Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Holiday Weekend Mania

We started Friday evening off with dinner at Fudruckers with Blake's brother Trent's family and ended up just going home and watching a movie afterwards so we could put Ashlyn down for bed. Saturday we did our grocery shopping for our 2 weeks worth of meals! We also painted Ashlyn's soon to be new room (although I helped, I'm pretty sure I made more of a mess) chocolate brown on 2 walls which will look awesome with her pink/choc brown quilt and I am making 8 - 12x12 cork board squares covered in pink/green/brown coordinating fabric for the brown wall, and I have all sorts of brown frames to put fun pictures in for the white walls! Now we just need to sand/stain her dresser and bed and find a rug... That night we went to the batting cages and then to Jensen's house to watch UFC!! Sunday was of course church and then eating dinner with Blake's family, we had a nice outdoor BBQ since the weather was only 85 degrees. Monday we went to the lake early in the AM and had to 4x4 out Butcher Jones to get to the back of the lake so we could find a beach. The family is growing by numbers so we don't all fit in the boat anymore! The guys had a blast using the Air Chair and always had an audience of other boats watching and clapping for them! When we got home we had a cook out at my parents house and after an exhausting but always fun weekend we slept great!

"pretty toes mommy"

She loves her toys and "her" chair

what a professional painter - awesome!

Four Wheeling in the desert on the way to the lake (Blake's brother Trent)

This was our view on our way down one of the hills

She is a water baby and loves the lake, beach and toys

Had to pick up every noodle to show us

Blake on the Air Chair

Check out that air - he didn't do a back flip this time

She loves the boat

Ashlyn (left) and Charlotte (right) with Blake's parents

Had too much fun, so she slept on the way home...

Ashlyn loves dessert and had to share with daddy - Yum!

Friday, May 23, 2008

28 Weeks and Growing

This is what my little man is up to in my tummy:

How your baby's growing:

By this week, your baby weighs two and a half pounds and measures 15.2 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hair Cut

So I've been VERY tired of my long straight hair and wanted a change so I got my hair cut today and it looks like this, only about 1.5 inches longer!! I wish I was brave enough to go this short but with pregnancy weight I didn't think it would look great - but I'm very happy with it and it feels so much better! I'll post a real picture of myself later after Blake gets home, but for now you get the idea!


It was about 107 degrees at my house yesterday and I'm seriously melting, problem is I know it will only get worse! I had to get out of the house and went to buy a fake "wedding ring" because my real one is getting to the point that I didn't want it to be stuck on my finger if I swelled up from the summer sun. And I'm lame and feel weird being pregnant without a ring on my finger so I have to have something!

I've started a new thing in my house and plan my meals out 2 weeks, and go shopping for everything I will need. It's hard thinking of what I might want for dinner in 2 weeks, but SO wonderful not worrying what we will have for dinner as I have ALL the ingredients for 14 meals and just look at my list. I must say it has worked out well and I will continue until the baby comes and then I'll prepare 2 weeks worth of meals to freeze so we don't eat out while I'm healing!!

We are hoping to do something fun this holiday weekend, weather we go up to Payson and camp or go to the lake! I'm pretty much up for anything with shade! We may also paint the kids rooms. Blake is on a softball team and they have there first double header tonight, I of course want to go but don't know if I should keep Ashlyn up until 10:30! Decisions Decisions

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Surf Board Decor/Mother's Day

So I've decided that the babies room will be done in a surf board theme, not the Hawaiian flower print - just the surf boards and woody the truck... I've found a few things I love, but of course I have to order everything online, just difficult not to physically see it before you pay shipping costs! Anyway the bedding is in green, brown, blue, yellow, red and white which fits with all the colors in these signs and frames. I'm excited to get things going as far as decorating and painting because my energy is only going to be less as time goes on and the weather heats up! I had a wonderful Mother's Day - we were of course with my family for lunch and Blake's family for dinner, I love all the women "mother's" in my families - I feel very blessed! And there is nothing better than an adorable, selfless husband and a sweet, smiley daughter! Thanks for my flowers Blake!! Ashlyn had my church shoes on when she brought me my card (she even drew a picture in it)- I wish I had a picture! This little man in my belly is measuring Right on Time and has the movement of an acrobat - it honestly makes me feel like puking he turns in my stomach so much! I hope all you mommies had a great mothers day!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Nope that's not a radio station, it's been Ashlyn's temperature the last 3 days. I have given her Motrin which has been a huge help and brought her temp down a bunch, however it kept going back in the high 102's. She has been EXTRA clingy and needy, a very picky eater but will drink all day long. Today thank heavens she woke up at 5am with a temp of 100.8 and after Motrin it hasn't been past 98.7 - So it's been a better day and she is more herself. I'm hoping for more sleep and a reason to get out of the house and have some fun! I gave Ashlyn a Popsicle while I made dinner last night and she thought it was neat, until small pieces would break off in her mouth and she got all freaked out. She has issues with food textures (doesn't like whipped cream, frosting, jello, pudding or applesauce)!! All I can say is she's missing out! Yum

Monday, May 5, 2008

Dog, Ice cream, and Ducks

We take frequent walks in the evenings after dinner - for my sake and also just to get out of the house before the weather takes over!! Ashlyn has really started to insist that SHE WALKS the dog and has to hold the leash all by herself. She does pretty good and will hold on really tight, "Sage" our dog is very patient and walks kinda slow without tugging on Ashlyn!

We went to dinner with Jensen and Karin Jobe this past weekend and the kids got there very own "mini" ice cream cone, Ashlyn couldn't get enough and loved it until she had to bite the cone, she was a little confused.

We've been stopping to feed the ducks on the way to my parents house for Sunday dinner, Ashlyn has started to really enjoy it and doesn't want to leave when it's time to go. She gets too close to the water for my comfort, but Blake has a good grip on her so she doesn't fall in... There was another baby duck yesterday, it was SO cute!

!!!Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!