Pres Heaven started out as a website originally. Having never had a proper place for this website to reside and then losing the places I did have, I have suddenly decided it was better off as a blog anyway! The URL has been pointing to my YouTube channel for some time, but Firefox now tells me that YouTube don't allow you to display your channel in a frame any more, so it was a bit naff that you had to click to open in a new tab / window.
The blog will consist of my own recreations of British Television Idents and Presentation / Continuity paraphernalia. I do these in Flash, inspired by the brilliant Kecske Bak AKA Dave Jeffery. I will get around to doing something with the layout of the blog at some point.
I have to post the recreations as videos from my YouTube channel. Occasionally, I may have to upload them to the blog directly as the functions for finding videos from your own channel or even just searching YouTube to place the video on the blog are not working terribly well for me.
Anyway, welcome and enjoy!