Okay so I've been trying to get some pictures from the past couple months off my camera and ever since the computer crashed things have been so messed up with pictures - still no sign of my photos I lost and I'm thinking we seriously need a new computer instead of just trying to fix it... Sorry I have no photo updates right now!
*went and saw the temple lights
*Ashlyn turned 3 years old
*We had lots of family in town on both sides
*Christmas was great, Blakes sister and her family stayed with us
*We actually stayed up until 2am on New Year Eve this year and had a blast making homemade pizzas and playing games with friends
*Blake has a month left of physical therapy/exercises until he can ride his dirt bike again
*We feel so appreciative of our family and friends and count our many blessings
*Took the kids to see the snow up in Payson with their cousins
*Hope to organize and get rid of lots of "extra" stuff in the house
*feeling much better now - pregnancy nausea has subsided - yay
*started a Love & Logic class yesterday - to make parenting more fun and less stressful/frustrating
* taking Blake to Supercross next weekend - he deserves it, I love him
We are trying to plan a make up Anniversary trip for the one we never got to take last year and I'm struggling with ideas, we've considered San Francisco and so far that's our only choice (we've been to Vegas and Seattle) any ideas????
*copies every word we say pretty much
*is Ashlyn's shadow
*starting to be a mommas boy (cries when I leave the house)
*loves being outside and running
*Is a Sunbeam and loves it
*has to do everything her daddy does & just like him
*she copies everything I say when I talk to Weston or Blake
*Thinks she is 5 and wants to go to school SO badly
*can tie a shoe lace
Trip ideas....NYC or Florida? A bed and breakfast? We had such a hard time planning our family vaca, and in the end, we are heading back to So Cal and re-doing all the things we did while we were there! the kids are excited to see all their friends, so it will still be a ton of fun!
Love your family photo. Congrats on baby #3!!
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