Showing posts with label Benevento. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benevento. Show all posts

Thursday, October 30, 2008

SotW: La ianara

Sisterhood of the Witches
Hi guys,

today's witch is well known in the areas where I was born, in the South of Italy...


La ianara
Able to fly and to generate severe storms, to kill pregnancies in women and animals, to shape-shift in animals, and to make kids lose their mind, the ianara, after completing the ritual of covering her body with oils, was used to clebrate the nights with her "witch-friends" and the devils, dancing and feasting on front of Belzebuth, prince of the demons.
As you can see, a pretty mean one in the Sisterhood of the Witches.

Make sure to be back tomorrow for the Halloween finale :)


"Sisterhood of the Witches" © 2008 Francesco Francavilla