E-MAIL: trajectory1780@gmail.com
Showing posts with label Horses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horses. Show all posts

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Range Time New Hardware

 The 45LC ran just fine with the new main spring, and surprisingly the sights were right on at 25 yards with the few rounds of ammo I had on hand.  I think I loaded those for someone many years ago.

I dropped a Timney trigger in the AR which naturally fixed the going full auto issue, It came to me with an old BSA reflex sight that exhibited intermittent power failures when I was trying to zero the rifle.  I need to do something about that, but may have to wait until I decide if I'm going to convert it to 6.5 Grendel.

The FN shot great with the PMC 40S&W I purchased.  After a few rounds I was able to keep most shots within about 2 inches at 25 yards, unsupported. I had a very good day.

Had some issues with the 9mm barrel installed in the FN. It kept locking up, requiring a brass mallet to get into battery.  At home I found my reloads have a base diameter of .388 to .391 and the chamber entrance measured as .390 using a caliper. As a comparison my FEG Hi-Power has a chamber of .396. I'll be replacing my 35 year old dies, and maybe getting the FN chamber opened up a little.  Hornady critical defense drops in easily (.387 Dia) and my reloads a a light press fit.


Sunday, April 23, 2023

At the Range - finally

The Boss is doing a lot better. In a few days she'll be cleared to drive a car again, but not ride her horse. If I get caught up around the house a bit, I'll get a chance to ride again. Looks like I found a different riding partner.

Managed to get to the range and checked out the CETME one more time. It runs like a champ with South African MilSurp NATO ammo, but chokes big time with MagTech 7.62x51. I'll be checking out some other NATO designated ammo in the not too distant future. Still have about 600 rounds of the SA stuff on hand. Years ago I bought 2 cases of the stuff.

Took my grand daughters husband to the range with me. He wanted to try out his new carry pistol. He's ex-military and has a very different notion of pistol accuracy than I do. He shot a tight group at 7 yards and bragged. To me, good shooting is hitting a 4 inch target at 25 yards and beyond. I'm rather iffy at 50 yards these days.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

No Trail Ride

Late last fall I brought all of our horse tack home to be cleaned and oil the leather. This morning I put the saddles and pads in the back of the truck and we headed to the barn. The Boss still has back pain, but she insisted on taking a trail ride. We scraped the mud off the horses, which was all her back could tolerate, so I saddled both horses. Then the property owner/friend gave each an injection of ACE, to keep them from becoming too excited during our first ride of the year. I went to the cabinet to retrieve the bridles, and oh crap. They were still back home. I forgot to bring them, so no trail ride for us.

Hope the rest of the year goes better.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

First Trailering

Yesterday was our first experience trailering the horses to a new location to trail ride.  To my surprise they just walked right into the trailer and later walked back out. No fuss or hesitation at all. In the 5 years we've had horses we just rode in the state park near the stables.

A woman we know picked us up with a stock trailer that had her 2 horses inside. We then drove to a municipal park that was supposed to be an easy and relatively short ride. We met a young lady there who had never ridden a horse before. After some basic instruction we 4 hit the trail. The ride was fairly short, about an hour, but there were challenges. There were downed trees to go over, under and around through brush. 

Glad the rookie was on an experienced and calm horse. She had a good time despite the challenges. At one point I saw a big grin on her face. I bet this won't be her last time on a horse.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Delayed Reaction

In the middle of June my horse stumbled and fell with me. Her shoulder was on my lower right leg, bending or twisting (maybe both) my knee in a way it was not intended to move. Immediately after and for almost 3 months all I had was a little tightness, but no pain in that knee.  

For the last couple of days I feel the tightness in the morning, but that changes as the day progresses.  I know feel soreness and tightness behind the knee when straight, and just above the knee cap when bent. Sometimes on the inside of the knee as well. I'm also getting what feels like a liquid bubble near the right lower edge of the knee cap.  The pain is not what I'd call intense, but it has me a little concerned.

This morning I cleaned stalls and went after grain for the horses. I had planned on going to the range afterward, but changed my mind. The knee seems to be getting worse not better.

I'm getting it checked out in a couple of days

Monday, June 15, 2020

Lost My Riding Partner

So a week later my mare has yet to show any signs of damage from her fall.  My knee is improving also.  We are doing well enough that the Boss and I went for another trail ride last Friday.  It was a good ride. Quite enjoyable.

Unfortunately I've lost my riding partner for quite a while.  She's had 3 trail rides, and after each it's taken her 2 days to recover.  Her spinal surgery recovery was going very well until her knee went bone on bone.  Looks like the bad knee is causing her back pain in the surgical area.

The Boss is stubborn about me not riding alone, so I'm stuck with a very unreliable riding partner.  We were supposed to go riding this morning.  I just arrived at the barn when she texted me that she couldn't make it.  So now rescheduled for tomorrow.  That's very typical.

Last summer, my first summer of retirement, the Boss had 4 surgeries.  So I didn't do any riding or get to the range.  That summer sucked.  So far this one is only slightly better.

Sunday, June 7, 2020


The Boss and I went riding today for about an hour and a half.  It was a beautiful day and a good ride before and after the oops. The dried up mud was everywhere and full of deep rutted hoof holes.  Our horses stumbled once in a while going through that stuff.  Then there was the oops. Not quite sure what really happened, but my mare went down with her right front leg folded under her along with my right lower leg.  My knee got either twisted or bend to the side.  Scared the Boss to see me on the ground with my horse laying on my leg.  My mare got up quickly and started grazing, waiting on me.

Quite a bit of pain when it happened, but reduced a lot when I walked on it, gingerly.  Walked my horse about 150 yards and we both seemed OK.  Found a place where I could stand on a little hill and managed to climb back in the saddle.  Rode the rest of the way back and didn't notice any issue with the horse, though my knee had stiffened and was very sore. 

I'll be checking my horse again tomorrow. She may have a delayed reaction like me.  Right now I'm sitting with a cold pack on my knee to reduce swelling.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Ride Number 2

Went riding yesterday with the Boss and a riding friend.  The second ride of the year.  Other than my mare being in one of her energetic moods it went rather well.

It was hard for the Boss to get on her horse due to lack of strength and reduced flexibility.  I'm going to get her a taller mounting block.  Once in the saddle she did very well.  Riding comes natural for her. She's always been a better rider than me.

My mare has always been a little feisty.  One of the things I like about her.  When she's energetic, she walks very fast which is tiring for me.  Sometimes when walking fast in the woods, she forgets about the rider. That is slightly hazardous.

The Bosses bad knee started hurting quite a bit as did my arthritic hip.  Towards the end of the ride I noticed I was sitting to one side and leaning back in the saddle.  Sitting to one side is a response to hip pain, and leaning back happens due to tired core muscles.  Both just happen without thought.  A little more than 2 hours in the saddle was a bit too much.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Not Yet

Almost 2 weeks later and we have not ridden our horses again.  In what little time without rain we've been trying to get some of the outside work done around the house.  Today the weather was OK but the trails are definitely very slippery with mud.  There's always mud holes to cross but mostly good footing.  Today would've been continuous slipping and sliding.  The horses and riders are not in good enough shape for that.  We might be able to go riding Wednesday.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The First Ride

The Bosses first trail ride after major spine surgery last September went rather well. We rode a bit over an hour. The horses behaved quite well considering that was the first outing of the year. The Bosses horse hadn't been ridden in a year, and for my mare it was almost as long. Three deer crossing the road in front of us spooked them, but not too bad.  In short order we were heading back up the road.

It was a short ride, but plenty long enough for all of us.  The horses and riders were all tired, especially the Boss. I could tell the horses were tired because they didn't walk faster heading back to the barn.  The Boss got her gelding to move faster for a short time, but she allowed him to slow back down.  They were a good 20 yards ahead, and my mare didn't speed up as usual.  When not tired she transitions into her racking gate to catch up.

 It will be a while before the Boss has any kind of stamina.  My arthritic left hip has been talking to me as well.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Spine Condition

So this last week the Boss had what I thought was her last follow up visit with the spine surgeon.  Wrong.  He wants to see her again in 3 months.  The occasional pain is apparently from some wires of the pain block device implanted a few years ago.  Other than weakness from lack of activity, the pain and numbness of last year has been eliminated.  It'll take a while to regain her strength and stamina, especially since she can't continue water exercising with the Y shut down due to the China virus.

I asked if the Doc said it was OK to start riding her horse again.  We greatly enjoy trail riding the woods.  She said that she didn't ask about riding, and that weather permitting, her first ride will be this week.  The guy where we keep the horses volunteered to inject our horses with a drug called ace before we begin the short ride.  This drug calms them down a little such that they will be less excitable.  They're always more jumpy the first ride or two of the season.  Sure don't want a spooked horse to dump her on the ground, or worse.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Horse Training

Went to the barn today to clean stalls, like typical every couple of days.  Decided to do some horse training while there.

When we ride my horse stands still, nice and quiet, while I move the plastic mounting block next to her and climb on.  The trails we ride have rest stations with picnic tables, hitching rails and heavy wooden mounting blocks.  When I lead her next to one of those mounting blocks she'll swing her butt away from it, so that getting back on is difficult.

So today I took our mounting block into the field and lead her next to it repeatedly.  And just like the rest areas she swung her butt away from it.  Other than that she stood there quietly.  I discovered that I could walk in front of her, around to the other side, and with a gentle push she moved next to the block, and stood quietly.  I did this several times, and then about half the time I didn't need to move her over. 

With a few more lessons I think she'll get the idea.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Emotional Therapy

Every 2 or 3 days I go to the barn and clean the 2 stalls.  It might seem strange that a college educated individual does not mind shoveling horse crap, cleaning hooves and brushing the horse.  In fact I mostly enjoy the time around the horses.  I find spending time in the barn with those large animals to be quite relaxing, just me and the horses.  Emotional therapy.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Good Days

So I had 2 good days in a row. 

Friday at the range there were only 2 others there and one was a cop. We had nice conversations as we threw various calibers of lead down range.  In handguns I shot 22lr, 9mm, and 45acp.  I also shot a 9mm carbine and my AR.  My handguns once again showed my lack of recent practice.

Today I went riding for the first time in months and just number 4 this calendar year.  So I went with a riding friend who was on a very green trail horse.  My horse can be a little feisty so I was on her other, dead broke trail horse that had only been ridden once this year. The idea is to have one very calm horse settle the green horse down. It took about 15 minutes, but the new horse and I partnered quite well.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Fun this Friday & Saturday

Going to the range Friday with my new chronograph.  Wounded the last one.  Want to make sure it functions.

The other thing is with a relatively new shooter. Our horse riding friend bought a semi-auto hand gun which she doesn't know how to operate. I always enjoy working with those new to guns.

Then Saturday we'll be trail riding on our horses.  The Boss won't be going. Still recovering from her spine surgery.

Haven't been able to ride or shoot much this year.  This weekend will be refreshing.

Friday, September 13, 2019

How Dumb

My mare has a fairly long forelock. For the non-horse people that's the part of the mane the grows between the ears and the top of the forehead.  On my girl it reaches to her eyes.  She keeps getting her forelock matted with tiny little burs from somewhere in the field.  Twice I've cleaned the little buggers out while she was in a cross tie.  She absolutely hated that.  Today I left her in the stall for the procedure, and she stood quietly the whole time. Afterwards I realized why.

In the cross tie I had to work from straight in front, and so stood rather close.  Horses can't see close and directly in front, and not at all directly behind.  In the stall I was standing to the side where she can see.  How dumb of me.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Rocky Mountain Red

Started doing ground work for the first time with my Rocky Mountain Horse, Red.  She was an experienced trail horse when I bought her so I didn't see any need.  Besides I've never done any of that before.  Due to the Boss having physical issues, and therefore only 3 rides this year, I figured some horse-human time would be a good thing.

A couple of days ago I took her to the round pen and had decent success at getting her to move, stop and change directions with just body language.  When stopped, she would look at me as if to ask, what now? 

Gonna be cleaning stalls again tomorrow.  If not too hot for me, we'll be in the round pen again.  I'd like to develop enough of a connection that she'll be drawn to me when free.  I also want to work her some with a side pull halter with the idea of future riding without a bit in her mouth.

This is my pretty little girl.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Learned a Bit Yesterday

We made some changes to the plan on the fly yesterday.  I never got on a horse, but I learned something.

She saddled her Haflinger, and put a bit-less bridle on the mare.  Then I watched her lunge the horse, something I've never done.  She mounted and rode the horse while I held a long lead rope.  I removed the lead rope and she rode in a small area for about 15 minutes.  Everything went quite well, so I once again attached the lead rope and we went out onto the narrow country road.  I walked along with the loosely held rope while she rode the Haflinger.  Stationary earth moving equipment and mail boxes had no effect.  She dismounted and we both walked about 1/8 mile.  Several cars went by slowly and the horse paid little attention.  She called me a "spotter".  I was there to help if things went to hell.  This was only the second time anybody got on the Haflingers back.  A success.

We then went down the road where my Rocky Mountain mare is kept.  We put a side pull rope halter on her for the first time.  We took her to the round pen and my friend lunged and round penned her, explaining what she was doing and why.  Then I did it a little, but less successfully.  These exercises are supposed to help create a bond between horse and rider, but requires some repetition for the human to get a feel for it. 

I then saddled her and my friend rode her with me holding a long rope, and then without.  My mare has never been ridden without a bit before.  The halter kept riding up near her eye, which bothered her  lot.  I'll try a bit-less system again because this one was a bit large for her head.  I may have to stay with using a bit, but more gentle, because when she gets into her racking gate she holds her head more horizontal, and rein pressure will pull the halter up towards her eyes.

Sunday, August 11, 2019


A horse friend (the Crazy Lady) recently acquired a new horse that has never been ridden.  This afternoon a person will attempt to get on for the first time.  If that goes well I will be on her old mare to accompany Crazy Lady on the inexperienced horse for the first trail ride.The old mare, early 20s age is very calm.  The intent is to have a calm horse to help the new horse stay calm in a new and strange environment.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Bees or Hornets?

Last Friday I went to the barn to clean stalls and hooves.  All 3 horses were in their stall munching hey, including our 2 mountain horses.  This is not a problem since both will move out of my way as I work.  The surprise was when I saw the Bosses horse.  He looked like this.

I called the Vets office and was told no one was immediately available to come.  As requested I e-mailed these pictures. I got an immediate return call recommending giving him 25 bennedril, and a vet will arrive at around 3:30.  At 3:30 the welts were noticeably reduced.  The vet theorized that he was attacked by a swarm of stinging insects, and felt this was not an allergic reaction, since his airway was not restricted.

He didn't act like there was anything really bothering him.  Horses are a lot tougher than we are, for sure.

So he got steroid IV and then 4 days of oral steroids.  The welts, even that huge one on his neck in the first picture, were all gone in 36 hours.

Maybe the Boss's physical ailments are contagious?