthful word is that of Allah (Qur' an) and the most righteous way is that of the Prophet Muhammad (sala Allah alayhi Salam) and the noble way of his pious Companions (may Allah grant them all) and of all our Prophets (peace be upon them).
Our Exalted Lord has guided you to the right path, elected you among so many servants, and granted you this great favour which is Islam, this infinite Mercy which has no other reward than the Eternal Paradise Inch' Allah.
For the love of Allah, you have left Christianity and for some Judaism or other beliefs, I congratulate you with all my heart, you have decidedly made the right choice, preferring the way of Allah to that of darkness.
You embraced Islam by religious conviction, sincerity and love, obviously after reflection, study and research and not by chance, and Allah guided you and opened the doors of Islam. From now on, you are saved; you are on the right and true way of Allah, this way, which leads nowhere else except to Paradise and these eternal delights. The path is certainly still long and difficult to follow, it is littered with hazards of all kinds, temptations, attractions and sins that are in fact only trials through which the Lord experiences the sincere faith of his servants.
For the true believer, this life is nothing more than a daily battle that he must fight with courage, stamina and perseverance if he wants one day, to be safe and reach the end of the tunnel.
As you should know, our Islam is a true, healthy religion, free from alteration and denaturation. A religion in accordance with reason and weighting, therefore a religion that is in the line of fire, threatened by enemies from all sides, fools, unbelievers, incredulous, hateful Islamophobes whose only objective is to divert people from this great religion based on peace, love and goodwill and to lead them to the eternal fires of Hell.
Our religion represents for us, the least of our actions, the least of our words, the least of our thoughts, an Islam that represents the whole of our daily life. Islam is not only a spiritual life, based on prayer, fasting, pilgrimage or other religious obligations. Islam is a way of life, a geopolitical system, a cultural and educational system, a legal system etc. Islam is a source of life! Islam is for the true Muslim, like this flowing white water, fresh and so beneficial for our body, 60% of which it is composed of, that we cannot survive more than five days at the maximum. Islam is the one and only salutary path for all of humanity.
The lord teaches us, however, in the Qur'an: '' Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam. And, those who were given the Scripture did not differ except after knowledge had come to them - out of jealous animosity between themselves. Moreover, whoever disbelieves in the verses of Allah, then indeed, Allah is swift in [taking] account.'' (Surah: Al-I-Imran/ Family of Imran –03 V19).
Let yourselves be guided by your hearts, be firmly attached to your religion, and resist the attractions of this worldly life that is not worth living. Sincerely obey the commandments of Allah, the Sunnah of his Prophet Muhammad (sala Allah alayhi WA Salam) and the way of his noble Companions.
Know how to choose your friends, your social background, don't let yourself be seduced or even less misled by your enemies and those of your religion, don't let yourself be influenced by opportunists, by the "preachers of darkness". The deviant and unbelieving sects who call themselves Muslims on the surface and who in reality represent only themselves. These sects,which by their behaviours and their statements only display and further prove their true hatred and resentment towards Islam and Muslims. These sects that fight Islam are numerous throughout the world, but the worst of these sects is the deviant Shia movement, which is in reality not based on any Islamic foundation, only on the adoption of disbelieving, dangerous, doubtful beliefs and misleading positions.
Be very careful, my dear converted brothers and sisters. A dangerous movement that Islam rejects and denies, in my opinion, is worse than the doctrine of Orthodox churches, Judaism and even Atheism. A cancer, a veritable gangrene that unfortunately reached and indoctrinated many Muslims throughout some Arab and Muslim countries in the world.
Trust in Allah (Exalted be He) who teaches you in the Holy Qur' an ''And we sent not before you, [O Muhammad], except men to whom we revealed [the message], so ask the people of the message if you do not know.'' (Surah 21 – 7), and often conform to true hadith with a string of reliable and well-known recorder. Grab as much as you can to your religion. As for the Prophet (Sala Allah alayhi WA Salam), has warned us in several hadiths against the dangers he feared for us:
However, when the prophet informed that my nation (Islam) will split into seventy-three sects, and one of them is in Paradise and seventy-two are in the Hellfire, which are (al-Jema'ah) the united community. The term al-Jama' ah (Ahl- as Sunna) refers the “united community” (al-Jema'ah) are those who follow the prophetic traditions (hadith) as well as understanding the principles of law (fiqh) and the other relevant Islamic sciences, and among them are the Sidiqin (truthful) and the Chouhadas (Martyrs).
By doing so, dear brothers and sisters, we would certainly have contributed to saving our beautiful religion from the clutches of the Khomeynist Shiism and its harmful consequences, and from its Islamophobic followers (let Allah save us from it), Islam is a gift from heaven, a great blessing from Allah, let us protect it and preserve it from all harm and defilement! Our fate is in our hands, let us face it!
In the Holy Qur' an Allah (swt) teaches us:
'' But those who disbelieve and deny our signs - those are the companions of Hellfire.'' (Al Ma'ida-the table spread V/10) In addition, of those who say?
''And from those who say, "We are Christians" We took their covenant; but they forgot a portion of that of which they were reminded. So we caused among them animosity and hatred until the Day of Resurrection. In addition, Allah is going to inform them about what they used to do.''(Al Ma'ida-the table spread V/14).
''O People of the Scripture, there has come to you Our Messenger making clear to you much of what you used to conceal of the Scripture and overlooking much. There has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book.''(Al Ma'ida-the table spread V/15)
In a noble hadith, The Prophet (sala Allah alayhi WA Salam) describes the true meaning of life as follows: "Life in this world in relation to the afterlife is like a quantity of water that one of you recovers when he dips his finger in the ocean. An unimaginable thing, an evidence that no human brain in the world could conceive of its true value.
The Prophet Jesus (Issa) teaches us all:
Jesus (peace be upon him) said: "The love of this world and that of the other world cannot coexist in the heart of a believer, just as fire cannot coexist with water in the same vessel."
(Biharoul Anwar, volume 14, page 327).
Jesus (peace be upon him):"Who formed you?" He (peace be upon him) answered, «No one has formed me. I saw the ugliness of ignorance and avoided it." (Biharoul Anwar, volume 14, page 326).
It is reported from the [Imam] as Sadiq (peace be upon him), from his father who himself heard his father say: «Jesus (peace be upon him) used to say:" As for the terror you don't know when you will meet him (that is, death), what prevents you from preparing yourself for it before it grasps you abruptly? »(Biharoul Anwar, Volume 14, page 330).
All this life, however beautiful, exciting and long it may be, is only a drop of water compared to the ocean...! Let us live simply and without excess,let us live well and usefully, let us despise life down here, let us turn our back on it and flee from its dangerous temptations, let us control it and make it our slave, not a master and above all let us be stronger than our passions, you will see, our life will change and everything will be for the better for us. Well, why not? Our Prophets (Peace on them) and all our noble and pious predecessors have all lived like this, why not us?
Dear converted brethren, Islam and with the grace of Allah has opened its doors to you, He has taken you in His arms, be grateful to your Lord, and commit yourselves to the spread of this great religion throughout the world!
Let us return to reason before a day comes when we will say, "If only I were dust". The truth we will know it all before we leave this world, only at the very moment when our souls will leave us for heaven. Unfortunately, for some, it will be far too late...!
May Allah protect us and save us from all nuisances and all our Muslim brothers and sisters throughout the world. Amine!
Do not forget me and Brother Habib in your prayers, we need them so much!
Author: Mokhtar Reguieg
Translated from French by habib attifa Boukar
Bel article mon frère, Jazak Allah Kheiran incha Allah...
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