Showing posts with label Home Improvement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Improvement. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Like I Said, No Rest for The Weary!

Is it only Tuesday? What is it about Thanksgiving week that is sooo draining? I know! It's the fact that the day after Thanksgiving we are officially IN the Christmas Season. That is definitely it for me anyway. I feel everything needs to be done before Thanksgiving or it will "ruin" the holidays. It's sabotage, I sabotage myself. It's not like anyone cares; but still... it's one of my "quirks", LOL!
Anyway, in keeping with my "pre-holiday" OCD, I HAD to have the studio shelving delivered BEFORE Thanksgiving, (God forbid Santa should come and find all the new fabric on crappy looking shelves, LOL!). So what happens? Yep, they come on a Monday. Don't even get me started on Mondays (someone needs to tell my son that there are worse things than Mondays and he should just cut me some slack already!)...argh!
But after pulling an all nighter, what do I have to show???? I have this, TADA!!!!
And why do I have to go to the gym now? WHY? Because it's on the schedule, that's why! LOL!
Love my new shelves and I think Santa will love them too... hope he doesn't expect a quilt because after all that lifting I just want a nap! HAHAHA.
Hope your little love shack is getting it's holiday makeover too. Nothing says Christmas like a spruced up home. You can do it!!! =)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Windows, Done!

Although the outside of my house is still very much in distress, the inside is beginning to look a lot like home. These pics were taken yesterday during the day in the hopes you would a have better view of the finished project. The shades are down to keep the glare out of the pics. But you can see the new twelve over twelve grid, can't you? Aren't they cute?
No painting or staining on the schedule. Still much cleaning to do in the office and the kitchen where everything landed clearing the way for the office windows. OMG! It's so bad it looks like an episode of Hoarders, and NO, there shall be no picture sharing of the "Work in Progress" zones, LOL!
We are now ready for another semester of Homeschooling. The Homeschool Zone is now Open for Business!
Electricians coming in tomorrow to work on the bathroom and the studio... another great big mess. UGH. Home Improvement is not for the faint of heart! More pics as I clear the mess!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Mayhem, Total Mayhem!

I want to blog, I really do. I also want to quilt, to sit and watch TV and I would love to go for a drive on this wonderful sunny day, but look at what's really going on in the Pumpkin Patch... It's mayhem, total mayhem. Day two of the New Windows Saga, now in progress... Day one brought water, mess and drama. Day two is off to a better start...if all goes well, I might have four new windows today and four more to go, LOL!

Friday, May 14, 2010

My House Has a Red Roof!

Look what I saw this afternoon when I went to check the progress on our roofing job
I'm so excited... lots to go but at least it's not a sea of Tyvek! LOL!
It's the little things that make me happy! =)
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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Moving On!

When I tell people that I am still dealing with the Flood issues I feel as if it no one really understands how this crap that happend way back in APRIL, could possibly be dragging on into September! Well , it just's like a recurring nightmare! But today this happened: Yes, the Pod that was housing what little could be salvaged from the flood was hauled away. I am sooo grateful not to have that reminder staring at me every time I look out the window. It looks small in the picture but trust me, that thing was huge. The truck is humungus so the Pod looks tiny but that was no tiny container! I am so ready to put this behind me. Just some insurance forms to fill and then I am moving on. I am so ready! =)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Post Taumatic Stress Disorder, I have it!

I know I have it, I checked it on Google (as any legitimate hypochondriac would!). Here, read it for yourself. I got this information from (that sounded legtimate enough for me, LOL!)
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a pattern of behavior that develops after a traumatic event. Traumatic events capable of causing post- traumatic stress disorder include kidnapping, natural disasters (hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, etc). This is the reason that when I went to fill an order and picked up a pattern that was WET, I froze, looked up and felt a chill run down my spine. I ran upstairs, got the phone and called SIX plumbers until I found one that would come "NOW", "Today", "IMMEDIATELY". Not in two hours, not "as soon as we can get someone out there"... no, I would say "I need them now!" "Thank you for your time, I will continue looking". It took twenty minutes of phone time but I found someone who was in my home in twenty minutes and in less than an hour the leak was fixed.
After I scheduled the plumber I got my handy dandy camera and went to document the "disaster". LOOK!
You see that little drop? That is a flood waiting to happen... that is what threw me into total panic mode. It made my skin crawl, my hands go cold and my heart race. That my friends was a pipe no more than ten feet away from THIS:
And that is only a partial view...there is a mirror image on the other side...
I think I dodged the bullet this time; but I know I have PTSD. Wouldn't you? LOL!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Don't You Go Laughing At Me!

I know you want to laugh... even I was laughing on my way in to post this. It's just too funny. I can't make this stuff up. Yes, that is ANOTHER big bad branch that has fallen . No kidding. Does this poor tree want to go into retirement or what?!
Gino was sitting outside and there was a cracking...we waited and a small branch fell. He gave me the "I told you so" look, complete with the tilting of the head and the smirk... I pretended I didn't notice. So this morning I was headed outside to check on the pool filter and when I opened the door I could not believe my eyes...can you believe this crap? I swear, I can't make this stuff up! I called the tree guys and left an urgent message. If Gino sees this, oh my poor tree...

Monday, June 29, 2009

That Tree is going to be the Death of ME!

Remember how the tree branch fell on the pool guy a few weeks ago? I had to shell out $100 just to clear it out of the yard and have the pool cleaned? HA! Look what I found yesterday morning. UGH! I think I have a little black rain cloud hovering over the Ash Tree! Gino took one look at it and said, "I think it wants to go". I want to shake it and see if anything else will fall before I call the Tree guys again and fork over the $$$. That tree is going to be the death of me! ARGH!