Here is ANOTHER suitcase, this one is very old and is metal with this wood covered with paper inside. I have some ideas that I might try on it.
These next two pictures were taken the same day that I went to the antique mall, I only posted the one of all the glass ware as it went along with my Tuesday Teacup post.
Not everyone likes "old stuff" but I sure do. Of course my favorite time period is the Victorian Era.
Can you see the stained glass panels in the top doors of the piece below? I have longed to own one of these for many years. I think it would look very good in my kitchen. Now if anyone wants to send donations!!!!!!! This one only cost $900.00
Well a girl can dream can't she?
My grandmother had one of these in her kitchen but it was not oak, it was painted, had the flour bin and I can still she her with her apron on, hair done up on top of her head, nylons down around her ankles, flour on the enamel top with a lump of dough and a rolling pin ready to make us a great pie for Sunday dinner.
My grandmother had one of these in her kitchen but it was not oak, it was painted, had the flour bin and I can still she her with her apron on, hair done up on top of her head, nylons down around her ankles, flour on the enamel top with a lump of dough and a rolling pin ready to make us a great pie for Sunday dinner.
Do you have any fond memories of your grandparents? I sure do.
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand.
By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 1 Corinthians 15: 1,2
Have a wonderful week-end and try and stay cool.