Showing posts with label Niche. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Niche. Show all posts

Monday, April 28, 2014

Queen Anne's Lace No 4 & No 8 in Progress

No. 8 on the left and No. 4 on the right, both of which are upside down.  I love the orchid interior that's framed with the gold metallic paint.  I will create a panel for No. 8 this evening.

Also on my desk Queen Anne's Lace No's 4-6 which I'm hating at the moment, but will continue to push until I'm in love with them.  Acrylic paint on baltic birch raised panel frames 8x8x2 inches.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Queen Anne's Lace No. 8 in Progress

John helped me remove the clock face, thought I was going to have to cut the silly thing out but he was finally able to loosen a nut that was holding the arms in place.

The back, which I removed as it wasn't possible to remove the face of the clock body without it falling completely apart.

The clocks innards now live in my mixed media junk box.

First base coat of paint.

Now to take some measurements and stitch up a panel for the interior.

Queen Anne's Crows No. 7 in Progress

I ditched the clock body altogether and am so much happier for having done so, now to create a panel (the one in the upper portion of the niche is a sample) for the upper section of the niche and this piece is good to go.  I'm off to stitch up a new panel for this piece!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

One of those Moments

When I decided to lose the red.

And was oh so glad I did!  More later am off to look at my embellishments cache while the first layer of gold paint dries.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

WIP Queen Anne's Crows No0 1

I have to admit while I really like the half and half harlequin coloring of this particular niche it's really rocking in metallic gold paint!  I need to add a second coat of paint and then when it's dry enough buff on some metallic black gold wax.

I will add purple to the back of niche (inside) and I think it's pretty much done.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

And Now with Gold!

The lighting is not the best, but I added a first layer of metallic gold paint on the side walls of the niche.  It looks great not in this photo of course, but trust me the gold and the purple really pop!

I need to find my stash of barbed wire bits and pieces, there's a natural crease line in the timtex about a third up from the bottom that seems like a natural spot to put some barbed wire. As I've been painting this piece I've been contemplating what other colors and embellishments I want to add to this piece, aside from the tiny bit of barbed wire I haven't come up with much yet.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

WIP Now with Purple

First layer purple for the background and I have to say I made a mess of things but I'm now starting to rock this niche!!!  While this one dries I'm working on painting the other niches and found six raised panel frames that are begging for Queen Anne's Lace to grace them with their beauty!

Queen Anne's Crow No 4

Now with a base color of white. The central panel has been wrapped with plastic wrap to protect it from my surfacing endeavors.  Touching the work has finally moved me beyond my stuck place, I'm now getting to know each personally.

Monday, April 14, 2014

WIP Queen Anne's Crows No 5

I'm not overly ripped on this shade of red, but for a base coat on the wood this will do, I'm wanting a much deeper shade of red. As for the paint dripping on the stitched panel never fear, that panel has been covered with plastic wrap.

I have to say I had doubts but this was a great idea, I figure if I truly end up hating the color(s) I can always paint the piece black, BUT, the act of painting the wood got me to thinking about the piece, what I want to add and where, what other colors do I want to add, do I want to leave the birds as is?  Btw you can get hose birds from my stencil series over at StencilGirl Products, the birds are a part of my Three Crows Series.  Am off to look at my copper nail and barbed wire collections while this layer of paint dries!

Before the first layer of red paint.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Queen Anne's Crows

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4
No. 5

Painted timtex, natural dyed silk organza, machine stitching, digitally printed fabrics, found eggs, copper nails and wire, barbed wire, reclaimed clock bodies.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Studio Notes March 5th, 2014

I'm not sure why I'm having so many issues with Blogger of late, but it's interfering with my ability to post, well whenever I like!

Monday I went to Cherokee Iowa with my BFF Brenda to help with hanging her show at the Sanford Museum, help might be a bit of an exaggeration but I'm sure she was happy for the company as it's a long boring drive there and back.  

While on the drive we talked about my upcoming solo show, and why I still didn't have any work produced  yet for said show.  After six hours of beating a dead horse I'm back to these niches I created last spring for another show but always felt like I could have done more.  I love the cut outs in these pieces, I love the birds, the stitching, etc., and want to pursue this further, pushing the limits and see what will happen only with digitally printed and rusted fabrics.

Since I found out my show isn't being hung next month but rather in May I have extra time now to explore the possibilities.

Friday, May 31, 2013

WIP - Crow on Yellow

Now with a beaded edge that needs some attention, mostly the upper right hand corner.

I'll work on the corner a bit tomorrow to "square" it up, add a few filler beads here and there, and then the center panel is finished.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

WIP - Crow on Yellow

I have a quarter of the edging to finish and then it's time to contemplate the niche in which this panel shall live. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Another View of Crow on Yellow

In the vertical position, as it would be seen once it's finally installed inside of the niche.

The finished corner, now it's time to bead the edge and then finish the niche.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Now to make the egg box for the niche, and then audition backgrounds for the egg box, I'm thinking copper or silver leaf.


This whitish egg will be replaced by one that has been painted to look like a crows egg, it's currently drying.  Now to make the sides for the egg niche and make a decision on the larger niche's background.  To paint the niche background copper or not to paint?  To collage vinage papers and fabrics or not to collage?

Monday, April 22, 2013

WIP - Niche's

Niches for an upcoming solo show, am still playing off the theme of Queen Anne's Crows from last year.

The door on this piece, and another similar piece, were confounding me.  This issue has now been resolved... the big reveal will be this coming Sunday at Cafe Diem, stay tuned. 

She was Third Class to the right of these two pieces.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

WIP - Niche No. 4 (The Deer Stalker)

Ok decided that the antlers look best coming out of the side of the niche, now to find some screws and attach the antlers.

WIP - Niche No. 4 (The Deer Stalker)

Trying to figure out how to attach the antlers permanently to the top of the box.  I'm thinking they need to be screwed into the wood some how, instead of just glued.

WIP - Niche (Untitled) No. 3