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Friday, May 27, 2005

Now we're getting somewhere

Steve Gilliard:

I am for a strong, effective foriegn policy, which not only includes allies and respect for human rights, but an Army which is trained and equipped to fight effectively, one where soldiers do not get loans for armored vests, do not uparmor their vehicles with "hillbilly armor" found in Iraqi scrapyards and coated with god knows what chemicals. Or field expedient gun trucks. Soldiers who do not fire with abandon with rifles which may jam.

The Group of Soviet Forces Germany is a memory. Why do we still train to fight it? A real foreign policy, a real, tough, democratic policy would build on success, not failure, call the GOP policy for what it is, a quagmire, not only in Iraq, but North Korea, Iran, the West Bank.

The time has come to call the GOP policy for the fraud it is and frame "toughness" as a way to promote and protect this country without claiming an imperial right. The right has failed and the left needs to state that and offer real, credible alternatives.

Remember Bush lapdog John Thune, who defeated Daschle in South Dakota last year, partially on the issue of base closings in the state? Well, Bush has decided to close the airforce base there anyway and Thune is not liking that and starting to rebel over this. Might now be the time to start campaigning for the next senatorial elections there?


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"I think all foreigners should stop interfering in the internal affairs of Iraq."
-- U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, 21 July 2003

Mail Prog Gold

Self promotion

Wis[s]e Words
International (political) weblog.

Republic of Palau:
Take it as Red

Progressive weblogs:

Descriptions underneath are as much as possible taken from the weblog itself.

Fun-loving Feministas

Carnival of the Feminists
Held on the first and third Wednesday of each month and aims to showcase the finest feminist posts from around the blogsphere.

Fetch Me My Axe
...we've all got something to grind. By Belledame222.

It's just Amanda now, strong on feminism.

Red State Feminist
Women's and Children's Issues, Family Law, Domestic Violence

Lefty lawyers

Lawyers, Guns and Money
No idea if they're really lawyers, actually

The politics of crime.

Middle East knowitalls

Aron's Israel Peace weblog
short commentary on news items, articles and op-ed pieces about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Bethlehem bloggers
Voices from the Bethlehem ghetto.

Jews sans Frontieres
Mark Elf's anti-zionist blog.

Juan Cole
Required reading on Iraq and the Middle East.

Today in Iraq
What's really happening in Iraq

Soulfull scientists

Science, politics and the intersection between them. By PZ Myers.

Science and Politics
Bora Zivkovic is trying to understand US politics by making strange connections between science, religion, brain, language and sex.

Thus Spake Zuska
Not very polite.

Steadfast socialists

Actually Existing
Ruthless criticism of all that exists, except for the good bits. By Phil Edwards.

American Leftist
'Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization.' -- Eugene V. Debs

Apostate Windbag
A journal of assorted leftwingery with a decided preference for discussing how the late Christopher Hitchens is a twat

Bionic Octopus

Dead Men Left
Meaders is active in the RESPECT coalition, but don't hold it against him

A blog about globalisation. By General Glut.

International Rooksbyism
Not just another scummie student commie's blog. By Ed Rooksby.

Law and Disorder
Socialism and the legal systems

Left I on the News
A leftwing view of the day's news and the way it's represented in the media. By Eli.

Lenin's Tomb
Erudite English Socialist Workers Party supporter.

A New Morning
German/English socialist leaning blog.

by Alister Black, Scottish socialist. Writes mainly about local issues.

Sonic's Place
A computer generated, left-wing hedgehog's views on the world and the war

An Unenviable Situation
D Ghirlandaio on politics, art and the culture at large

Unrepentant Marxist
By Louis Proyect, veteran Marxist

Virtual Stoa
Home of the Dead Socialist Watch. By Chris Brooke.

They make fun of the right

So we don't have to.

Plays the stock market of the soul -- and sells short!

Go Fug Yourself
Mocking our betters in Hollywood and tv...

Jesus' General
An 11 on the Manly Scale of Absolute Gender

The Poor Man Institute
For Freedom, Democracy and a Pony.

Sadly No!
A group blog dedicated to make fun of idiots.

Faithful husband, soccer dad, basset owner, and Peggy Noonan stalker

World of Crap
Come point and laught at the fundies and rightwing loonies

Loveable liberals

American Samizdat
The collective effort of over thirty leftwing bloggers.

American Street
A collective of leftist bloggers, poisoning our precious bodily fluids.

politics, fringe watching, and other stuff. By John McKay.

The Burnt Orange Report
News, Politics, and Fun from Deep in the Heart of Texas.

Democratic Veteran
Because not every vet is a right winger or pseudo facist. By Jo.

Dependable Renegade
By watertiger, who has not yet shot anybody in the face ...yet.

The liberal answer to Instapundit?

By David Ehrenstein

A Fistful of Euros
A groupblog focusing on the EU and European politics.

Paying good money to shut George Will up. By Jason McCullough.

Digby, frequent and eloquent commentor at various blogs finally has his own.

James Wolcott
Journalist, media personality and blogger

John Quiggin
Commentary on Australian & world politics from John Quiggin

Lean Left
by Kevin Raybould

The Left Coaster
Outside-the-Beltway perspectives on politics, current events, and the media

Left in the West
Written by Matt Singer, a Montanan who writes on local issues and national issues and how they correspond to Montana and the west.

Liberal Oasis
Where the left is right and the right is wrong.

Mad Kane's Noteables
commentary on and song parodies about politics, current events, books, music, and anything else that inspires her admiration or ire.

Analytic philosophy and liberal politics by Lindsay Beyerstein and others.

Making Light
Teresa and Patrick Nielsen Hayden's politics and life blog.

The Martini Republic
Group blog. Nice design, good content.

Mikhaela's News Blog
By Mikhaela Reid.

Musings and Migraines
Chicago liberal's musings on war, peace, Jon Stewart, art, media. By Lenora.

Nathan Newman
A community and union activist, policy advocate and writer with an excellent weblog.

Oliver Willis
Like kryptonite to stupid.

Policy, Culture and Journalism in the 21st Century. By David Neiwert.

Pacific Views
regime change begins at home, escalate nonviolence. By Natasha.

Polygon, the Dancing Bear
Occasional notes on politics, history, architecture, and life. By Lawrence Kestenbaum.

Prometheus 6
"What I want to do here is talk to the town criers. And I'll be talking more about people than politics."

Rittenhouse Review
A journal of foreign policy, finance, ethics, and culture. By James M. Capozzola

The Road to Surfdom
an intermittent weblog by Tim Dunlop.

Ruminate This
News, views, activism and a smattering of something else. By Lisa English.

Sasha Undercover
Observations and commentary on politics, women, culture, and daily life. Not for the faint of heart.

Seeing the Forest
...for the trees

Shadow of the Hegemon
Written by returned from the death Greek demagogue Demosthenes so is very eloquent.

The Sideshow
Avedon makes me think. Her weblog revolves around US politics.

Culture, politics, commentary, criticism. Views from the left, headquartered in Chicago USA.

Hopeful outrage, politics, culture and religion from a progressive Christian perspective.

Smythe's World
Politics, baseball and more.

Steve Gilliard's News Blog
Insightful (inciteful?) and interesting

This Modern World
By Tom Tomorrow

Thoughts on the Eve of the Apocalypse
By Bill Connolly

Through the Looking Glass
A chronicle of the absurd, in politics and life. By Charles Dodgson

Progressive Politics, Indian Issues, and Autism Advocacy. By "MB".

Whiskey Bar
Free thinking in a dirty glass. By Daily Kos alumni Billmon.

Blogging and cartoons! Whoot!

Progressive news



Common Dreams

Consortium News


Crooks and Liars

Electronic Intifada


information Clearing House

Left Turn Magazine

Narco News

The Raw Story

Socialist Worker UK

World Socialist Web Site

Working for Change


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