We went to Amazing Jake's for my 2 nephews birthdays and it was a fun evening... Ashlyn was able to ride a bunch of rides and have lots of fun with her cousin Charlotte! I of course was the photographer, but at this point in my pregnancy that's the way I like it.
Ashlyn is obsessed with "drivin" and always want to sit in the drivers seat in our cars! She loved this game, but got nervous when it would actually move back n forth!
Lately (as I've been getting baby stuff out and washing everything) Ashlyn is always "IN" everything - including the infant car seat, any toys, and clothes! She always refers to the stuff as the baby things... I think she has an idea that she is too big for all of it.
I bought a wagon at target and within 5 seconds (literally) of giving it to Ashlyn to play with she got hurt and somehow hit her face on the handle...she cried for a minute but seemed that her feeling were hurt more than her actual face! sad huh
This picture is becomming a usual occurance in our house! Blake hasn't played his Xbox in about a year and our nephew was over a few weeks ago and wanted to play it, ever since Ashlyn wakes up every morning and points to the controller and says "I play daddy's game"... I tell her she has to wait until daddy gets home from work and sure enough she asks Blake to play within 10 minutes of him being home! She's a smarty pants, Blake lets her really play and she has fun, although her attention span is about 10 -15 minutes and then she wants to use Blake's controller.
Our next post will hopefully be of our little boy arriving! I'm thinking Sunday will be a good day to post some photos of him! Check back...
I am so excited to see what your little boy will look like! Good luck and have fun!!
Cute pictures! Best of luck with the new little one!!!
Ashlyn is too cute. What a fun night! She is going to seem so big when you bring home your new little boy! I am excited to see pics! Good luck with your labor! ;)
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