Nope that's not a radio station, it's been Ashlyn's temperature the last 3 days. I have given her Motrin which has been a huge help and brought her temp down a bunch, however it kept going back in the high 102's. She has been EXTRA clingy and needy, a very picky eater but will drink all day long. Today thank heavens she woke up at 5am with a temp of 100.8 and after Motrin it hasn't been past 98.7 - So it's been a better day and she is more herself. I'm hoping for more sleep and a reason to get out of the house and have some fun! I gave Ashlyn a Popsicle while I made dinner last night and she thought it was neat, until small pieces would break off in her mouth and she got all freaked out. She has issues with food textures (doesn't like whipped cream, frosting, jello, pudding or applesauce)!! All I can say is she's missing out! Yum
she is just so cute. Sorry to hear that she had a fever. That's no fun. Isn't that weird how kids get picky with the texture of food? Merik has issues too. I love her hair!
Hope you get out soon! Time for another girls night already huh?
Poor girl. I'm glad she is finally starting to feel better for your sake and for her's. She is still a cute girl even when she is sick.
I love/hate it when kids are sick. I feel so bad for them yet; it seems to be the only time Gavin want to snuggle with me. I am glad to hear she is getting better.
Such cute pictures - even when she isn't feeling well. Ashlyn really looks a lot like you in the second picture. Glad she is finally starting to feel better. I love her red hair too!
that is how my boys are, about the texture too, oh if they only knew what they were missing out on. i hate it when they are sick becuase you worry so much and become exaughsted from all the worrying.
that's so funny, she has the same texture dislike thing as Tucker!
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